While some writers get to share with you beautiful pieces from Pottery Barn or tips and tricks for hitting that next fitness goal, I’m over here all excited about an Intestinal Movement Formula.
Welcome to the Gutsy girl’s real life!
It was just prior to June (2018) when I was living in SIBO gut h#$%.
It would be several days yet until the Rifaximin and Neomycin arrived, and I was tired of feeling the huge, painful bloat day-after-day.
At the time, I was still working with my functional doctor in California because he knew my complete history, was able to quickly do the SIBO breath test, and had access to give me the Rifaximin prescription in Australia.
Massive Bloating
We were getting ready to head to my brother and sister-in-laws in Kansas City for a long weekend when I frantically messaged my doctor this exact message (on May 23, 2018),
I’m still off-the-charts miserable. The pharmacy in Australia has STILL not shipped my Rifaximin, and I don’t know what to do while I wait because I am so huge and bloated. I made an appointment with a doctor in Minnesota, but I can’t get in until next Friday and at this point I am considering the ER because I feel like I have no option. My only question to Dr. Schweig that he might be able to help me with is, “Is there some sort of laxative I can take to find relief?” Thanks for any help you can give.
I was so desperate by that point that I was even willing to do a laxative (which I have never done since the GI doctor in 2008 told me to drink a bottle of Cal-Mag-Citrate and I got sick – gross).
Within a day, Dr. Schweig had responded with this,
Sorry to hear. Do you want to try an elemental diet? Fairly yucky, but might help. I will include a handout for one you can make at home. I also ordered a commercial form to try if you prefer. You can try miralax for the short term if you want. You can also use Intestinal Movement Formula. Let me know if we need to set up a call.
I took that information, and then made the best decision for me (ladies – remember that’s what you always have the power to do!)
So here is exactly what I did next:
- I had to completely skinny down my diet back to the tried, trusted, and true. It’s a combination of low-FODMAPS and GAPS (mostly intro GAPS), and it’s not easy or desirable at all, but I know my body 1,000%. How I do it is basically all laid out in A Gutsy Girl’s Bible.
- Ordered the Intestinal Movement Formula.
- Never looked back. The end.
Intestinal Movement Formula
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I knew I did not want MiraLAX, so I decided to explore the Intestinal Movement Formula. (You might want MiraLAX and if you do, no judgements from me. It wasn’t for me, especially when the Intestinal Movement Formula was just as convenient).
So what exactly is the Intestinal Movement Formula?
Its full name: HealthForce SuperFoods Intestinal Movement Formula.
The product features include:
- Gently supports bowel regularity*
- Non-cramping and non-habit-forming*
- Supports detoxification of the intestinal tract*
- Helps normalize intestinal ecology*
- Supports immune, kidney, and liver function*
- Supports healthy inflammation response in the gut*
Intestinal Movement Formula Ingredients
Proprietary Herbal Blend
- Rhubarb Root ∞
- Peppermint Leaf װ
- Whole Leaf Aloe Ferox (Cape Aloe) ∞
- Nopal Cactus (Whole Leaf) ∞
- Ginger Root װ
- Chanca Piedra Whole Herb Extract ∞
- Thyme Leaf װ
- Oregano Leaf װ
- Protease ∞
- Alpha-Galactosidase ∞
- Amylase ∞
- Cellulase ∞
- Lipase ∞
- Bromelain ∞
- Papain ∞
Other IngredientS:
- VeganCaps™ ∞ (fermented tapioca)
- – no flow agents
◊ Organic
∞ TruGanic™
How to Use Intestinal Movement Formula

The bottle states:
Start with one or two VeganCaps™ per day and increase by approximately two per day until you reach your desired results (up to 10 VeganCaps™ per day), or as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. Consume with conscious positive intent.
The company gives the following notice on their website:
Intestinal Movement Formula™ is designed for short-term use for occasional constipation and should not be used as a laxative for more than 30 consecutive days.
This product is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding or for children less than 10 years of age. Be sure to include a healthy, plant-rich, high fiber diet, exercise, hydration, and relaxation techniques, so you are not reliant on herbal laxatives.
This product is intended to assist in the process of restoring healthy bowel function and to assist in the detoxification process during periods of cleansing.
This product contains the strong laxative herbs Rheum palmatum (rhubarb root) and Aloe ferox (cape aloe).
