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I created a printable FODMAP food list for you.

I decided to do this after someone asked via Instagram Stories, “Are you willing to share a low FODMAP shopping list?” …..and also because I’ve been meaning to do it for awhile now to help Y’all out.

If you don’t have a medical condition relating for a need to be low FODMAP, then please, for the love of God, do not do the low FODMAP diet.

It’s super restrictive and not even in the “do not eat junk food/sugar/carbs/etc.” restrictive kind of way.

Being low FODMAP means you’ll miss out on some pretty delicious foods like: beets, cauliflower, garlic, apples, blackberries, and cashews. 

Seriously, if you don’t need to be low FODMAP, then don’t be.

Because I fully healed my gut and got rid of SIBO, I no longer need low FODMAP options, and I’m totally excited by that (you will be, too)!

However, when my SIBO was active, I exercised caution.

Even then, though, I still eat, and I still a lot.

How? With this list free printable low FODMAP food list I’m going to give to you today.


What are FODMAPs #fodmap #fodmaps #SIBO

Before we go anything further, let me make sure you’re clear as to what a FODMAP even is.

FODMAP stands for: Fermentable OligosaccharidesDisaccharidesMonosaccharides and Polyols.

And that might seem too scientific for you.

It still is for me, even after all this time of studying low FODMAP and high FODMAP foods, the low FODMAP diet plan and all of it as it relates to SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).

So for the sake of simplicity, a FODMAP is simply a group of short-chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols that can be poorly absorbed by some individuals.

Typically, these individuals are have digestive symptoms like gas, diarrhea, and/or bloating.

Or, in general, they present with symptoms of IBS.

And, in order to alleviate symptoms many practitioners will recommend their patients try a low-FODMAP diet.

What is the Low-FODMAP Diet?

The low-FODMAP diet is simply a way of eating whereas one reduces and/or completely eliminates high-FODMAP foods as a dietary strategy for ongoing GI issues.

But make no mistake about it — despite what some will try to tell you, it’s not a diet that should be done for a long time.

And furthermore, there are pros and cons for following a low-FODMAP diet with low-FODMAP foods.  

In fact, if you want more on this, Episode 72 of the A Gutsy Girl podcast registered dietitian, Kaitlyn, breaks down 3 phases of the low FODMAP diet:

    • about 2 – 6 weeks
    • Cut high FODMAP foods, following a strict low FODMAP diet
    • adding back small amounts of new foods of a single FODMAP food at a time

Okay, so with all of that context, here is a printable list of low FODMAP foods for you to enjoy.

Printable FODMAP Food List

Click HERE to save these favorite low FODMAP foods for later.

Printable FODMAP Food List #fodmap #lowfodmap #printable

(Please keep in mind that this is my favorites list – not an exhaustive or complete list of foods. Also make note that my list is 100% gluten free as well.)

