What are the best candida cleanse supplements?
This is a question I’m commonly asked, since so many experience candida symptoms and/or have been told a yeast overgrowth is present.
Let’s explore it today.
What is Candida?
Candida refers to a category of yeasts that are typically found in small amounts in the mouth and gut flora and on the skin.
In smaller amounts, there is nothing wrong with Candida. When this opportunistic pathogen is kept in check by “good” (friendly) bacteria, this type of yeast does not produce problems.
Healthy gut bacteria in the body keep candida species levels under control.
However, when the Candida grows uncontrollably, it’s known as a Candida Overgrowth (from the Candida albicans species of yeast; a yeast overgrowth) and is the most common cause of fungal infections in humans.
- In those with an already compromised immune system.
- Having too much yeast breaks down the wall of the intestine and penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into your body. This can cause the gut to become leaky.
I’ve written at length about Leaky Gut Syndrome.
In fact, I have a book on it, too. If you’re interested in learning more about the topic, you can get started with it by reading How to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome Fast.
And What Exactly Are Candida Albicans?
Candida albicans is the species of yeast that most commonly causes candidiasis infection. The overgrowth not only causes gut bacteria imbalances, but it can also result in conditions like oral thrush and vaginal yeast infections. (source)
Cleveland Clinic states this about Candida albicans,
Healthy bacteria in your body (microbiome) control the balance of Candida. Often when Candida is off-balance, the yeast overgrows and causes infection (candidiasis).
Side note: If you suffer from vaginal yeast infections, we love UT123 from Just Thrive Health.

Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth
Here are the main candida overgrowth symptoms:
- Skin and nail fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, ringworm, and toenail fungus
- Feeling tired and worn down or suffering from chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia
- Gastrointestinal symptoms and issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
- Autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lupus, psoriasis, scleroderma, or multiple sclerosis
- Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus, ADD, ADHD, and/or brain fog
- Skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, hives, and rashes
- Irritability, mood swings, anxiety, or depression
- Vaginal infections – recurrent vaginal yeast infections, urinary tract infections, rectal itching, or vaginal itching
- Severe seasonal allergies or itchy ears
- Strong sugar and refined carbohydrate cravings
Main Causes of a Candida Overgrowth
So what causes a candida overgrowth anyways?
Scientific evidence points to these 5 things in particular:
- Impaired immune function – an immune-weakening disease or condition might be at the top of this list. Though it may seem like Tummy Soothe is just some random supplement we feature in the Gutbyo[me] supplement line, it’s absolutely not. There is a HUGE gut-immune connection, and I’m super passionate about it.
- Generalized gut dysfunction – this includes things like leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome and a gluten intolerance. And these are all things common to the Gutsy community.
- Antibiotic use – chronic use of antibiotics doesn’t only wipe out the unwanted bacteria, but it also gets rid of the good bacteria. Dr. Rawls states, “This creates favorable conditions for fungal communities to thrive, and can set the stage for candida overgrowth, as stated in the journal, Trends in Microbiology.” (p.s. Dr. Rawls was on my podcast, and is a wealth of knowledge. You can listen to his episode HERE.)
- Carbohydrate-loaded diet – sugar and refined carbohydrates are fuel sources for candida.
- Environmental toxins – “A prime example of an environmental toxin is mold. All houses have some mold inside of them, about half of which are at problematic levels. Both mold spores and mold metabolites, known as mycotoxins, are present in the air. When inhaled, they can suppress your immune system and allow candida overgrowth, explains Dr. Rawls. Plus, candida itself can produce its own mycotoxins that make you miserable.”

