Talk about fun! Or wait, is it just us thinking this is fun?! Here are 11 yearly gut health tracker bullet journal ideas to run with.
One cool piece to the 90-day gut healing journaling SYSTEM is page 9/10.
It’s a front/back page with a perforated edge so that you can easily rip it out.
This is a page that was strategically designed to easily rip out.
- Page 9 = the Journal Key (This is something. you’ll use every single day. It’s a combination of my journaling system along with the ability to create your own personal key.)
- Page 10 = Year of Gut Health in Pixels
Additionally, the page is printed on thicker paper so it can act more as a “bookmark” than general sheet of the journal.
Note: You’ll still have access to this same exact template with the instant downloadable PDF version of the journal.
The only difference is, obviously, there is no perforated edge. However, since you have the PDF version you could keep track of more than one gut health piece by printing out multiple sheets.
What is a Year of Gut Health in Pixels?
For an entire year, you will have the ability to track the most important gut health or gut healing element for your personal journey.
Whatever it is you are wanting to keep close tabs on, you’ll be able to easily do via a simple, colored graph.
Using different colors to denote different pieces to track, you’ll have a color-filled gut health year to reflect on once complete.
You can, literally, track anything you want. The journal just has the template laid out for you. You will create your own key.
The key comes with 11 “squares” which mean that you can assign 11 different meanings to whatever you are tracking.
But that doesn’t mean you can only have 11 meanings. There is ample room beneath the 11 squares for you to add more if you wish.
And if not, then use that blank space to write an inspiring quote or keep notes, etc.
Remember, this is your journal, your journey.
Now, I at least want to give you several ideas of things you might enjoy tracking for an entire year.

11 Yearly Gut Health Tracker Bullet Journal Ideas
Click HERE to save these 11 yearly gut health tracker bullet journal ideas for later.

1] Bristol Stool Number
This is probably the most obvious item to track.
You’ll find a beautiful (yes, beautiful!) iteration of the Bristol Stool Chart on page 7 of the journal.
You can use that.
If you have more than one bowel movement per day, you would take an average of those numbers to use for your final daily number to plot on the graph.
This one will be easy to track with the journal because you are keeping note of your BM’s on a daily basis via the daily pages.
If you choose this one, your key might look like this:
- Bristol #1
- #2
- Bristol #3
- #4
- Bristol #5
- #6
- Bristol #7

