12 months of whole healing; the structure and information for you.
I’ve been waiting to share this with you for a long time now, though prior to now the timing wasn’t right.
The timing wasn’t right because I had to stew over how to make this the best it could be.
Only the best for you, darling.
12 Months of Health Goals

Here’s the lowdown and inspiration for 12 months of whole healing.
I decided that this upcoming January, I’d do a month of weaning off of coffee.
No need to talk about any of that right now or the details. Just know that was the starting place.
Anyways, when I stood back to ask myself the, “….but why?” questions, I realized that there were so many other health experiments I’d love to test in addition to weaning off of coffee.
In years past, this is how I would have approached that: do every single experiment in one month.
And that one month would, obviously, be January.
I’m not into that chaos anymore, and here’s why:
- Doing too many experiments at once is confusing. By week 3, failure is usually found because you can’t keep them all straight.
- The tortoise always beat the hare.
- Deep dives are far more intentional and meaningful than half-a#$ing anything.
- Why does January always get the health-boost fun?!
So, I decided to plan out 12 months of health goals.
And then I decided to invite you along with.
In doing so, it would simply be called,
12 Months of Whole Healing
12 Months of Whole Healing
Click HERE to save this post for later.

If these are 12 months of health goals and challenges, then why am I calling it 12 months of whole healing?
There are two reasons:
- Healing vs. Wholeness. Healing will make you well; disease (or problem) will stop, but only wholeness will allow you to move forward, fully repair, and rebuild.
- Because many of the experiments are not what you’d find under “typical” monthly health challenges. There is no squat challenge, consecutive workout days challenge, eating 1,200 calories a day challenge, abs challenge, etc.
This is about what I learned in finding the key that unlocked the magical door for lifelong healing.
WHOLE healing…. which included my three pillars to ultimate gut healing: diagnosis, diet, and lifestyle.
All three pillars hold an equal weight in the beginning.
The reason people relapse and/or never heal to begin with, though, is almost always due to the third pillar, lifestyle.
Let me be very clear here; the lifestyle piece is, by far, the most important for the long haul.
So, we need to address it.
And by focusing on new, fun, interesting, intentional, and meaningful health goals, you’re going to see just how much the trajectory of your gut healing (and your life) might change.

In no particular order, here are the 12 experiments:
- weaning off of coffee
- gratitude journaling
- no alcohol
- DIY month
- cleaner beauty and living
- meditation / breath work
- healing letters
- inspiring lists
- RAKs
- no processed food
- 6 servings of greens
- Celery juice and/or hot water with lemon
Now, let me give a little more context about each of them and which month they fall under so you can see the full year of whole healing.
January: weaning off of coffee
- learning alternatives
- not cutting cold turkey
- believe me, this one is hard if you’re used to drinking any amount of coffee on a daily basis
February: healing letters
- letters to help heal the whole self
- happy letters
- sad letters
- letters to your “old self”
- letters to your current self
- old relationships
- lost relationships
- etc.
March: cleaner beauty + living
- I’ll have 31 days of swap ideas
- think things like: tampons, nail polish, mascara, eye liner, blush, face moisturizer, lotion, laundry detergent, etc.
- spring cleaning!
April: celery juice and/or hot water with lemon
- you choose one or both, daily
- I’m wanting to get a juicer prior to this to do the celery juice in addition to the hot water with lemon. I already know the hot water with lemon is refreshing and soothing, but I’m skeptical of celery juice. But – don’t knock it until you’ve tried it??!
May: no processed food
- skip anything processed
- this does not mean no dessert. if you want dessert, then make it from scratch! see how much fun this will be 🙂
June: 6 servings of greens daily
- get those greens
- of all the rainbow colors, green is my fave (from a healing standpoint) for food
July: RAKs
- RAK: random acts of kindness
- helping is healing; I’ve written about it before, and I believe it whole-heartedly
- we’ll do one of these every other day, minimum
- I’ll compile a huge list of ideas you’ll be able to choose from
August: DIY month
- lazy days, end of summer
- this month, you will choose your own challenge
- I will have several ideas for you to choose from, including:
- 30 bags in 30 days
- a second month of any of these listed
- move at least 30 minutes each day
- no buying anything non-essential
September: 30 days of inspiring lists
- I will have 30 days of prompts and you will simply be able to complete them. Examples may include:
- Write a list of people you are inspired by.
- Create a list of health books you still want to read.
- Make a list of things that make you happy.
- etc.
October: no alcohol
- just like it says, no alcohol
- October is “sober October”
- believe me, I rarely drink, but not having a single drink all month will be quite the challenge!
November: gratitude journaling
- November = give thanks
- this one is super easy if you have my 90-day gut healing journal because it’s a planned component on each of the 90 days
December: meditation / breath work
- power in both meditation and breath work
- a month of exploring both, during the chaos of the holiday season
Click HERE to save this year calendar for later. Remember, this is about more than just the upcoming year. It can (and will be) relevant for years to come because I believe so much in each experiment.

How 12 Months of Whole Healing Works
I will write a full post on the topic and experiment about 2 weeks before each new monthly experiment begins.
You’ll know:
- Exactly how I’m doing the experiment (the answer is yes, yes, I’m doing all of these, too! I do walk the talk, darling.)
- Supplies you might need/want for the month
- Why/how I think the experiment fits into whole healing
How to Join the Experiments
Just do it!
Seriously. There are zero requirements or financial commitments.
I’m doing this free of charge, and I don’t expect anything in return except that you join, love it, and learn a lot about yourself and whole healing.
You’ll be able to see what and how I’m personally doing daily, weekly, or whatever I feel like via:
- The Rated-G Email Club (sign up HERE if you’re not part of it yet)
- Instagram (I’ll also use this hashtag -> #12monthsofhealingexperiments)
- Private Facebook group HERE. I have created this so there is an extra support chat room for those who want it!
- Right here, agutsygirl.com (I’ll do a recap post at the completion of each experiment)
How Healing Blooms from Within Will Help

While you don’t have to have my journal, it will be much easier to track and stay along the journey if you do have it.
Here are the ways you can use the 90-day gut healing journal for each monthly experiment:
- daily pages; tracking, writing, and reflecting on the experiment
- from above, there is a Daily Gratitude space at the top of each 90 days
- weekly check-in reflections on the experiment
- monthly check-in chart; use one of the color keys to track the monthly experiment
- habits tracker (there is one for each month); you can write the monthly challenge in one of the spaces so you ensure your’e creating a habit out of it
- research questions; as you think of questions as they relate to the challenge, how you’re feeling, what you’re experiencing, etc. you might want to investigate more into the topic
- 90-day gut healing vision board; create the board with bits and pieces around the 3 months of experiments for that time period (i.e. January – March might include; coffee cups, names of people you want to write letters to, things in your makeup bag and cleaning closet you want to replace, etc.)
Journal options
- See the differences between the 90 and 28-day versions HERE
- Instant PDF download of the journals HERE
- Physical, spiral-bound journals HERE
That was fun but diving in head first on the first experiment is going to be even more fun.
See you soon for those details.
Let me know if you have any imminent questions.
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🫶🏻 founder gutbyome.com