If you have not yet thought about your Holiday Food Planning yet, never fear, because today I’m going to give you my holiday food planning how to. 

The Holidays are right around the corner! Even if you are not having a big feast at your house, surely you will bake cookies for someone or bring an appetizer and/or dessert to the festivities!

Because I understand the stress that can oftentimes come along with the Holidays, I put together some of my basic holiday food planning how to tips.

Holiday Food Planning How To

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Holiday Food Planning agutsygirl.com 6 tips and tricks for gut health holiday #guthealth #holidayfood #holidays #holidayplanning

Don’t stress about spending more than you need on food this holiday season. All you have to do is be a little smart and strategic about it.

Try these simple tricks:

  • Cut coupons out of any/all circulars that come around.
  • Amazon, Amazon, Amazon! I literally use carton after carton after carton of Aroy-D Coconut Milk each holiday season (who are we kidding, year round!) and this is the best place to get it. Start there, then keep on shopping for the best in grocery, gourmet foods, organic….whatever floats your holiday food boat.
  • Pay attention to the Sunday paper ads – they are always overflowing with deals (even look in places such as Walgreens or CVS where you can get a “steal” on various food items).
  • Use the online to translate for your offline. For example, take advantage of loading your customized “food” deals at your favorite stores. Most have an app now for it. Load the items that make sense for you online, and then go purchase them offline!
  • Coupon codes. Go online and type in “food items” AND “online code.” You never know what you’ll find. I did it with “free range chicken AND online code” and got this.
  • Bulk up. No, not with highly processed items, but with wholesome foods. If you think you might use a ton of pumpkin for a recipe, then when it goes on sale, stock up! Canned pumpkin will last forever. (Learn more tips like this via How to Stock a Healthy Pantry.)

Holiday Food Planning agutsygirl.com 6 tips and tricks for gut health holiday #guthealth #holidayfood #holidays #holidayplanning tips

Make extras and freeze.

Since you are going to save so much on all that healthy, nutritious and delicious holiday food, why not make a double or triple batch and freeze it (if possible)?

You’ll thank yourself later! (Ahem….Puppy Chow!)

Gluten Free Puppy Chow sarahkayhoffman.com Holiday Christmas Recipe

Apps Shmaps.

It’s hard to be healthy, creative and frugal when you decide to bring an appetizer.

That is unless you live near a salad bar! Confused? Don’t be! Head to your nearest salad bar and pick out the items that could fit together to be an appetizer.

For instance, pick out some olives, cheese and little turkey, ham or tofu bits.

Grab some crackers down the next aisle and wa-la, you have yourself one mighty fine appetizer plate!

Also, I once heard that people’s favorite appetizer is straight up bacon. Can you blame anyone for this?!

Breakfast is for “Holiday Food” Champions.

This one is very important for your Holiday Food Planning.

The day of your festivities, make sure you eat a hearty, healthy breakfast. Don’t go starving yourself all day so you can “eat whatever you want” later.  You likely will consume more than had you led a normal day prior to the festivities. And if you have IBS and/or IBD, your gut will also not be very thrilled with you.

Beverages are in the Air.

It’s only natural that around the holidays we tend to consume more beverages. From the Eggnog to the wine and the mixed drinks to the creamers in our coffee. Enjoy your beverages, but be smart about it. Limit yourself. Drink out of tall, skinny glasses vs. short, stocky ones. Try water or light cranberry juice as a replacement for coke and cream.

Holiday Food Planning How To sarahkayhoffman.com Beverages


When all else fails, just KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid).

Don’t over analyze things. If you need help, ask for it. If you don’t like certain ingredients, change them (there is a substitution for almost everything – have you seen my cookie anatomy post?!). Make lists to help keep you on track when you are out grocery shopping (and then stash the list for next year as a reminder of what you got, what you made and how much it cost from which store).

Beyond those? (Because yes there could be a million more) Just enjoy yourself while you are preparing and planning for your holiday food. No need to get stressed about it.

Relax! After all, it’s just food.

If you liked this post, you might also enjoy:

    1. Prime Pantry for a Gut Healthy Holiday
    2. Gluten-Free Holiday Baking Essentials
    3. Start Here


Holiday Food Planning How To www.sarahkayhoffman.com #holiday #mealplanning #glutenfree #holidayparty #healthyliving

Holiday Food Planning How To sarahkayhoffman.com

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