I put together a list of 28 ways to reduce stress, and I want to share them with you.
I love teaching women about food and helping them navigate a new lifestyle with how they feed their bodies.
More important than that is my love for teaching you ways to achieve a better life using techniques and methods that have nothing to do with food.
I worked with someone this month and one of her last questions was,
What practices have you found help you with stress management?

Stress can cause digestive distress, and it can also keep us from healing.
Exposure to stress results in alterations of the brain-gut interactions (“brain-gut axis”) ultimately leading to the development of a broad array of gastrointestinal disorders including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other functional gastrointestinal diseases, food antigen-related adverse responses, peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
The major effects of stress on gut physiology include: 1) alterations in gastrointestinal motility; 2) increase in visceral perception; 3) changes in gastrointestinal secretion; 4) increase in intestinal permeability; 5) negative effects on regenerative capacity of gastrointestinal mucosa and mucosal blood flow; and 6) negative effects on intestinal microbiota. (source)
Gut-Brain Axis
The brain-gut axis is very real.
I began studying it long ago when I followed the GAPS Diet early in my healing days.
Even still, I never believed it fully mostly because I didn’t want to believe it could be true.
Time-and-time again I learn that when I don’t manage my stress levels, my stomach is off.
There are forms of stress you might not even realize act as stress on your body.
They include:
Physical: Overwork, excess exercise, chemicals, junk food, accidents, surgery
Environmental: Pollution, noise, temperature extremes, electromagnetic fields, toxins
Biological: Illness, allergies, pain, chronic disease, hormone changes, aging, malnutrition
Sociological: Marriage, moving, work, daily hassles, caring for an ill loved one, loss, financial worries, birth, death
Psychological: Anger, fear, anxiety, frustration, negative thoughts, depression, sadness, grief
(Taken from The Whole-Food Guide to Overcoming Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Laura J. Knoff, NC)

Even if you don’t have IBS or IBD, you know this feeling.
Have you ever gotten butterflies in your stomach or an upset stomach because you were about to go on stage to speak?
Both of these are a part of the brain-gut axis, and they are responses to stress.
Like my client, everyone could benefit from ways to reduce stress, and all healthy lifestyles should include stress reduction techniques.
I mean, we are heading into the holiday season after all, right?!
Note: Wondering how to identify stress? Grab 23 stress symptoms HERE.
28 Ways to Reduce Stress
Click HERE to save these 28 ways to reduce stress for later.

1] Breathe
When I went to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I learned from Dr. Weil one very powerful breathing technique.
It is his 4-7-8 technique and goes like this:
- Exhale completely through your mouth.
- Close your mouth and inhale through your nose for four counts.
- Hold your breath for seven counts.
- Exhale completely through your mouth for eight counts.
- Repeat the cycle four times.

Want to fully address stress? Consider the Chopra Ayurveda Course.
Use code ‘AGUTSYGIRL‘ at checkout to save 25% off this course (or any of them!) from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
2] Shut it off
When the work day is done, shut it off.
Do your best to both physically and mentally shut work off.
3] Play music
For some, that’s a “Coffeehouse station,” and for others it’s hip-hop.
I’m currently digging a “Spiritual Awakening” playlist on Spotify.
We all find calm with different beats.
4] Sing
I do this daily.
And if you don’t want to sing, then even consider humming as a way to stimulate the vagus nerve.
5] Sit in silence, as often as possible
Noise is clutter, and the more you can just sit in peace and quiet, the less stress you’ll feel.
6] Read, write or relax before bed – do something for you
Notice I didn’t say, “Scroll Instagram for hours.”
7] Do not overthink food
When you’re hungry, eat.
When you’re not, don’t.
Nothing off limits (unless medically necessary).
8] Workout because you enjoy it and because it enhances your life, not because you “have to”
….because you don’t “have to;” you get to!
Set aside a little time each day or each week to move (but remember, if you have an autoimmune condition, watch out for excess workouts, as they will continue to wreak havoc on your stress levels).
9] Go for walks
Get outside.
Connect with nature.
10] Allow yourself to get lost in little moments
If something feels safe and comfortable, no matter how small it might seem – relish in it!
11] When planning for larger events….
….make a timeline of tasks and to-do items and break them up in smaller, more manageable chunks.
12] Write down all the things you are grateful for, daily
I have written multiple times about gratitude, and how much it can do for our lives.
Start HERE.
13] Help others so you’re not focusing 100% on yourself
Remember, helping is healing.
14] Color or draw
….or write.
Any time I feel stressed and overwhelmed, I write. When my children do, we color or draw.
15] Write a snail mail letter to someone
Get out a cute note card, and write a letter to someone. Put a stamp on it, and drop it in the mailbox.
Watch how your mood can instantly change.
16] Cut back or completely eliminate coffee
These days, I’m drinking a lot of mushroom coffee.
I’m a HUGE fan of MUD/WTR.
17] Drink caffeine-free tea
HERE are some I like.
18] Diffuse
…diffuse calming scents or slow-cook your favorite meal so the house smells inviting, calming and helps you relax.
19] Find something funny, and laugh
Laughter is the antidote to stress.
20] Connect with your spirituality
Pray. Read The Bible.
21] Sleep
Shut it off completely, and rest your body, mind and soul.
22] Indulge in a massage
If you can, get a massage. It’s a complete relaxation for the body.
23] Take a bubble bath
…..or a nice, long steam shower!
24] Use lavender essential oils
Bonus: THESE are also great for the gut.
25] Visualize all the positive things in your life
Need help?
26] Find the now and be present
….. for what’s right in front of you, not behind and not ahead of you.
27] Call a friend, family member or mentor…..
…..who always helps put things into perspective.
28] Do NOT Google it
Whatever you’re stressed about, refrain from the Google.
It will only make things worse.

Stress is inevitable.
No one is fully able to escape it.
The key is not to figure out how to be stress-free 100% of the time, but to reduce your stress levels while learning the techniques for coping with stress as it comes.
If you want some help on your journey, grab my 90-day gut healing journal.
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🤰 bloating be gone! weight loss through optimal gut health for women
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🫶🏻 founder gutbyome.com
You had me needing to look for my favorite Maya Angelou quote.
It basically says everyone deserves a day where they stop and leave and avoid all stress and worry about nothing. My best stress reduction tip is to just press pause for 24 hours.
I love that! And it’s so true….many of my points allude to that. + I need to press pause for 24+ hours:)
So needed to read this today. Having a super stressful week. Thanks for all the great tips 🙂
Glad you enjoyed it, and hope you are able to implement some today:)
I love the google part, so so true friend!