Even though most things are out of our control, I have found that showing gratitude and writing in a Gratitude Journal daily always finds the silver lining.
In 2016, I started a Gut Healing Bullet Journal.
Since then, I have never gone back to a standard planner.
But once I healed immensely in 2018, I stopped using the Bullet Journal strictly for gut healing.
I then started developing the best Gut Healing Bullet Journal possible.
It included a one pager – the Gratitude Journal portion.

Gratitude Journal Updated in 2020
The one-liner of gratitude on a daily basis is critical.
In fact, I believed so much in it and my commitment for doing it daily that I included it in the 90-day gut healing journal system, Healing Blooms from Within.
Combine gratitude journaling (and many other journaling methods) into one with my journal system HERE.
You’re going to love it!

What is a Gratitude Journal?
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It’s simple, at the end of each month, I reserve a page titled, “Daily Gratitude.”
Along the left side of the page, I write down each day of the month, giving enough space for one line of gratitude per day.
And at the end of each day, I write down just one line of gratitude.
No matter what, every single day, I am thankful for something.
Sometimes it’s something big, and other days it is as simple as, “The sun.”
I have read that you should write at least 5 things at the end of each day that you’re thankful for or set aside time at night to give deep thoughts around it.
I wanted both of those to work for me, but they didn’t.
And when long-winded didn’t work, I crafted my Gratitude Journal in a way that would allow me to keep with it each day. I think it’s important – really important – to find the beauty at the end of each day.
And it’s not just important because we think we need to engage in it, it’s actually important for many reasons.
Here are 5 things a gratitude journal can do for you.
5 Things a Gratitude Journal Can Do for You
Click HERE to save these 5 things for later.

- Lower stress. Because showing gratitude puts things into perspective.
- Help find the beauty in each day.
- Focus on what really matters.
- Act as a “happy place.” Whenever you need a boost, you can always go back to those pages filled with lines of gratitude and you’re bound to smile.
- Perspective. You do realize that you have so much to be thankful for, right? Millions of people worldwide would do anything to be in your shoes. I try to remember this daily. Keeping a Gratitude Journal helps put it all in perspective. (p.s. that doesn’t mean your “hard” isn’t real.)
Especially during times of change, but throughout all of life, the Gratitude Journal is a lovely constant.
Gratitude Journal Prompts
Though I feel it should be fairly simple to find one thing each day to be grateful for, sometimes we get stuck on the words.
To help, here are 22 gratitude journal prompts.
You can save these for later by clicking HERE.

- Start small. Don’t even write a sentence. Write 1-3 words that convey your daily gratitude.
- Today was great because….
- I’m thankful for (person).
- Write out something you’re looking forward to.
- List something that just makes you smile.
- A big dream that’s having you work purposefully.
- An act of helping someone else.
- What do you love about yourself?
- How did you view the world in a positive way today?
- Draw vs. write in the small gratitude space.
- Did you eat or drink something that was delightful?
- A surprise that appeared.
- Something someone else did for you today.
- A special facial expression that made you smile.
- Today I read ______.
- Appreciation for something huge that seems so basic. i.e. My nice, warm bed.
- An activity or workout you completed.
- Current day’s weather.
- Song lyrics that make you happy.
- A quote you find that resonates.
- A change you’re making in your life.
- Favorite thing you love about your work.
Gratitude Journal Template
It is basic.
Get a notepad, keep the gratitude listed by day.
However, at the top of each of the 90-day gut healing journaling pages there is a space for you to write your daily gratitude.
If you want this template, grab the journal.
And yes, it’s also in the journal’s instant downloadable version!
Do you keep a Gratitude Journal?
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