Do not take if you have hypersensitivity to or are allergic to these laxative herbs or are a person with a history of renal stones, chronic intestinal inflammation, or chronic constipation.
Allergic reactions can occur with any natural product in sensitive persons. Allergic reactions and long-term use may cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, loose stools, electrolyte imbalances, and abdominal cramping.
This is a natural product containing botanicals in their whole herb form, not standardized extracts, and the active ingredients may have some natural variance.
As such, due to batch to batch variability, some batches may be inherently stronger than others.
How I Use and My Experience with Intestinal Movement Formula
I had the bottle shipped from Amazon to Kansas City immediately (since I knew we’d be there). I didn’t want to wait until we returned from our little trip.
Once it arrived, I took just one.
And that was all I needed.
It worked like a charm with zero side effects.
And then, because I was sticking to the diet to a “T,” I didn’t need it anymore, and I stayed well and good until the antibiotics arrived and I could go through the month of h@#$ on them.
In no way, shape or form did it become habit-forming and even to this day, every couple weeks I might take one, just to make sure things are completely moving through me.
(I’m doing everything I can to ensure the SIBO does not return now that I have felt 100% since the beginning of July.)
While I love Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move Tea (similar concept without the use of traditional laxatives), I’m not 100% sold on the Senna leaf because I do think our bowels can become dependent upon it.
I also personally found a little more cramping with Senna.
But again, that might just be my body and Senna is natural, so I can recommend it.
For me, for now, the Intestinal Movement Formula is where it’s at.
I have ordered it on Amazon and through Thrive Market. (Both places seem to frequently run out, so when it’s in stock, I’ll typically get 1-2 bottles when I need to have a handy stash.)
Isn’t this life so glamorous?!
I’m totally going to become a writer in a much sexier genre in my next life.
Mark my word Y’all.
But for today I’m confident that being of service to YOU on your own gut health and gut healing journey is exactly where I’m supposed to hang out.
Questions? Let me know!
If you liked this post, you might also enjoy:
- Constipation vs Bloating
- Can Constipation Cause Back Pain {+ 5 other things you didn’t know constipation can cause}
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🤰 bloating be gone! weight loss through optimal gut health for women
💃ʜᴇᴀʟ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢᴜᴛ. ʜᴇᴀʟ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟɪfe.
🫶🏻 founder gutbyome.com
1. Do you use this now instead of Antrantril?
My SIBO is gone, in process of healing my gut, assuming I have leaky gut.
I eat whole foods, yet I’m still unable to digest sulfur type veggies such as onions, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic – FODMAPS.
2. Are you able to tolerate FODMAPS now? I use digestive enzymes, but not regularly. Thinking I lack enzymes to handle these or its a methylation issue, I’m researching that now since I learned I have MTHFR gene.
Hi Julie – I still recommend Atrantil, but no, I do not currently use it. I haven’t used it since I wrote about it in the 28-day Rifaximin Journal post. That said, the Intestinal Movement Formula is NOT a replacement for Antrantil. They are not intended to do the same things. Atrantil should be taken daily, consistently. This is only **as needed.** It IS a laxative, just not the traditional. And 2. YES, I eat all the FODMAPs now (heck, I’m eating all the foods in general!) Xox
Hi Sarah. Did you take a probiotic with the Xifaxin? Are you taking one now?
Hi Patty – no, I did not take a probiotic then. And yes, currently I am taking the Primal one from the ‘Recommended Supplements’ page. Xox
I have taken these for years. Is there anyway these can harm my organs? I really convinced myself they were safe and now I’m worried because they are “off the market”. Any advise would be great
You should ask your doctor about that. My doctor is the one who recommended them.
Thanks!! Do you take them everyday as a part of your supplement regime?
No way! I maybe average 1-2 every week or every other week. Less is more 🙂
My dr. Wants to prescribe me linzess and I refuse. She then recommended miralax daily. Would these work to help me relieve constipation and keep things moving through and regular?
If I were you, I’d try this first before the others. Ask your doctor, and then proceed. Keep me posted!
Hi Sarah-I have SIBO and H Pylori and would love to try this product. Were you saying you took one pill period or did you mean you took one pill a day for awhile? I was a tad confused on that. It was recommended to me along with their product called SCRAM. Have you heard of that? Thank you. So frustrated right now. Love your helpful posts.
Hi, I just did one per day – and only when necessary. I have not heard of SCRAM.