On August 8th I took myself off the running circuit. It’s been about 3 months (I was not running before August for about a few weeks). These past few months have been amazing for me, physically. I have mostly focused on walking, yoga, stretching and light weights. And like magic, I’ve had no pain! And also like magic, my craving to run has grown ten fold, more than before soooooooo Rock ‘n Roll Las Vegas 1/2 Marathon anyone?! A few weeks ago, I started walking/jogging. My workouts have looked similar to:

A few weeks ago, I started walking/jogging. My workouts have looked similar to:

  • 2+ mile walks first thing in the morning with Ryan and the dogs
  • 2-5 miles later in the day, alternating between 2 minutes jog/30 second-to-1 minute walk
  • strength/yoga/stretching on random days at night

I haven’t talked much about my gradual return because I was trying not to get my hopes up. And then this past week (Monday through Saturday) I completed a total of almost 30 miles. Each day that went by I nearly screamed because the pain was still gone!

Saturday came, and I did 6 miles – all running – slow and gradual, finishing with an 8:45/mile pace. I was sweating profusely, but I had the biggest SMILE on my face. It’s been so long. I told myself that if I could run 6 miles nonstop sans-pain on Saturday, I would enter the Rock ‘n Roll Las Vegas 1/2 Marathon.

And so I did.

And here I am, ready and preparing for my 2nd Rock ‘n Roll Vegas.

Crazy? Maybe. But I’m taking the plunge.

5 Reasons I’m Running the Rock ‘n Roll Las Vegas 1/2 Marathon

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11-Week Half-Marathon Training (Week 1) via www.agutsygirl.com #Running #FitFluential

  1. I hate you, Mr. Colitis. Remember, this race is for Crohn’s & Colitis. Most of you know my story. If not, here is more on Colitis. And because I make solutions, not problems – this is all a part of the solution. I run against Colitis. Because I can.
  2. Finish Line. Life is about crossing finish lines; multiple ones. This will not be a sprint for me. I don’t expect to PR since I’m so late to the game and I’m still (very much so) cognizant of the pains that could resurface. For me, this is about running because I love it and running because Colitis is not currently holding me hostage.
  3. It’s Vegas and it’s Rodeo. Love Vegas, always have and always will. I love the lights and entertainment. And what makes this weekend even better is that the National Finals Rodeo happens. This, of course, means there are country acts everywhere, making the time spent in Vegas uber exciting! Last year we saw Jake Owen and Ryan and I went to the big Country Convention. It just rocked, and I can’t wait to do it again.
  4. Fearless. Every time I hear Taylor Swift sing, “Fearless” I can’t help but get chills. I’m not sure why because the truth is that I’m not a huge Taylor fan, but something about the song gets me. And then this past weekend I read, “Be Fearless. Be Free” by the one and only Amy Jo Martin. Amy ran the Nike Women’s Marathon this past weekend in San Francisco. Her story is amazing – I had no idea. And that’s just it….people struggle with things each day, things that are bigger than my own problems. Amy’s post was a nice reminder to me to be fearless. Fearless with my Colitis. Fearless with crossing finish lines. Fearless in life.
  5. Training. I love running outside in the fall. The air is so crisp and cool (well at least in the mornings it is – remember, I’m in California – it’s still hot here)! There is something so completely freeing about running in the peace and calm of the morning. For me, it’s the zen that is running. 

Let It Be Fall sarahkayhoffman.com


Bottom line….I’m super excited! Today I officially start training, though my long run will already be at 7 miles this weekend.

(I will try to post my training schedule as often as I can, or perhaps even in one lump. Would you benefit from it?)


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    1. Ha! Which one? The little one is an awful running partner (she always stops to sniff). And the big one would be too much for me to handle. I’m sure they could both handle about 2 miles:) Thanks, Christine!

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