Controlling Candida with Diet
First, it’s important to make note that…..
“A consistent antifungal diet of at least 5–6 weeks is also essential. It is important to deprive the yeast of their base food. Sugar, sweets, white flour products, and alcohol should be strictly avoided.
Sweet fruit should also be avoided in the first 4 weeks. The focus is on a wholesome diet with lots of lettuce, vegetables, and whole grain products. The high-fiber diet not only strengthens the immune system but also presumably exerts a mechanical cleaning effect by sweeping the fungal nests out of the villi through its fibrous structure and at the same time stimulating the bowel movement.
High-content phytochemicals with an antimicrobial effect make the whole-food diet the ideal antifungal diet—however, success is only permanent if there is a consequent change in diet.’
In the acute diet phase of 4 weeks, patients even have to do without sweet fruits because Candida can also utilize fructose. Only sour apples, lemons, and grapefruit are allowed.
The focus is on a high-fiber diet, which means a lot of salad and vegetables as well as whole grains. Their fiber exerts a mechanical “cleaning effect” by sweeping out the fungal nests between the villi, and they stimulate the movement of the intestine. In addition, fiber is cheap because it cannot be broken down by the yeast in the intestine. We therefore recommend our patients to eat whole foods.” (source)
- Stop the candida growth by removing their base foods (sugar, added sugars, sweets, white flours, and alcohol).
- Even natural sweeteners, natural sugars, fruits, and fruit juices should be avoided.
- Whole foods, an anti-inflammatory diet, are the focal point. These, though, are good things for overall health.
Because I have studied candida in fairly great detail, I have an entire article filled with helpful information about it as it relates to the candida diet.
You will find my Printable Grocery List for the Candida Diet HERE.
Today, what you came here for are the best candida cleanse supplements.
So that’s what I want to break down in greater detail.
Best Candida Cleanse Supplements
Click HERE to save this article on the best candida cleanse supplements for later.

First, please remember that your best defense against candida is simply to ditch the poor diet, and eat for treating the overgrowth of candida.
Like everything else, you cannot outrun diet; most processed foods will never contribute to your healing efforts.
And this is good news because the added benefit of healing with diet is that you’ll need far fewer supplements. And besides, remember that when beneficial bacteria outweigh the bad, the gut thrives and overall digestive problems diminish.
Next, when looking at a supplement label, here are some ingredients + terms conducive for combating candida:
- probiotic supplement
- natural antifungals
- enzymes
- apple cider vinegar
- coconut oil
- caprylic acid
- garlic
- turmeric root extract
- cinnamon
- oregano oil
- myrrh oil
- lavender oil
- clove oil
- Vitamin C
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Turkey Tail Mushroom
- Astragalus Root
- Pau D’arco Tea
- Biofilm busters
- Berberine HCl

I have put together a Candida Overgrowth-specific list of supplements right in my Fullscript Online Dispensary so you have them in one spot.
Once you are inside your account, you’ll see “Sarah Kay Hoffman’s Picks” > “Favorites.” There is a “Favorites” list for “Candida Overgrowth.”
List of Candida Supplements

So as to not overwhelm you, here are 6 main ones you’ll find:

Candid-X (BioMatrix)
Provides a blend of nutrients, potent botanicals and essential oils to promote healthy microbial balance and immune support. Formulated with the goal of building a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) flora, Candid-X includes biotin, a nutrient that inhibits yeast from converting into the more aggressive fungal form. In addition, sodium caprylate is included to disrupt the metabolism of Candida and create a hostile environment for colonization.

Candid-Away (DAVinci Labs)
Is specifically formulated to support detoxification of the digestive tract to maintain a healthy balance of intestinal microflora.* It combines a unique mixture of Olive Leaf Extract to support immune system function, Calcium Caprylate and Grapefruit Seed Extract to maintain a healthy balance of intestinal microflora, Berberine to inhibit the growth of harmful yeast, bacteria and protozoa, Betaine HCl for acid balance in the stomach and fiber digesting enzymes (cellulase and hemicellulase) to balance good and bad microflora and digest candida.*

Bio-Candida Care (Priority One)
A new formula specifically for fungal overgrowth in the gut. Bio-Candida Care was designed to support a healthy gut biome while also preventing biofilm formation, breaking down existing biofilms and inhibiting the proliferation of Candida albicans. This formula includes caprylic acid and undecylenic acid, noted for their ability to inhibit biofilm formation with antifungal properties.*

THER-BIOTIC® Candida Complex (Klaire Labs/SFI Health)
Designed for restoring and maintaining a healthy, balanced gastrointestinal microbiota. Along with undecylenic acid, this formula also provides berberine and other synergistic factors. This formula contains Pau D’Arco.

