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The Ultimate Gut Healing Online Shopping Guide is about far more than the current circumstances. 

Our community has always and will always need this resource.

I know the memes are going around, but it’s true — a lot of people are learning how you live on an every single day basis.

Ultimate Gut Healing Online Shopping Guide

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Ultimate Gut Healing Online Shopping Guide A Gutsy Girl

This guide is based on my 3 gut-healing pillars: diagnosis, diet, and lifestyle.

Those three are critical for healing your gut.

They do not work alone in a silo, and it’s hard to ever fully heal without honing in on all.



1] Direct Labs

Click HERE to order your online SIBO test.

To learn more, read the Buyer’s Guide to Online SIBO Tests.

Or, place your order over the phone.

Here are the steps if you choose that route:

  1. Call 800-908-0000 and use code R-AGG.
  2. They will process your order and an online account will automatically be created for you.
  3. Then, you will receive an email letting you know the Lab requisition had been uploaded to your online account.
  4. Finally, you will then log in, print it out, and take it to nearest Quest Diagnostics. There is a Lab Locator Tab to find the nearest location. 

2] Everlywell

There are food sensitivity tests and more with Everlywell.

To learn all about what they offer, click HERE. (You can use code: AGUTSYGIRL at checkout to save 20% off anything from Everlywell.)

3] Viome

Interested in learning more about your microbiome?

Viome has it all, and I learned a ton about my own gut microbiome through this test.

You can see my personal Viome gut microbiome testing results HERE.

Get your own Viome testing kit HERE. (By using code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout HERE, you will save a huge amount.)

4] FoodMarble

Wanting to understand more about hydrogen, methane and/or hydrogen-sulfide breath levels?

Then you must try the FoodMarble device.

You can learn all about this device HERE.

Use code ‘GUTSYG’ at checkout to save 15%.

foodmarble aire p 42 Reasonable SIBO

Remember, Dr. Google is not an appropriate diagnosis.

But yes, yes Dr. Google can absolutely help.

If that’s where you want to start today, then choose the Beginner’s Guide to Digestive Health Testing HERE.


First, what food is “healing?” I have no idea.

Because of that, the healing foods for you are different than anyone else. 

The good news is that you can identify what your “right diet mix” looks like. 

Through an appropriate diagnosis, testing, and/or gut healing journaling practice, you will know what is and is not working for you.

The point of the Ultimate Gut Healing Online Shopping Guide is to show you where to get said foods.

It is not to tell you which foods are or are not healing. 


  1. Thrive Market

    Groceries delivered right to your house. You can shop by diet or brand. It’s essential like Costco online. Sign up HERE.
  2. FODY

    For some of your low-FODMAP needs.
  3. Kettle & Fire

    The best packaged bone broth. They also have many other soups and broths. Enter code ‘AGUTSYGIRL’ at checkout HERE to save 20%.
  4. LMNT

    I’m constantly raving about this on my Instagram stories. For many in the gut healing community you need hydration AND electrolytes. This is your answer and it’s 100% online. Get your FREE samples of LMNT HERE.


This is the main piece, in my opinion, for healing the gut.

Unfortunately, it’s the piece most will ignore or simply can never fully integrate into their gut-healing protocol. 

Because of it, everlasting healing does not and cannot happen.

The first (and most important thing) I recommend is my 90-day gut healing journal.

That’s right. Of all the products I offer, I cannot stress enough the value in this journal.

Yes, it’s part of the lifestyle because it’s a journal, but it encompasses all three pillars: diagnosis, diet, and lifestyle. 

You’ll see.

Stress Less

  1. The Headspace Meditation App
  2. Calm, the meditation and sleep app.
  3. Fidgeting toys for anxiety.
  4. Diffuser and essential oils. Breathe in calm every single chance you get. I have a ton of the NOW Foods diffusers and organic essential oils, along with DoTerra. Love them all. You can get started with my top 7 essential oils for gut health.


All the minimalist approach to gut healing supplements items can be found online, too.

A Gutsy Girl’s supplement line

Yes, this is my TOP recommendation, and if you want to learn all about the line, you’ll find it HERE.

A Gutsy Girl's supplement line

The supplement line made just for you for YOUR gut healing and/or gut health journey.

Try it today and use code: AGUTSYGIRL at checkout to save 15%.

