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To celebrate World Digestive Health Day today, I wanted to share some information about how to digest beans.

Digestive disease is typically dealt with in silence.

Women in particular are silenced.

I know because I used to be one.

Instead of focusing on the world digestive problem today, I thought I’d spin it in a positive, fun and hopefully helpful way.

Updated in 2024 to add: This topic also became super important and useful when I started exploring the question –> Can you heal your gut on a Vegetarian diet?

How to Digest Beans

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How to Digest Beans WITH

aka 9 ways to eat beans and not get gas….

  1. Soak your beans overnight before cooking and eating
  2. Cook your beans with vegetables
  3. Make refried beans with fats; cook them a few times before consuming
  4. Eat small, fresh beans
  5. Cook your beans with bay leaf
  6. Eat beans in small amounts
  7. Avoid eating beans in the same meal as fruit
  8. Cook your beans thoroughly
  9. Take a digestive enzyme prior to eating your beans

Note: Break Down is the quickest HACK to digesting beans and everything else. I swear by it!

If you want to try it, you can use code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout HERE to save 15%.

9 ways to eat beans and not be gassy digest beans

I have practiced these for most of my bum-tum life.

I learned even more about them at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

You should know, though, that even if you were to follow all of those “rules,” you might still not be able to digest beans.

They are a tough one for anyone with digestive problems.

Just listen to your body.

Updated in 2024 to add: HERE is one more way to enjoy beans. 

Interested in reading more digestive-related information today? Start with my book, A Gutsy Girl’s Bible.

And if you’re ready for the full healing guide, my SIMPLE, easy-to-follow system that allows you to say goodbye to bloating, fatigue, and gut problems and REDISCOVER the joy of living using a 4-week framework…..then join me in Gut Healing: ELEVATED.

Frustrated trying to heal your gut

I can’t wait to help you see your life CHANGE!

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How to Digest Beans

If you click HERE you will be taken to all posts under the IBS/IBD category.


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  1. It’s so funny, I must be the one person who digest beans with no problem. Every other food…that’s a different story, but my stomach just loves beans 🙂 which is good cause I love ’em too 😉

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