Let’s kick this series off right with my beloved bone broth. Today is 3 Ways to Never Get Sick Series Part I Bone Broth the Beautiful.
I never get sick. Ever.
Except for just before the baby, when I came down with a dull cold, I never get sick. Ever.
I pride myself on never getting sick, so when I got the dull cold, I was sure it would last a good week or two.
My mom always used to say, “I don’t mind the flu. At least that’s gone in a day or two. But colds? They drag on for a week or more.”
My mother is usually right.
Except for this situation – with this dull cold.
My dull cold lasted for about 1.5 days.
It was phenomenal!
I know why I never get sick, and I also know why when I do get sick (because let’s face it, dirty germs are everywhere – we don’t live in a bubble) I bounce back quicker than most.
‘Tis the season for sickness looming all around. We spend more time in doors and more time with people (due to the holidays), and thus are more prone to catching a dirty bug.
I’m letting you in on my top secrets this week for 3 ways to never get sick.
Part I is today.
Let’s dive in….
3 Ways to Never Get Sick Series Part I Bone Broth the Beautiful
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I know what you’re thinking right now, “Seriously, how many times is she going to talk about Bone Broth?”
The answer is “A million. Maybe a million and one.”
It’s that important.
Y’all think I’m crazy and obsessed with the magic potion, but that’s exactly what it is -> a magic potion.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I have been drinking Bone Broth (anywhere from 1-3 cups per day) since 2009.
Bone Broth is my prevention and also my intervention for ensuring that I never get sick, bouncing back quickly if I do get sick and helping to continuously heal my gut.
According to a South American Proverb,
Good broth will resurrect the dead.

I’m a believer. I’ve witnessed it time-and-time again.
So why is bone broth so good for us?
Top 2 Reasons Bone Broth Rocks
- Packed and stacked with nutrients. Homemade broth is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other trace minerals.
- Digestion, digestion. Bone broth is great for the digestive system. It helps break down food and furthermore, it helps in repairing the gut. Since much of our immune system lies in the gut, ensuring that the gut is happy and vibrant will help make sure sickness stays away.
By the way, the bone broth benefits do not end with those two.
You can read the full post with many more bone broth benefits HERE.
Our mothers were right: when we get sick, eating Chicken Noodle Soup can help us feel better.
They were also wrong: not all Chicken Noodle Soup is created equal.
This is the catch here.
You must make your own Bone Broth.
Commercially packaged broths and soups almost always contain (or do not contain) things that in all reality are not helping you (unless of course you choose the best packaged bone broth!).
Their sole purpose is in soothing you via the warm liquid.
Soothing and healing are not the same thing.
Bone broth is not only healing and helpful in keeping sickness at bay, but it’s also super inexpensive and easy to make.
Bone broth is that important to me.
Part II of the series coming tomorrow.
Now, go make your bone broth and keep yourself healthy and vibrant.
p.s. Click HERE to learn how to get your baby to drink bone broth, too.
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🫶🏻 founder gutbyome.com
My nutritionist just told me about bone broth! I am obsessed! It actually makes the best soup too!
Yes! I doit all…
My plan is to make my very own broth. I need to learn. Not only for meal preparations, but for my health 🙂
I love this! I have yet to make bone broth… after the holidays I plan to. Now I just need to learn how! 😉 I know it will help my tummy.