How to heal your gut by addressing these….and by these, I mean a multitude of different things.
Way back when, I thought gut healing meant, “Stop eating the junk and you’ll be healed.”
My goal is to help you see that by healing your gut, you’ll heal your life.
Oftentimes, healing your life (by way of addressing all the things I’m addressing today) can also heal your gut.
It’s a two-way street.
Nutrition (aka stop eating the junk) is only a small portion of the equation.
How to Heal Your Gut By Addressing These
This post was sparked by a graphic I shared on Instagram from The Organic Dietitian.
I asked, “Which of these topics do you want to know more about?”
I think every single one was mentioned.
So I decided to not only share the main list, but to then list each one out and give detailed information.
Let’s start at the top and go around clockwise.
14 Things to Address for Healing Your Gut
Click HERE to save this post for later.

While I think I have mentioned all 14 on A Gutsy Girl, I haven’t written in detail about them all.
The goal of this post is to give you brief information with all the links for further information in one place.
Therefore, if I’ve written about the topic in detail, simply click the link to be taken to that piece of information.
If I have not yet written about it in detail, know that it’s coming.
Once it’s here, I’ll be sure to link the full post back on this original one as well.

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According to the National Institute of Health,
The relationship between gut microbiota and the liver is still not well understood; however, dysfunction of the gut mucosal barrier (“leaky gut”) and increased bacterial translocation into the liver via the gut–liver axis probably play crucial roles in liver disease development and progression.
As the liver’s main job is to filter and detoxify, addressing it for overall gut healing works.
Do you feel like the words “toxin” and “toxic” are thrown around freely without true understanding of what they are?
Yeah, me too. Merriam-Webster says that a toxin is,
a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues, and typically capable of inducing antibody formation
But what exactly does it all mean as it relates to the gut?
Emotional Issues
In 2018, I finally began to understand how addressing emotional issues will help heal the gut.
And I have written about it + produced podcast episode regarding the topic.
- Emotions Worksheet
- How to Deal with Overwhelming Emotions (in order to heal your gut) [Episode 58 with Kimberly Lucas]
- Emotional Healing
- Emotional and Mental Deep Dive for Gut Healing
- The Emotional Side of Illness
- The Gut-Brain Connection
- How I Healed SIBO Long Term
- Self-Care During Massive Grief
- Gut and Psychology Syndrome
This is a topic for which I am highly passionate about!
Leaky Gut
Leaky gut, intestinal permeability, dysfunction of the gut mucosal barrier – call it whatever you want, but it’s real.
I know because I had it and have studied it in a way many have not.
In fact, I wrote an entire book on it with a meal plan included –The Leaky Gut Meal Plan: 4 Weeks to Detox and Improve Digestive Health.
- L-Glutamine Dosage for Leaky Gut
- Does Coffee Cause Leaky Gut {+ 9 other factors slowing your healing, Episode 71, Bites #18}
- 3 Ways to Know Your Leaky Gut is Healing
- Probiotics for Leaky Gut
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- 31 Specific Things to Heal a Leaky Gut
- Leaky Gut: The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back
- Leaky Gut Causes
- How to Heal Leaky Gut Fast
- Leaky Gut in Children

You can’t always live with food fear and expect your gut to heal.
It doesn’t work that way. And yet, food and nutrition are important if you want to heal your gut.
- Gut Healing is Not a Diet….or Maybe It Is
- Quick Gut Detox
- Food Sensitivity Test for Weight Loss
- How Long Until I Lose Weight
- Weight Loss Through Optimal Gut Health
- Reasonable SIBO
- Bone Broth Benefits
Well, literally, since I studied over 100 different dietary theories at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, if you simply put in any specific diet or nutrition search term into the search bar, you’ll likely find it!
Don’t see something? Let me know in the comments below.
Immune System
70-90% (depending on your source) of the immune system lies within the gut.
So yes, a strong immune system is directly correlated with overall gut health.
- ImmunoLin as the Star Ingredient in Tummy Soothe, My Obsession Explained (Episode 105 with Brian Kaufman)
- Best Immune Boosting Herbs (and the Gut-Immune Connection)
- Interesting Facts About the Immune System [Plus 13 Science Backed Ways to Boost Your Immune System]
- The Importance of Your Gut
- IgE vs IgG
- What is Low Dose Naltrexone
- 9 Signs Your Gut is Unhealthy
- Ultimate IgG Immune and Digestive Support
- Immune Boosting Gut Health Support
Digestive Enzymes
By now you should know just how much I believe in and use digestive enzymes.
So much so, that we added a high-quality digestive enzyme to my supplement line.
- Best Digestive Enzymes for Bloating
- Betaine HCl (vs. Digestive Enzymes)
- What are Digestive Enzymes
- Enzyme vs Probiotic

Use code ‘AGUTSYGIRL’ at checkout to save 15% on this digestive enzyme.
Stomach Acid
This has been one of my hottest topics on A Gutsy Girl.
Chances are, if you have a specific question around it, I’ve written about it already.
- 11 Ways to Naturally Improve Stomach Acid Production
- How to Test At Home for Low Stomach Acid HCL Challenge
- 33 Ways to Tell if You Have Low Stomach Acid
- All About Acid Reflux
- Stomach and pH Levels
- What Caused Your SIBO
- All Things Gut Podcast Episode
- What is Achlorhydria
- All About HCL
Mineral Status
What are the minerals to watch out for while healing the gut?
Vagus Nerve
This past year I got really into information about the Vagus Nerve.
It’s fascinating!
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
- Breathe Deep
- Ozempic Side Effects Hair Loss, GI Motility
- Ayurveda for Balance
- Increasing Bowel Motility (10+ Things to Try Today!)
A low-functioning thyroid contributing to my gut mess. Whether you’re hypo- or hyper- (or even “just” a milder version of either), getting it under control is critical in overall gut health.
- I Have SIBO
- 22 Adaptogens for Hormones
- My Health Journey – A Puzzle with Missing Pieces
- Gut Inflammation and Weight Gain
- The 4 Stages of Adrenal Fatigue
So much talk of the microbiome these days. It’s not just the gut microbiome, either!
- Microbiome Diet Food List (Episode 84 with AndytheRD)
- Viome Gut Microbiome Test Reviews [2024]
- What is the Gut Microbiome
- 3 Simple Things You Can Do for Your Microbiome Today
- The Secret to a Healthy Gut Microbiome
- How to Achieve Optimal Microbiome Diversity
Gut Infections
- Bloat Free Meal Plan
- Best Candida Cleanse Supplements
- Intestinal Parasites in Children
- SIBO, SIFO, and Candida Overgrowth
Last, and certainly not least, stress. I think this one can go hand-in-hand with emotional issues as well.
- Why Stress May be Your Worst Enemy [Episode 39, Short #1]
- Can Stress Cause Diarrhea (Episode 28 with Isabel Smith)
- Stressful {Episode 18 with Dr. Marcus Cirelli}
- The Importance of Shifting from Stress to Happiness
- DHEA Adrenal Fatigue
- 23 Stress Symptoms
- Two Main IBS and IBD Triggers
- 8 Stress Management Tactics
- 28 Ways to Reduce Stress
- Is Stress Causing My Digestive Distress
Now that you’ve reviewed them all, are there any you think should be added?
If so, what?
Interested in learning more about any and all of these….for free?
Good, then join THE FIRST THREE HERE.
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