  1. Allspice
  2. Coconut yogurt
  3. Almond milk (the only problem with mentioning packaged nut milks is the extra additives in them. I choose the Elmhurst Unsweetened Milked Almonds)
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar
  5. Arrowroot flour (for baking)
  6. Artichoke, just the hearts
  7. Arugula
  8. Avocado oil
  9. Banana (unripe + also dried bananas)
  10. Basil
  11. Bay leaf
  12. Beef
  13. Bison
  14. Blueberry
  15. Bok choy 
  16. Bone broth
  17. Brazil nuts
  18. Brie cheese
  19. Broccoli (heads only)
  20. Cantaloupe
  21. Capers
  22. Cardamom
  23. Carrots
  24. Cassava
  25. Coconut sugar
  26. Celery
  27. Chia seed
  28. Chicken
  29. Cilantro
  30. Cinnamon
  31. Clementine 
  32. Coconut (shredded, dried)
  33. Coffee
  34. Collard greens
  35. Cucumber
  36. Coconut aminos
  37. Daikon
  38. Dark chocolate
  39. Dill
  40. Coconut milk
  41. Eggplant
  42. Eggs
  43. Espresso
  44. Fennel (leaves only)
  45. Fish sauce
  46. Coconut oil
  47. Flaxseed
  48. Green tea
  49. Ginger
  50. Goat cheese
  51. Grapes
  52. Green Banana Flour (for baking)
  53. Green Beans
  54. Hempseed
  55. Kale
  56. Kelp Noodles
  57. Kiwi
  58. Kombu
  59. Lamb
  60. Leek (leaves only, up to 2/3 cup)
  61. Lemon
  62. Lemongrass
  63. Lettuce (radicchio, iceberg, romaine, butter)
  64. Lime
  65. Macadamia
  66. Mandarine orange
  67. Maple syrup
  68. Marjoram
  69. Mozzarella cheese
  70. Mustard (plain + Dijon)
  71. Nori
  72. Nutmeg
  73. Nutritional Yeast
  74. Olive oil
  75. Olives
  76. Orange
  77. Oregano
  78. Parsley
  79. Parsnip
  80. Pecan
  81. Peanut Butter
  82. Peanut
  83. Red Bell Pepper
  84. Pine nut
  85. Pineapple
  86. Plantain 
  87. Polenta (this is a new favorite since returning from Italy, and it’s low-FODMAP!)
  88. Popcorn (plain or with my own, added oil)
  89. Pumpkin (Japanese, canned)
  90. Quinoa + Quinoa Pasta
  91. Radish
  92. Raspberry
  93. Red Wine Vinegar
  94. Rice milk (again, I choose Elmhurst Milked Brown Rice)
  95. Rhubarb
  96. Rice – give me all the rice
  97. Rice cakes
  98. Rosemary
  99. Rutabaga
  100. Saffron
  101. Red Cabbage
  102. Sage
  103. Salmon
  104. Scallops
  105. Sesame seed
  106. Shrimp
  107. Snapper
  108. Spaghetti squash
  109. Sparkling water
  110. Spinach
  111. Spring onion (green part only)
  112. Strawberry
  113. Sunflower seed
  114. Sweet potato (it is a favorite, and it’s technically low-FODMAP, but I still maintain that many people with gut issues have a hard time digesting the sweet potato)
  115. Swiss chard
  116. Taro
  117. Tarragon
  118. Thyme
  119. Tiger nuts
  120. Tomato sauce
  121. Tomatoes
  122. Tuna
  123. Turkey
  124. Turmeric
  125. Turnip
  126. Vanilla
  127. Vodka
  128. Walnut
  129. Walnut milk (and again, Elmhurst Milked Walnuts)
  130. Water chestnut
  131. Watercress
  132. Yam 
  133. Zucchini
Printable FODMAP Food List #fodmaps #lowfodmap #printable

Reasonable SIBO – friendly version

You might be wondering what the threshold is on various FODMAP foods – because with this diet, portion sizes matter in a big way. 

I’ve got you covered. 

If you like a printable FODMAP food list, then you will love my PDF guide, Reasonable SIBO.  

Here is what you’re getting in this SIBO guide:

  1. What is the low-FODMAP diet?
  2. How I healed long term
  3. SIBO treatment; All about SIBO antibiotics, herbal protocols, and more
  4. Why lifestyle matters (hint: MORE than you think)
  5. Hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide SIBO
  6. General gut health and cellular function
  7. Biofilm
  8. Fasting
  9. What are high-FODMAP foods?
  10. Is almond milk low FODMAP?
  11. How do you do the SIBO breath test, and where can you get?
  12. Full graphics created from expert Monash University information
  13. Other ways to improve overall gut health
  14. Can a plant-based and/or Vegan diet work when you have SIBO? What about animal proteins? Which are okay?
  15. What is a list of low FODMAP vegetables?
  16. What are symptoms of SIBO?
  17. Is feta cheese okay? How about other forms of dairy?
  18. What are some high FODMAP ingredients?
  19. My thoughts on long term dietary restrictions
  20. Graphics so you can visualize your favorite foods and their FODMAP status

If you’ve been looking for a proven guide and quick reference to all things small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, this is it.

I created an e-book with 300+ graphics that show how much of each food you could have before it becomes high-FODMAP. 

All graphics look like this:

Grab your copy of REASONABLE SIBO HERE.

For IBS patients and/or those with diagnosed SIBO, trying this diet could massively help your gastrointestinal symptoms.

But remember, it’s still not going to take care of the root cause, so you’ll absolutely need to keep seeking those ultimate answers.

Master Gut Healing Resources in one bundle

Get Reasonable SIBO PLUS all my other tools and resources for healing your gut today!

If you liked this post, you might also enjoy:

  1. Chronic Illness Root Cause Analysis
  2. Reintroduction Phase after Elimination Diet
  3. Should I do the Low-FODMAP Diet Plan?

And there you have it. What are your favorite low-FODMAP items you’d add to this list? Feel free to share them in the comments below.


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