This is the A Gutsy Girl podcast episode number 1: A Gutsy Girl full story, stepping out of fear, and reminding you that when you heal your gut, you heal your life.

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A Gutsy Girl full story {I’m stepping out of fear!}

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A Gutsy Girl podcast episode 1 #agutsygirl #healthpodcast #wellnesspodcast

Today I will be sharing my full story, not because I’m desiring to focus on myself, but because one of my biggest goals and desires for this podcast is to give every single person listening HOPE.

And not just hope, but ASPIRATION.

Not inspiration, aspiration; achieving vs merely feeling.

Before we dive in, I want to tell you about an initial decision I made for this podcast.


I won’t promise it’s always going to be like this, but your time is precious to me and I want to keep this show as clutter-free as possible. All I ask for in return is:

  • the push of a play button
  • shares with your family, friends, and co-workers
  • and a simple review if you feel called to do so

Ready for the A Gutsy Girl podcast?

Alright, so I’ve been one a lot of podcasts over the last couple years, but this feels like a whole new ballgame.

I’ve had a massive fear over starting my own.

But stepping into this fear means that I’ll get to spread my message around “heal your gut – heal your life.”

And stepping into this fear means that I am embracing new and different ways of sharing my story, experiences, research – all of it.

Resources Mentioned

More From A Gutsy Girl

Don’t Miss These Thoughts

Turns out just because you fix one thing, doesn’t mean the underlying issues go away.

The root cause is like peeling back layers of an onion. But in order for symptoms and problems to disappear, you must peel the layers back, fix said layers, then heal whatever you uncover. 

You can get up and physically move your entire life, but your life won’t change unless you change.

Running away is always the easy route. Sitting with thoughts, feelings, emotions, and whatever life has thrown your way is far harder. But when we choose to sit there, healing can happen.

A Gutsy Girl podcast health and wellness #guthealth #guthealing #SIBO

Wrap Up

Beginning of 2021. Here we are.

I still have a LOT of work to do on the inner and outer-self. I don’t believe the gut health and general healing journey ever ends.

And I’m okay with that because it means I get to continue sharing, speaking, researching, and writing on all things gut health and gut healing.

It’s going to be my passion for life. 

Time to wrap this up. A huge goal for this show is to connect with even more people. Feel free to send an email to our team at for any questions, comments, show ideas, etc.

I’m super glad you’re here and grateful that I just kicked fear out the door.

See you next time!

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A Gutsy Girl podcast health and wellness #guthealth #guthealing #SIBO wellness journey

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  1. Greetings Gutsy staff.
    I am a 68-year-old woman who has been plagued by stomach issues for most of my life.
    Something about me:
    I was a food addict and have written a book called How to quit whatever you want to quit, 10 steps to overcoming lifelong addictions.
    I am an accomplished Seaweed artist.
    I am a clinical, medical and alchemical hypnotherapist and teacher. Since 1998.
    I have been a (spiritual) coach for decades.
    And I am married., to a thankfully recovering addict.
    And ours is a blended family with not one, but two girls-and the younger one told me I deserved a medal! They were 8 and 9 1/2 when I met their father.
    All that said…I had this awesome idea that after I get healed with your program, that I might be included as a resource for people to work through their emotional issues, which we all know are connected to with stomach problems. And we also know that if you have an eating disorder, no amount of information will help you. You need to First deal with the emotional causes. I experienced this firsthand myself.
    So….I was wondering if all this might just put me in a somewhat different category than beginning with, and it’s a great idea for most! a vision board. Again, it’s a great idea. and I would like to start a little further along.
    I would Really like to speak to someone about my situation and ideas if that is possible. Thank you so very much.
    I do look forward to the possibility of doing your program and hopefully finding a way that my skills could compliment all the great useful tools in your healing toolbox!
    Corinna Kaufman

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