Feeling the need for more on your health and healing journey? Consider going back to school with these 8 reasons to attend the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

The next class is always just around the corner.

If you’ve ever had a desire for learning more and helping not only yourself but others achieve their goals too, this might be just the program to enroll in.

p.s. You can use my code ‘AGUTSYGIRL‘ to save 20% off any course enrollment. PLUS, once you enroll, I’ll send you instant access into my Quick Gut Detox program – free of charge. (Simply just email me – sarahkay at agutsygirl.com so I can add you!)

8 Reasons to Attend the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

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8 Reasons to Attend the Institute for Integrative Nutrition agutsygirl.com

1. Passion for health

You have a passion for health and are constantly desiring more knowledge.

Instead of merely reading blogs and endless Google resources, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition will give you an incredible amount of factual knowledge.

In fact, you’ll not just be equipped with health knowledge, but also business knowledge and a community filled with people who possess unique knowledge to pass along.

What can health coaches do? agutsygirl.com

2. Access to your own, personal health coach

During your time at the school, you will be given your own, personal health coach.

Mine was incredible! Her name was Linda, and we remain friends to this day.

She was invaluable; helping from both a coaching, class, and business standpoint. 

Get real-time feedback, inspiration, and support in a small group setting, as well as gain insights from your group leader, a successful graduate and Health Coach.

3. Study with your wellness favorites

Here are some of the teachers you’ll study under during your time at the school:

  • Joan Borysenko, PhD
  • Frank Lipman, MD
  • Deepak Chopra, MD
  • Geneen Roth
  • Nikita Chopra
  • David Wolfe
  • Neal Barnard, MD
  • Mehmet Oz, MD
  • Gabby Bernstein

4. Create your own business

Within a matter of a year, you could be doing something you love vs. heading to a job daily that you loathe.

Sure, you can do traditional health coaching (1-on-1, in person) or you can take the knowledge and do something else.

For example, this entire  website and brand, A Gutsy Girl erupted upon completion of IIN.

I mean, I started the website prior to, but elevated it afterwards.

Additionally, IIN states,

Our graduates are total rockstars who go on to do some pretty incredible things. From one-on-one coaching, corporate wellness to online programs, healthy food products, skincare lines, and books, IIN grads are everywhere.

Health Coaches needed agutsygirl.com

5. Ability to take the International Health Coach Certification exam

IIN is licensed by the New York State Department of Education.

Some of IIN’s partnerships include: International Health Coach University, Goddard College, Excelsior College, SUNY Purchase, and Maryland University of Integrative Health.

Most recently, the school has been added to the list of places that are eligible to take the International Health Coach Certification exam to add even more to your credentials.

The Health Coach Training Program is recognized by the below organizations, colleges, and universities:

  • National College Credit Recognition Service (NCCRS)
  • Maryland University for Integrative Health (MUIH)
  • California Institute for Integrative Studies (CIIS)
  • Excelsior University
  • Goddard College
  • UK Level 4 Recognition

6. It’s a three-pronged curriculum

What this means is that you’re not only getting nutrition education.

Instead, you’ll receive:

  • Nutrition – a deep dive into the critical dietary theories in use today, plus a library of 100+ dietary theories to explore.
  • Coaching – Comprehensive courses to develop listening, questioning, observation, communication skills, and more.
  • Business – Rigorous training in marketing, finance, and other business areas to ensure your health coaching skills add to your financial success. In case you want to peek more into the curriculum, you can HERE.

7. You don’t want to spend more than $10K

Look up most health coaching and/or nutrition programs.

You’ll easily spend more than $10K. IIN is not even close to that!

Additionally, you are able to start your business while still in school.

Many people pay off their tuition before school has even finished. (I did!)

8. Question current beliefs

Do you currently think holistic is just a bunch of mumbo jumbo? Or maybe you think that the only way to heal your gut is through a Vegan diet? How about the idea that there are only a few different diets people follow?

All of that will have you re-thinking what you currently believe and how you go about life from a health standpoint moving forward.

And it’s not just me who went to the school and found success.

Here are some other IIN grads you might have heard of:

  1. Gabby Bernstein
  2. Elizabeth Stein
  3. Robyn Youkilis
  4. Danielle Duboise
  5. Arielle Haspe
  6. Sahara Rose
8 reasons to attend the Institute for Integrative Nutrition agutsygirl.com

In case you want to learn even more about attending the school, check out these resources:

  1. Institute for Integrative Nutrition FAQ
  2. How to Start an Online Health Coaching Business
  3. Become a Health Coach
  4. From Reactive to Proactive Health
  5. Health Coaching Rising

Have more questions? Leave them below or contact me at sarahkay at agutsygirl.com.

If you liked this post, you might also enjoy:

  1. What is a Certified Health Coach?
  2. 7 Ways to Make Money as an Online Health Coach
  3. My 3 Pillars to Ultimate Gut Healing


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