Just Thrive

I LOVE the Just Thrive probiotic; have used it for years.

There is also the Gluten Away, a prebiotic, and K2-7 supplement.

Enter code ‘AGUTSYGIRL‘ at checkout to save 15%. They offer auto-shipping which comes with free shipping, bundles, and more.

The A Gutsy Girl custom page can be found HERE.


Top supplement brands at a discount.

Sign up for my Fullscript HERE.

Once you’re signed up, I’ll increase your savings to 20% off. After your first purchase, I’ll increase that to 25% off!

Perfect Supplements

When it comes to high-quality supplements, you name it, Perfect Supplements online has it.

Just look at all the categories.

And furthermore, you can use code ‘GUTSY10’ at checkout to save an automatic 10%.

Grab what you need HERE.

Home Cleaning Supplies, Personal Care, Skincare, and Makeup

Almost everything I buy for cleaning supplies, personal care, skincare, and makeup can be purchased online. 

I’m telling you, my friend, if you didn’t want to/couldn’t leave your house, you’d never have to with this list 🙂

1] Wellnesse

Shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste!

I have and use them all (but yes, yes I do still use my beloved EarthPaste, too!)

You can buy once for $16 or subscribe and save $2 per bottle.

There is free shipping over $40 and free returns if you hate it (you won’t!)

You’ll find it all HERE.

To learn more, check out shampoo ingredients.

2] Tampons

I order my tampons directly through Thrive Market (above).

So yes, yes they are always shipped to me.

All 4 of THESE can be found and ordered directly online.

3] Grove Collaborative

This is another Thrive Market concept that I love.

Here’s what they say, “At Grove, we take the guesswork out of which products are good for you and your home. Every product meets strict standards for being nontoxic, effective, sustainable, and cruelty-free. Once you find products you love, we ship to your home on a flexible, monthly schedule.”

Check out everything available with Grove.

Learn More, Misc.

1] Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Maybe as part of your healing journey you want to dive in and learn more?

You can do it, even when you’re sick, from the comfort of your own bed through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

I graduated from there in 2012, during thick of my healing and mess.

I also furthered my education with them via the Gut Health Course. And then completed the Chopra Ayurvedic Course.

I can’t recommend it all enough.

Using code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout will save you 25% off any of their courses.

2] SIBO learning

First, Reasonable SIBO.

Then, if you want to learn all about SIBO, I recommend checking out Dr. Nirala’s comprehensive course, Beat SIBO/IBS for Good HERE.

To get a glimpse into Dr. Nirala, check out the post she wrote on A Gutsy Girl, What Caused Your SIBO?

3] Therapist

Having a therapist can be critical for unpacking all the “junk.”

And while I think there is so much benefit to having one in person, I also know that you can be successful with an online one as well.

Natalie is not a therapist, but if you want help digging deeper into yourself and uncovering things which may be keeping you stuck, she’s your person.

I have had two sessions with her.

She’s in Arizona; I’m in Minnesota. 100% online.

Check Natalie out HERE.

4] Starting Your Journey

If you’re just getting started on your journey and want to dig in deeper with various e-books, a book, and/or courses I’ve created, click HERE to see how I can help you get started today.

Can You Fully Heal Your Gut Online?

When it comes to fully healing, do I think you can 100% do it online?

No. And the reason is that you will need, especially with more complex cases, a doctor, nutritionist, other medical professional, medications, procedures, etc, etc during the journey. 

But in today’s world, even those typically require an in-person visit or two and then everything else is done online, through some sort of portal.

I haven’t seen a doctor – in person – for anything gut-health related since 2018.

And I still take medications and supplements. 

This is because I dialed in and fully understand the balance and unity of the three pillars. 

Doing 95% of everything today online is easy. 

Know that, no matter what, even without leaving your home, you can make huge strides.

If you liked this post, you might also enjoy:

  1. 21 Gut Healing Lifestyle Components
  2. A Gutsy Girl’s Master Resource links
  3. Master Gut Healing Resources

Full disclosure: There are many affiliate links contained in this post. What this means is that when you purchase from them using my links, I make a small amount at no cost to you. This allows me to keep A Gutsy Girl thriving for you on a daily basis. And I appreciate the chance to keep providing for you.


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