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I no longer want to be part of this junk food nation. Here’s why.

This past weekend I met

  • A little girl who knew what every single ingredient in my nut butters was and what it meant for her. She said my product was one she would “not forget” because it was something she could actually eat (her mother told me they still don’t know 100% what’s wrong with her, but they know she doesn’t digest simple carbs very well).
  • A Mother who said she has made the decision to take all additives and preservatives out of their house. She mentioned that she would “gladly spend $2-3 more per product” to not have it contain additives and preservatives.
  • An athletic guy who said he wants a quality peanut butter to eat on and/or with things around his workouts. He made note that the Honey Vanilla Bourbon Peanut Butter was, “hella bomb,” (you do know I live in the Bay Area, yes?!) bought a jar, thanked me and got on with his day. Junk Food Nation A Loving Spoon Honey Vanilla Bourbon Peanut Butter baby favors
  • A pregnant woman who wants a clean almond butter with more of a flavored aspect. She wants a better option than what currently exists, and an option which contains no sugar.
  • A woman who wants coconut oil in her nut butters because “it’s therapeutic and provides multiple benefits.”

I spent this entire past weekend at the Tracy Bean Festival.

a loving spoon nut butters at the Tracy Bean Festival Via

And even though I met some amazing people with great thoughts, feedback, and their own stories, I realized the sad truth that, on the whole, Americans would rather buy cheaply made fried foods, sugar-laden slush-filled drinks, mile-long hot dogs with pounds of ketchup and colorful candy nuggets than to spend their hard-earned dollars on food that tells them, “you’re worth it.”

Two boys, about the same age (around 10), tried my nut butter.

One said, “Mmmm….that’s pretty good.”

The other, well, his facial expressions told it all.

A 10-year old boy is not who my product was intended/created for, but after they walked away, the guys from our local gym said, “I can guarantee that the one who thought it was pretty good doesn’t get fed junk food all day. The other likely does.”

Whether or not that was the case, it reminded me of “Salt Sugar Fat” by Michael Moss.

I ended my exhausting weekend even more passionate about my despise for the food industry.

We have made some progress, but it’s very clear that we are so far from where we should be.

Junk Food Nation

Even though I have loved things like my gluten-free campfire s’more, I have made the decision to not feature any recipes like this on my blog moving forward. The nasty chocolate morsels and preservative and additive-filled marshmallows only give the food giants more power, recognition , nd money.

If we don’t stand for something, we fall for anything.

Fat, sick & miserable via
Photo Credit: marchorowitz via Compfight cc

I’m tired of sending the message that a “healthy lifestyle” always includes “rewarding” with food that only makes us fat, sick and miserable. (See: We’re Not Dogs. We’ve Earned Better.)

It’s not that I will never, ever eat these things again. Of course, I will. But to give it time, space and energy in my recipes and on my blog?

No longer am I okay with that.

Being “gutsy” is not now, nor has it ever been, about the status quo.

I am thankful that a loving spoon reminded me of that this past weekend.


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  1. I had my first sample of “A Loving Spoon”! Definitely a different taste, but I liked it. It tasted fresh and REAL…you rock and keep up the awesome work and DREAMING BIG! XOXO

    1. Hey Holly! Thanks! Please know that this post was not really to focus on my nut butters…they were simply the vehicle to explain my point:) But yes, yes you should give ’em a try!

  2. Good for you for standing your ground. I read Salt Sugar Fat recently and it was extremely eye-opening. I tend to stay away from processed foods because of their lack of health benefit, but knowing how these businesses run, I stay even further away.

  3. I love this! What a great mission for your website! I agree that it seems we “treat” ourselves way too often with things that are only going to make us worse off! Keep fighting that popular belief.

    1. Honestly, I’ll fight for this until the day I die. I know first hand how food can make us ill or have us thriving. I’m tired of the “norm” that is:) Thanks, Danielle.

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