This is my Beautycounter story. 

And if you want the real and raw truth, it’s one that I didn’t think I’d ever share because I never thought I’d find myself aligned with a company so focused on skincare and beauty.

My Beautycounter Story #beautycounter #betterbeauty #saferskincare #makeup 

The Decision That Could Change Your Life

Hi, I’m Sarah Kay Hoffman. I rarely wear makeup (hello plain Jane!), and while I have always understood the gut, and gut-brain connection, it’s taken 34 years to really, truly understand the gut-brain-skin connection.

I have arrived.

My Beautycounter Story Amiya, Isaiah, Samarah

My Beautycounter Story

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My Beautycounter Story #beautycounter #mompreneur #saferskincare #healthyliving #makeup

I tried Beautycounter for the first time in March of 2015. My friend Heather introduced me, and I bought the All Day Face Cream (it’s not called that anymore). I absolutely fell in love with it, and a few months later followed up with her saying I needed more.

Life happened, I forgot to order more, and I went on my way.

Many things happened, from a life and health standpoint between then and now. As it relates to Beautycounter, though, two things in particular:

  1. I noticed that anytime I started using the less-than-great body and skincare products, my Perioral Dermatitis flared.
  2. I witnessed first hand how changing my diet helped heal my gut, but simultaneously wondered why “other” issues could still exist.

Liz Wolfe

And then I “met” Liz, and by “met,” of course I mean virtually through her blog and podcast. I bought Purely Primal Skincare, and I started educating myself on skincare products. 

In late August, I messaged her on Instagram, and she replied with her email. I sent her a long, “all about me” email (per her request). She replied, (making note, “Also…as you can see, I can be VERY long-winded, too” – she gets me), and the rest is sort of history. 

Jumping the Safer Beauty Gun

This is my Beautycounter story, and like I said in the beginning, I never thought I’d be here sharing. The last thing I wanted to do was jump the gun, order products, and proclaim all the things Beautycounter.

Trust me.

I felt over it. You know what I’m talking about – “these companies” where it seems like everyone and their mother’s brother are out there and part of one.

So I asked Liz alllllll the hard questions, skeptical to the nth degree.

In fact, I straight up asked her,

I hate the whole MLM thing, and this is obviously one of them, but for some reason, I believe that this one is different and shouldn’t carry the same negative stigma.

There are no thousands of dollars in “start-up fees.” You don’t have any sales requirements or quotas. And you don’t HAVE to recruit a team to make money. For this reason, Beautycounter considers itself a “direct sales” company, having eliminated the retail conduit as well as the hallmark MLM requirements.

In fact, the focus is on empowering individual businesswomen and prioritizing advocacy work. 

Beautycounter advocates both federally and locally for more health protective laws so that all people – not just Beautycounter customers – have access to safer products.

I warmed up to the idea, but still thought I should learn even more and try as many products as possible. 

And I did both – learning and trying.

Beautycounter Products I Have Tried

A Gutsy Girl’s Favorites Issue 16 #guthealth #healthyliving #favoriteproducts #skincare Beautycounter Counterstart

The products I tried immediately:

  1. Nourishing Day Cream 
  2. Countermatch
  3. Cleansing Balm
  4. Rejuvenating Facial Cleanser
  5. Dew Skin Moisturizing Coverage #2
  6. Beautycounter+ Brightening set (spray, mask, oil)
  7. Beautycounter+ Balancing set (spray, mask, oil)
  8. Rejuvenating Radiance Serum
  9. Rejuvenating Day Cream
  10. Nourishing Cream Cleanser
  11. Hibiscus Cream Blush
  12. And more….

Total bonus for all of you who suffer from Perioral Dermatitis, too – there is no SLS, SLES or ALS in any of Beautycounter’s products. (These are the “bad” sulfates that rate 3 on EWG.)

Results? Love, love, love.

Look, at the end of the day, if you don’t fall in love with the product, it’s hard to do the advocacy work. (Let me break this down for you in mama-Laymen-terms -> it would have been hard for me to advocate for the foster care system if we didn’t fall madly, truly, deeply in love with the children brought to us from that system.)

Beautycounter Articles I Read and Videos I Watched

And here are all the links I read and watched and learned about as they relate to the company (seriously – treadmill running reading at its finest!):

  1. Meet the Natural Beauty Company That’s Making Advocacy a Selling Point
  2. Selling Shampoo, Eye Cream and a Chemical Crackdown
  3. Meet the woman rethinking the beauty industry
  4. Here’s what they did in DC!
  5. The Ugly Truth About the Beauty Industry

Why I Ultimately Decided to Join the Beautycounter Team

My Beautycounter Story Dew Skin 2

I was going to use the product and start advocating for safer skincare anyways, sharing products I use and why (just like I do with all the gut stuff). 

Want the truth? I don’t need one more avenue for income. 

This, like the foster care system and keeping GMOs out of our food supply, is just a passion. 

After Tracy’s passing, I received an email from a woman who lives in a town with less than 10,000 people. She stated,

I think the biggest struggle is finding organic and non-GMO in the area and for an affordable price. Most people don’t feel it’s worth the expense at 2-3 times the price.

Food and skincare hold many parallels. But for me, the accessibility to have these harmful chemical skincare products in our lives – no matter where you live, is staggering.

That said, unlike the lack of Organic and non-GMO foods in many rural areas, with a company like Beautycounter, everyone has access to it, as long as you have access to a computer and online ordering.

You can’t Beautycounter at Target.

How to Learn More about Beautycounter

Here, right here!

You’ll now see a tab under Wellness called, “Safer Beauty.” This is where I’ll tag all the posts where I write about both safer skin and body care issues for us women and our children alike. 

And of course, if you do want to see why I’m so excited and passionate about the amazing products, you can “Shop” via “Beautycounter.”

You can shop my favorite products through any links I’ve provided, or go straight to my Beautycounter store HERE.

If you’d like specific product recommendations, reach out and I’ll help immediately. One place you can start is with my post, “Which Skincare Regimen to Choose” HERE.

This is about standing for something, making a difference, and supporting people, products, and companies that are doing business and “health” right. 

p.s. Interested in joining the mission and company? Click HERE to learn more about the decision that could change your life.

If you need even more, check out THESE 6 reasons to join team ‘A Gutsy Girl’ and/or dip your feet into Safer Beauty first by joining my 12 Days of Safer Beauty journey for FREE (click HERE).

Becoming a Beautycounter Consultant FAQ Safer Skincare


My Beautycounter Story #betterbeauty #beautycounter #skincare #makeup #healthyliving My Beautycounter Story How I fell in love with safer skincare

My Beautycounter Story #beautycounter #mompreneur #saferskincare #healthyliving #makeup
My Beautycounter Story

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  1. I just ordered from beautycounter and was wondering if u have an opinion on the counter control skin care package?

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