Today I’m sharing with you how to accomplish your goals, namely your eat, play, love goals.

There are certain fixed costs we must spend our hard-earned dollars on yearly: taxes, membership fees, vehicle tune-ups, OBGYN visits and more.

January gives many of us another fixed cost: the yearly calendar/planner.

Some may cringe at this.

love, love, love, love (okay, this is getting excessive) it.

One of my biggest weaknesses in life is also my greatest strength: I plan out everything. Everything.

It’s a weakness because it’s a little OCD; I admit it.

It’s a strength, though, because most everything I have today has not happened by chance. Everything I have today I have worked extremely hard for, planned for, diligently kept record of and (most importantly) have ultimately been able to put a big fat cross through off my lists.

Here are all of the things I have diligently been doing for the past several years, aka my version of how to accomplish your eat-play-love goals.

How to Accomplish Your Goals

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How to Accomplish Your Goals

Coffee, Hot Water with Lemon and Herbal Teas

You’ll need something good and strong at times; calm and soothing at others.

(This is just a fun bonus to get us going. I needed to show y’all my Owl mug I got for Christmas. Make note of the words on the inside. Someone must know me very, very well. Side note: Owls are another new obsession.)

Owl Mug

Personal Schedule and Calendar

This is my full schedule and calendar; everything I have going on, including scheduled workouts, appointments, phone calls and other to-dos. I recently started the “Top Priorities” list, where I list just THREE things that must get done every single day. I then have a huge list of other things to start tackling once those are done.

This is also the place I keep birthdays, anniversary, trips, longer-term plans and special areas for when ideas come to me.

Personal Planner

A Gutsy Girl Schedule and Calendar

Here is where people might think I’m nuts.

Why would I have a separate schedule and calendar for A Gutsy Girl?

As my business has grown, it has become its own “piece” to my working week. My client list continues to expand, and I like to have a separate and special place for my clients. This also allows me to ensure that I only take on the amount of clients that I can handle at any given moment. My clients and the Gutsy Girl brand mean the world to me!

This is a much simpler schedule and calendar, but nonetheless, it is different than my master one.

A Gutsy Girl Planner

Fitness Journal

I have never ever made progress in the gym without having a plan upon stepping foot in the gym door each day.

My goals for the past 6 months-ish have revolved around getting better and stronger each and every single day. If we don’t plan, this is simply very hard to do.

I meticulously track sets, weights, resting intervals and reps. I note each day how I felt going into the workout and how I felt post-workout. If you ever see my full fitness journal you’ll likely notice in many of the “notes” next to each exercise my one letter, “F.” That’s the lazy and oftentimes shaking girl’s way of saying, “Dang. That was so exhausting!” <- you see, I am clever 🙂

How to Accomplish Your Goals. Fitness Journal

Bible Study

All of these things I am able to do have been given so graciously to me by God. It is through Him that my life has been made just as it should be; for better, for worse but always just right.

I use this jumbo journal on Sundays while listening to our Pastor (he’s by far the BEST we have ever gone to).

I take notes, and write down questions and thoughts. Sometimes after church, I follow up on all of those questions and thoughts. Otherwise, I return to the art of writing in it during the small group session I attend on Tuesday nights.

This year, I have also committed myself to completing The New Testament. I know, I know, that’s practically nothing for a whole year, but it’s something – it’s a start on digging into the Bible. My journal will come in handy, and I will watch myself progress and grow with the Lord.

And as I do, I always find myself wanting to give even more.

How to Accomplish Your Goals.

Life Unprocessed

I have committed myself to a Life Unprocessed this year so I bought myself a jumbo journal to record the year.

The Life Unprocessed Journal is to record: eat. play. love. {How I spend my days eating, playing and loving.} My updated definitions of all these are coming soon, too.

There will be creativity with this one (ahem…..Michaels Stores are you ready for us to be BFF’s? I may or may not be stopping in daily weekly).

Life Unprocessed 1 Life Unprocessed 2

I need to decorate the front. Any ideas?!

Life Unprocessed

Here’s the beautiful thing about life….

Our goals and dreams begin as nothing but a blank canvas.

Life Unprocessed 3

We get to decide how the pages will fill up, which calendars/schedules/journals we will utilize and which direction we want to steer the ship.

But remember, filling the pages up will mean nothing without action.

Make your own Life Unprocessed: eat. play. love goals.

Take action.

And then come back to the drawing board to reflect, remember and witness true gutsy growth!

p.s. Updated in 2017: I mostly just Bullet Journal now. Ever tried it?!

Question: How do you plan, calendar and/or journal? Are you more electronic than me? I’m clearly super old-fashioned (with pen and paper) when it comes to this!


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  1. I am such a planner! I have a wall calendar for birthdays, appts., etc. I have a white board in the kitchen for meal planning and I just created a binder for my blog.

  2. Such a valuable post. Thanks for sharing. I do a lot of writing in my journal which includes my “daily 5”. I write 5 small goals that I will achieve that day. It just makes you feel good checking them off. And just think…accomplishing 5 small goals a day over 365 days…well you do the math!! 🙂

  3. Ideas come to me at any time, so I always carry some sort of notebook with me. I tried the electronic route, but I didn’t like it. Goals and ideas and thought mean so much more to me when I put those things on paper.

    I have a 2013 planner, which has lots of room to write things in, as well as appointments and my work schedule. Sadly, I have journals all over the place, is there a way to consolidate? Any ideas? Bueller?

  4. I liked this pin on Pinterest ages ago and I finally got around to reading it and let me tell you, Sarah…this blessed my heart. You are are super similar actually. I’ve been doing crazed and detailed to-do lists ever since I was a young teenager…it’s now a habit and obsession, haha.

    I love that you included your Bible Study journal…I’m still trying to decided if I want a journal reserved just for that…or use my ordinary journal…in any case, you have encouraged me to get more of my time with the Lord!

    Hugs! xoxo

    Also, are you going to a blogging conference this year? I’d so love to meet you!

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