Surprise yourself today. 

Don’t be boring. Every once in a while, do something unexpected or out of character and see what happens.

It’s the last day of September, and day 84 of 101 days of blogging.

Sundays were made for the weekly release; a recap time to remember all the beauty that (was) the previous week.

I’m usually very descriptive in these – talkative and excited. This week is no different.

But I’m going to surprise myself, and do something out of character.

No words today, just pictures.

Surprise Yourself

But first, just three things….

  1. I’m proud of all your do’s and especially of all your try’s. Don’t lose your ability to try — you’re adventurous and courageous, and I like that about you.” – my friend Julie to me earlier this week via text (tear)
  2. The #Gutsy Virtual Digestive Book Club starts tomorrow. Thanks to all who already let me know you are in!
  3. Revenge returns tonight. ‘Nuff said. Well, unless you are an uber-fan, too…are you?!


Recipe Coming Soon!

Recipe Coming this Fall: Gluten-Free Mini Pomegrante Cheesecake Bites


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