Ready for a Mint Lime Banana Shake recipe today?

I was craving mint and lime in nice-cream shake form.

So I gathered the goods.

Coconut Milk. Green Apple. Lime. Mint Lime Banana Shake via

Side note: don’t even ask me why I added in a Green apple, but I did. I never eat the Green apples, but I saw these at our local farmer’s stand and knew I had to give it a try in this recipe.

Mint Lime Banana Shake Apple green via

And then I threw all the ingredients in the Vitamix.

Mint Lime Banana Shake Easy summer shake #DairyFree via

Are you wondering why the bananas look so brown and odd? It’s because they were already frozen. One way to save money on bananas is to buy them in larger bulk quantities, and once they become too ripe, freeze them for times like now.

I mean, you already use brown bananas for banana bread, yes?

The Vitamix made blending easy peasy, and my final beautiful product was done in a heartbeat.

Mint Lime Banana Shake #DairyFree #GlutenFree via

It was so good that I made the exact recipe yesterday again. The mixture made 3 full jars. In theory, Sam ate one, but since she still cannot eat real food, Ryan had two 🙂 But on that note, YES, I will be making all of Samarah’s baby food…..likely in the Vitamix!

Mint Lime Banana Shake #dairyfree #glutenfree #paleo via

Enjoy the recipe, and grab even more in The Gutsy Girl’s Bible: an approach to healing the gut.

Mint Lime Banana Shake

Click HERE to save this recipe for later.

Mint Lime Banana Shake
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 2
A creamy mint lime banana shake perfect for breakfast or an easy "nice cream" dessert.
  • 1 green apple, cored and quartered
  • ½ small lime, peeled
  • 2 cups frozen bananas
  • ½ cup full fat coconut milk
  • ½ cup coconut milk light (see Coconut Milk for brands I recommend)
  • 1 Tbsp fresh mint
  • ½ cup ice cubes
  1. Blend all ingredients on high (for me, this was an "8") until thoroughly mixed together.
  2. Serve

Why the Mint Lime Banana Shake is Great for Digestion

Mint and lime are both great for digestion. The apple contains prebiotics and fiber. There is no added sugar to this dairy-free shake. And it’s full of ingredients vs. ingredients.

If you liked this post, you might also enjoy:

  1. The Leaky Gut Meal Plan
  2. Gut Healing Smoothie Boosts
  3. 3-Ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Shake


Mint Lime Banana Shake #dairyfree #guthealth #healthyliving #Paleo

Mint-Lime 'Nanna Shake with Vitamix 300 via

Mint-Lime 'Nanna Shake facts #glutenfree #dairyfree via

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