I cannot get enough of this Veggie Pad Thai.
And I felt like today was the most appropriate day to update and republish it.
I made this recipe for the first time in 2017.
It’s been almost 3 years, and still delicious as ever.
Food Variety
I am now dabbling in all the food variety.
For several years I lived off of meat, fat, broth, and minimal fruit and veggies.
And when I say I lived off those things, I really mean to say that 85% of my diet was meat, fat, and broth.
I would never take those years back or wish for any foods different than the ones I consumed on a daily basis because it all contributed to massive gut and overall healing.
(Okay, I lie. I might have done things a little differently knowing what I know now. On the whole, though, no.)
But at some point, I started having some aversions to meat.
I was still totally cool with fat and broth so don’t worry.
It began with reheated meats. I struggled with the taste and texture. And then it became more of an everyday thing.
The thought of loading up my plate with meat grossed me out.
Just sometimes, not all the time, but enough of the time where I was forced to really start playing with all different kinds of foods – branching out in ways I haven’t in years.
And here’s the thing, it’s not like I ever wanted to live off of meat, broth, and fat.
Eating “Normally”
I love food, but having undiagnosed SIBO for years made me so fearful of food. [Food fear is real.]
I go back and look at food journals and see how “normal” I was eating, but how sick I was every single day.
A bowl of gluten-free oatmeal and apple for breakfast would leave me bloated, stinky, and miserable all day long, but a bowl of ground beef and broth left me feeling incredible.
It’s hard to desire eating normally when the proof was in the pudding (er – meat and broth) with how I felt.
And then it happened.
I healed, at least healed to the point where I could eat almost anything again, but by this time I had forgotten what it felt like to eat without fear.
Living Again
Sure, I started to begin living life, but I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that fear was so often in my shadow.
Until, of course, I began to have these meat aversions and I had no other choice but to get creative with food again, and just eat.
That’s how I know how healed I truly am.
I am eating far less meat and way more anything and everything.
And I am not just surviving, but I am thriving.
Please don’t misunderstand this post.
I am in no way, shape, or form Vegetarian or Vegan or even desiring to become any of those things.
My body needs the meat. It also needs and wants the fat, and all the other things I have been so afraid of for years (like noodles, beans, every last vegetable and fruit on earth, etc.).
There is no one diet that works. Well, at least not for me, and I’m certain you are the same.
I do believe that strict diets serve a purpose, but I do not believe that they serve that same purpose forever. If they did that means you are not healing, and the goal is to heal. And to live.
Heal your gut. Heal your life.
Back to the veggies, to the food, to the real life and amazing eats….
Best Thai Food
This Veggie Pad Thai is incredible.
It’s filled with all the things, and none the meat.
You can add meat (maybe grilled chicken, ground turkey or beef) on the back end if you want.
I was careful and selective with the ingredients that made up the sauce, which is the bread ‘n buttah of this dish (don’t even try to skimp on the Fish Sauce, Red Boat is where it’s at).
Brown Rice Noodles
In case you’re worried about the pad Thai noodles, don’t be.
The brown rice noodles featured in this recipe are the Lotus Foods Organic Brown Rice Pad Thai noodles. They are gluten-free and absolutely incredible.
You can also do their white noodles or the Forbidden Rice ones. So many choices, so little time!
Veggie Pad Thai
Click HERE to save this recipe for later.

Veggie Pad Thai
- 2 eggs large
- 1 8-oz bag Lotus Foods Organic Pad Thai Rice Noodles
- 1 cup carrots shredded
- 2 heads baby bok choy julienned
- 1 Tbsp + 1/2 Tbsp organic coconut oil divided
- 1/2 cup almond butter
- 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp Red Boat Fish Sauce
- 3 cloves garlic minced
- 2 Tbsp ginger fresh, minced
- 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp coconut aminos
- 2 limes small, juiced
- peanuts or almonds for serving
- cilantro for garnish
- Make noodles according to package. Drain, and set aside.
- Place almond butter, fish sauce, garlic ginger, coconut aminos, and limes in a blender, and blend until smooth. Remove, and set sauce aside.
- In a large stir fry pan, saute 1 tablespoon coconut oil, carrots, and bok choy on medium for 5 minutes.
- Add the Pad Thai noodles and sauce to the pan, stir, and allow to simmer for 1-2 minutes.
- Transfer mixture to a serving bowl, and then add the other ½ tablespoon coconut oil and eggs to the stir fry pan.
- Scramble eggs for 1-2 minutes on medium, until they are cooked through. Remove eggs, and place on top of Pad Thai.
- Serve with cilantro, and top with peanuts or almonds.

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💃ʜᴇᴀʟ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢᴜᴛ. ʜᴇᴀʟ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟɪfe.
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