Looking for a fresh start and the ability to leave the past year in the past? Helping you with that today via action-oriented New Year journal prompts.
The countdown to the New Year has officially begun, and for today’s bite-sized episode, I want to give you some actionable New Year journaling prompts.
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- Download link for the PDF with all 37 prompts from the episode
- A Gutsy Girl’s Bible: a 21-day approach to healing the gut
- Healing Blooms from Within (the 90-day gut healing journey journal)
- Gut Healing: ELEVATED
Don’t Miss These Thoughts
- End of year / beginning of New Year journaling prompts
- Actionable items – 37 prompts to share today!
New Year Journal Prompts {getting clear on your healing journey}
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Journaling for all things gut healing literally changed my life.
I have so many journaling things to share with you in the upcoming year, but for today I’m getting prompts in your hands so you are fully equipped for the new year.
Now, in the coming year, you are likely to set new goals.
I am fully on board with goals – both small and large; new things are exciting – but for today I want to solely focus on prompts for personal growth with your health, gut health in particular.
It is the most important thing to me and obviously why I show up here week after week.
If you’re ready for my journal writing prompts and you have that pen and paper ready, then here they are.
6 Journaling Prompts from A Gutsy Girl’s Bible: a 21-day approach to healing the gut
The first 6 come directly from my book, A Gutsy Girl’s Bible: a 21-day approach to healing the gut.
They are perfect for this time of year, but honestly? Any time you choose to engage with these is a good time.
- These are my personal thoughts on food and lifestyle vs. drugs and medications________.
- Here are XX ideas for how I can implement more sleep into the new year_____.
- The 21-day plan is a temporary elimination diet. How many times have I engaged with an elimination of sorts only to have it extend to 1, 2, 3+ months with no results? (Think about this, read it again, and then journal.)
- ____is a piece of the healing puzzle I have not yet focused on with full effort.
- Journal your thoughts on this — Think about something, anything, in your life that you have resisting due to one fear or another. How has this been holding you back?
- How can I slow down today and embrace this journey even more?
If you want to really dig into the book, consider the 21-Day Quick Gut Detox that goes with it, which is complete with 9 pre-recorded zoom calls, weekly discussion threads, over 50 brand new, downloadable PDF’s to accompany the book, and bonus content galore.
Moving on…..here are some journaling prompts I extracted from Healing Blooms from Within, which is the A Gutsy Girl 90-day gut healing journey journal.
These are not prompts you will find in the journal, but they coincide with the content inside its pages.
8 Journaling Prompts from Healing Blooms from Within: a 90-day gut healing journey journal
- Today, on New Year’s Day, this is my one-liner of daily gratitude_______.
- If I did habit tracking with a Daily Habits tracker, these are _____ new habits I’d like to form for my gut healing journey.
- Today my bowel movements were a Bristol Stool Scale number_______.
- My fitness log is showing that I’m doing (too much / too little) activity.
- I’d like to learn how to journal for gut healing because______.
- My top XX favorite healing quotes are_____.
- During the next 90 days I want to focus on_______.
- What materials, medications, supplements, etc. do I need for the next 90 days?________
You can get a copy of this journal, the physical, spiral bound one shipped directly to your doorsteps HERE or download the PDF version for instant use now.
Moving on.
6 Journaling Prompts from Gut Healing: ELEVATED
The next 6 journaling prompts to enhance this time of year come from my main e-course, Gut Healing: ELEVATED.
- What is holding me back from healing my gut?
- How overdue is my gut healing?
- What is a mantra to help guide the healing journey for my own life this upcoming year?
- This year I want to look more into (western/traditional OR alternative/functional medicine) because/so that______.
- These are XX foods I KNOW I can confidently eat_______ .
- When it comes to my gut healing journey, these are the 3 things I know for sure______.
The premise of the course is simple: navigating where you are today to healed is hard, frustrating, and oftentimes cumbersome.
It took me over a decade to fully heal, so now I’m taking you through my step-by-step process and guide to understanding your own gut and taking action in 30 days or less.
Finally, I have compiled a ton more miscellaneous journal prompts to inspire your best future self on this gut healing journey.
Here they are…..
17 Miscellaneous Journaling Prompts for More Mindful Journaling
- Last year, I_______ and this next year I will______.
- The next step on my gut healing journey is______.
- Here are XX ways my mental health has been affected due to my gut_____.
- There is a cost for everything. The extra cost for me not healing my gut in 2025 looks like______.
- One bad habit I will drop this year is______.
- The number one big goal for my health in 2025 is______.
- These are 2 healthy habits I can start today in moving towards ultimate healing______.
- My main goal for the 2025 healing journey is to understand more about_______.
- One new food I’d like to try for healing is_____.
- I will know I’m on the right track for healing my gut if/when_______.
- Here are a list of things I’m going to focus on to make this my best year yet______.
- Play is part of healing, and I know this. Here are XYZ fun activities I’d like to try this upcoming year_____.
- The perfect way to end 2025 is______.
- January’s top XYZ actionable steps for healing for good include______.
- ____ would be a great accountability partner for me this year.
- By summer, this is the ideal life I’d like to be living_______.
- My word of the year for 2025 is______.

Was that enough?
I sure hope so because I feel like these New Year journaling prompts are going to have you really thinking today while also getting you super excited for the present moment and goal setting activities!
Honestly, any sort of journaling practice will help.
There are a million different ways to journal for healing, just as there are a million different ways to begin a meditation practice.
And you can take these prompts and apply them however you wish to all areas of your life.
More from A Gutsy Girl
- Welcome to A Gutsy Girl Podcast
- Hang out on Instagram
- BFF’s on YouTube
- Resource: The Master Gutsy Spreadsheet
- Rated-G Email Club
Wrap Up
Time to wrap this up. As always, a huge goal for this show is to connect with even more people. Feel free to send an email to our team at podcast@agutsygirl.com. We want to hear questions, comments, show ideas, etc.
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