The will to heal your gut is critical for the journey.

Today is Day 8: The Will.

There are countless ways that you pave the way for various things and events you will to come alive in your life. Healing your gut is no different. If you have the will, you will find the way. I made excuses for years upon years because I didn’t have the will. But then enough was enough. And if you’ve purchased this e-book, enough has been enough for you as well.  You have the will. Now you just need to find your way.

(excerpt from The Gutsy Girl’s Bible: an approach to healing the gut)

Just one week ago….

The Will to Heal Your Gut Bloated Colitis gut healing #guthealth #bloated #sibo

The Will to Heal Your Gut

The Will to Heal Your Gut #inspiration #guthealth #gut

Click HERE to save the will to heal your gut for later.

Today I am thankful for the will to get up at 5 am to work on client projects.

And I am thankful for the will to power through my 564 rep leg circuit (450 legs, 114 abs).

Today I am thankful for the will to have a positive attitude – always.

And I am thankful for the will to choose the foods that fit me vs. complaining about all those I can’t have.

Today I am thankful for the will to make changes vs. make excuses.

And I am thankful for the will and passion that God filled me with.

Today I am thankful for the will to make it happen, no matter what it is at any time or at any given moment.

And I am thankful for the will that leads me to ZERO bloat.

The Will Today I am thankful for the will that lead me to ZERO bloat.

I realized something huge, huge, huge today -> bigger than any bloat I’ve ever had:

When the LOVE piece to your eat. play. love has truly blossomed, life will never be the same.

Something New

You won’t eat like you did before, you won’t play like you did before.

Somehow, in a magically beautiful way, your life blossoms into something you are so passionate about that the “digestive” issues kind of just float away (I mean, obviously taking into consideration that you are doing all the things right with what you are putting into your body of course).

I can’t tell you at this very moment all that has been happening and transpiring, but I can tell you this, I’ve made a huge turn and my lamp is glistening.

When I was this bloated a week ago, I told you I’d blog my own 21 days through exactly what I do, how I de-bloat and give you a glimpse into  The Gutsy Girl’s Bible: an approach to healing the gut.

But you are strong – remember? You don’t need me to do this for you. Everything you need is in the book.

I heal so quickly now that for me, I need to move on and not dwell on my (prior) bloat.

Life is happening fast, and I am working at a rapid pace on new things.

That’s what this show is all about: YOU.

You are A Gutsy Girl in your own life.

Remember it forever.

Get inspired today with the full, 286-page e-book, The Gutsy Girl’s Bible: an approach to healing the gut.



Catch Up

Intro: I’m Bloated and (not the good kind of) Bubbly
Day 1: Nothing changes if nothing changes
2: The Greatest of Victories
Day 3: Results are earned, not guaranteed
4: Be Strong
Day 5: Health
6: “S” is for Support
Day 7: Rear View Mirrors

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  1. I’ve been behind on both blogging and catching up on my fave blogs lately – but I didn’t realize just how behind I was –> the belly pic!!!!! I had no idea, huuuuge congratulations!!! I can’t wait to catch up on older posts now!!

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