Candida Albicans (Professional Formulas)
A liquid tincture for the temporary relief of bloating, constipation, diarrhea, general fatigue, or minor joint pain due to sensitivity to phenolic compounds found in foods or other products.

Caprylic Acid (Amy Myers MD)
Creates an inhospitable environment for opportunistic yeast that are out of balance.
Candida Die-Off
So, clean up the diet, take the best candida supplements and all will be well?
Not so fast.
Even if your gastrointestinal tract is healing, you might experience a die-off reaction.
And this is zero fun.
I’ve been there time and time again, but I do believe it might be a necessary evil to commit to.
I love how Dr. Matthew Eidem explains die off in a simplistic way,
Die-off is an accepted nickname for the period where toxins from dying bacteria are being released all at once while they are being eliminated. During this die-off time period, you are susceptible to experiencing temporary discomfort.
Die off, also known as a a Herxheimer Reaction occurs when someone has an adverse reaction to these toxins.
- Flu-like symptoms
- Brain fog
- Fever and chills
- Bloating (possibly even more than before)
- Diarrhea and constipation (possibly even more than before)
- Digestive issues in general
- Nausea and vomiting
- Joint pain
- Changes in bowel movements
- Headache
- Moodiness (mood swings) and irritability and/or other impaired brain function
- Hypotension (low blood pressure) and/or dizziness
- Insomnia
- Hyperventilation
- Tachycardia (a heart rate over 100 beats a minute)
- Flushing
- Myalgia
- Worsening of skin lesions and/or other skin issues in general (skin rashes, acne, etc.)
- Fatigue
- Swollen glands
- Soreness near liver/abdomen
If you want to learn more about a herx reaction, and die-off as it relates to candida in particular, you can read Gut Bacteria Die-Off Symptoms HERE.
Candida + H.Pylori
As it relates to the best candida cleanse supplements, there is one more I wanted to highlight in this article.
According to Matula Tea,
Between 65 to 70% of patients that test positive for H. pylori, will also test positive for Candida Albicans. What is even more interesting is that the symptoms of H. pylori are VERY similar to the symptoms of Candida Albicans.
They go on to say,
Prolonged usage of Matula Herbal Tea has shown to be very beneficial to people who are suffering from Candida overgrowth in the intestines. For external infections like vaginal thrush and fungal skin infections, the tea can be applied to affected areas twice a day.
The American Society for Microbiology states that “pH homeostasis is critical for all organisms, in the fungal pathogen Candida albicans, the pH adaptation is critical for virulence in distinct host niches.
Candida albicans actively neutralize the environment from either acidic or alkaline pHs, it can actively alter the pH of its environment and induce its switch to the hyphal form.
The change in pH is caused by the release of ammonia from the cells produced during the breakdown of amino acids.
This phenomenon is unprecedented in a human pathogen and may substantially impact host physiology by linking morphogenesis, pH adaptation, carbon metabolism, and interactions with host cells, all of which are critical for the ability of C. albicans to cause disease.”
Candida overgrowth manifests as hyper-acidity in our body.
An acid environment is ideal to foster increased growth of yeast and fungus. Changes may also be made by selecting foods that are more alkaline than acid forming.
You can learn more about Matula Tea, H.pylori, and how to use the tea as part of your healing journey HERE.
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As always, this article (and any article found on A Gutsy Girl) is not medical advice. In order to make an informed decision about the supplements that are right for you, please be sure you’re working with a doctor or other medical professional.
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