Do you ever practice medicine without a license? If you’re not sure, here is what it means to the Revolutionary Act.
Research your own conditions and treatment alternatives, ask questions, and seek second opinions with impunity. Leverage the expertise of trained pros, but don’t allow it to eclipse your own informed instincts about what’s best for you.
This is a tricky one, though.
Today is day 7 of the 101 days of blogging.
Practice Medicine Without a License
I have started working with women to heal their guts. The first two women I’m working with begin this upcoming week, but I’ve begun a lot of the pre-work already.
I’m not “practicing medicine” per se, but as you know, I’m a certified holistic health coach. As you also know, I’m uber-passionate about healing the gut holistically vs via traditional methods whenever possible.
While medicine and pharmaceuticals have failed so many women, I am glad to help provide tools to find them relief. (And speaking of the topic, have you read about living with an autoimmune disease yet?)
This past week was the most crazy, and yet best, week I’ve had in a long – very long – time (not counting Minnesota).
I’m picking up my pieces (slowly but surely) from this and moving forward in other ways. I don’t know for sure what tomorrow will bring, though I can’t help but stay super positive and excited because I know that “good things don’t come to those who wait; they come to those who work hard and are passionate.”
What I do know for sure is that this past week was filled with rainbows. (<- barf, but true)
Thursday night, I went to yoga and wine with Nicole and Paige.
- don’t you even try to tell me that the thought of wine and yoga isn’t thrilling
- can you believe this view?!
- Nicole -> met her on a Twitter a few years back. And you thought Twitter was just to let people know what you had for breakfast 🙂
- sometimes I have to pinch myself to remember: Yes, it is this beautiful here
- Thank you, Wente Vineyards
I was a cooking machine.
- made the gluten-free mac ‘n cheese ‘n dogs
- got some fresh, organic peaches from the Farmer’s Market for just $.50 a pound
- whipped up a new, all-natural and gluten-free dessert
You betcha I cooked even more.
- Ryan mentioned the Gluten-Free Stuffed French Toast was his most favorite recipe I’ve made yet….luckily for all of you, I’m not a hoarder -> it will be right here on Tuesday
- I put some of that hot sauce on things like: cod, ground hamburger + gluten-free oats + lettuce (strange, yet yummy)
- greens, greens and more greens
- I made some frozen protein dessert balls. They are delish, but they didn’t turn out right, so I need to perfect them before I whip up the recipe for you all

Ideas in motion.
I have been chosen to participate in something super exciting! It will launch this upcoming week, but think: eating healthy on a small budget, creating food ideas/menu options with restriction. I asked some of my Facebook friends for thoughts.

Finally, as she typically does each week, my friend Julie sent me something to think about.
If you are joining in today for the 101 days of blogging challenge, feel free to pin this image and use it to integrate with, “Practice Medicine Without a License.”
Tomorrow is day 8. Topic:
Minimize Symptom Suppression
Have a great Sunday!
🤰 bloating be gone! weight loss through optimal gut health for women
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🫶🏻 founder
I really enjoyed your post today. It looks like you’ve had a really great week. And yes, wine and yoga sound amazing. I’m looking forward to all of your recipes coming soon, and I LOVE the concept of eating healthy on a small budget. That sums me up! Wishing you a great week ahead.
Thanks, Katie! Hope you have a great week as well!
Just found your website! Fellow IIN student here. I like your 101 days of blogging–very cool. Wish I had seen it a few days ago for the “refine yourself” part. That would have been easy for me to contribute to! 🙂
Hi Michelle! Thank you for stopping by. Join in on any day you want. I love all the 101 day topics from Revolutionary Act!