2] Water Tracking
Water and digestion is a real thing.
If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know that I used to lie to doctors about how much water I was drinking.
I would always say, “Yes. I’m drinking a lot of water.” I wasn’t.
And it wasn’t until I truly started healing my gut and changing my relationship with how to heal, that water became critical.
It seems like such an insignificant piece of overall gut health, but if you’re reading this now saying, “I’ve also been lying,” then maybe this is what you’d like to track.
And again, this one will be easy to track if you have my journal because you are keeping note of how much water you drink per day via the daily pages.
If you choose this one, your key might look like this:
- 1-3 cups of water
- 4 cups of water
- 5 cups of water
- 6 cups of water
- 7 cups of water
- 8 cups of water
- 9 cups of water
- 10 cups of water
- 11 cups of water
- 12 cups of water
- 13 cups of water
3] Overall Mood
Because we know the gut-brain axis is real, keeping track of mood for a year might be indicative of overall gut health.
You could use whatever symbols you want for the pixel chart or you could just use the ones that you’ll be recording on a daily basis via the daily pages.
If you choose this one, your key might look like this:
- Grumpy, sad, or depressed
- Tired and/or mild
- Content, no strong mood either way
- Happy
- Extra-energized and excited
4] Overall Energy Level
Mood tracking will track just that, your mood. However, each day you track on the daily page, you’ll make note of how your energy levels are as well.
When I was healing, this would have been super helpful. I know it seems like a small thing, but it can be extremely telling.
It is easier to pinpoint why overall energy levels are lower or higher when you’re keeping track of everything else as well.
Energy levels are also important elements of information for your doctor, as low energy can indicate a variety of conditions and malabsorption issues.
If you choose this one, your key might look like this:
- no energy, the struggle was very real (Side note: When I was healing and didn’t have access to a journaling system like Healing Blooms from Within, on my worst energy days this is exactly what I would write, “no energy, the struggle was very real.” And I wrote it frequently.)
- minimal energy, struggled on and off throughout the day
- average energy levels
- above-average energy levels, minimal dips throughout the day
- high vibe, high energy day
5] Meal Spacing
Another idea is to track average amount of time in between meals each day.
If you want to know if I think meal spacing works, then read this.
And meal spacing is not the same thing as intermittent fasting, but you could also choose to track that instead of meal spacing (see number 6).
On a daily basis, there isn’t a prompt on the page to list out meal spacing. This is because it’s not for everyone.
However, it’s science-based that the MMC (migrating motor complex) can only do its job (i.e. “sweep” and clean through the digestive system) every 90-120 minutes as long as no food is consumed.
That said, if part of your gut healing journey includes better stomach motility, meal spacing might be the perfect thing for you to track.
And therefore, you’ll see on my Journal Key how to record meal spacing.
So if you choose this one to track, your key might look like this:
- 90-120 minutes meal spacing
- 120-150 minutes meal spacing
- 150-180 minutes meal spacing
- 180-200 minutes meal spacing
- 200-220 minutes meal spacing
- 220-240 minutes meal spacing
- 240 minutes+
6] Intermittent Fasting
Similar to meal spacing, but not the same, is intermittent fasting. Again, I do not believe it’s for everyone. And you can learn more about that HERE.
However, if you have never tried it and don’t have certain pre-existing factors, this might be something to track for a year.
Given my history, I try to never fast longer than 15 hours (and even that is pushing it).
However, I am not you – you are not me, nor are you anyone else.
Work with your doctor on the timing right for you.
But if you do choose this one to track, your key might look like this:
- 10 hour fast
- 11 hour fast
- 12 hour fast
- 13 hour fast
- 14 hour fast
- 15 hour fast
- 16 hour fast
- 17 hour fast
- 18+ hour fast
7] Bloating
Contained within the journal is my method for tracking everything on a daily basis. And if something does not apply to you, then you don’t have to record it.
If there is something very specific to you that you need to record, then I show you how and give the space for doing so.
Anyways, of course you can and should track bloating – all instances of it, on a daily basis.
Because it is very important for you and the next steps you’ll take. If I could go back and do this one in 2018, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
It would have been so cool to see the progress from average – to misery – to healing – and finally to no bloat!
If you would like to track your bloating for a year, your key might look like this:
- no bloat
- mild bloating, but only once and for a short amount of time
- bloating on-and-off throughout the day
- a lot of bloating (but only after breakfast through the rest of the day)
- from lunch through the rest of the day a lot of bloating
- bloated every moment, all day today
8] Nausea
The only time I ever suffered with a lot of nausea was when I was taking Neomycin. Other than that, nausea was never a symptom for me (though I had many classical signs and symptoms).
However, I realize that it is a common symptom and common daily occurrence for many.
If this is you, my guess is that you would do anything to have the nausea disappear from your life.
By healing your gut, it will disappear, but it could be helpful to track it for a year in order to identify patterns for when it happens and the severity of it.
If nausea is a major concern and you would like to track this for a year, your key might look like this.
- perfect day, no nausea
- just one instance of nausea; didn’t last long
- am nausea only
- pm nausea only
- nausea all day, on and off
- nausea all day accompanied by some vomiting
9] Supplements
This one could be helpful if your doctor or nutritionist has you on a specific regimen of supplements.
I will be honest, though, if you’re taking so many supplements that it feels like a part-time job, it might be hard to keep track of this for a whole year.
(Note: I think a better place to keep track of these is on the pages with the Monthly Habits Tracker (ah yes, the journal has these pages as well.).
Decide what’s best for you.
The supplements tracking for a year would likely be fairly simple, as it’s pretty black and white:
- took all supplements
- took all but one supplement
- didn’t do a great job taking supplements today; took one or none
10] Number of Bowel Movements
There is no right or wrong answer on this one (or any of the others for that matter), but there is a right answer for you.
Maybe you currently have diarrhea 6-8 times a day. Or maybe you don’t go to the bathroom but once a week.
There is definitely room for improvement; need for improvement.
By healing your gut, this can improve.
And if you want to track this for a year, your key might look like this:
- 0 movements (BM)
- 1 BM
- 2 BM’s
- 3 BM’s
- 4 BM’s
- 5 BM’s
- 6 BM’s
- 7 BM’s
- 8 BM’s
- 9 BM’s
- 10+ BM’s
11] Gut Healing Progress
And last, but certainly not least, the yearly gut health tracker bullet journal idea you could run with is gut healing progress.
Listen, gut healing is not linear, and I think if you were to keep track of your healing progress over the course of a year you’d clearly see this.
Many times, gut healing is two steps forward, one step back. Mine was. I would be good, good, good, great, good, good, bad, good, good, good, and so on.
What you deem “progress” is also completely unique to you and your current situation.
For example, your stomach might not have been perfect, but some of the acne went away.
In my case (in the past), that would be progress; for you it might not.
Anyways, if you want to track this for a year, your key might look like this (and yes, it can be this simple with just three colors):
- no progress
- potential progress
- definite progress

And there you have it: 11 yearly gut health tracker bullet journal ideas.
Any questions?
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- Gut Healing Journal FAQ
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