Today I want to show you how to make slow-cooked homemade applesauce.

There is a chance this post won’t be very popular among all of you currently in your cookie, cake and pie comas.

But here’s what I love about this recipe: it’s stupid simple, 100% fresh and you can use it to use in your Holiday baking (applesauce makes a great replacement for sugar).

How To Make Slow-Cooked Homemade Applesauce

Click HERE to save this recipe for later.


  • apples (I used 9 small apples; 11 Jujube apples)
  • cinnamon
  • sugar (I used just a little of the Organic Coconut Sugar)
  • nutmeg


  1. Peel and core your apples
  2. Place all apples in the slow cooker and fill with water to cover about 1/2 way up on the apples
  3. Cover and slow cook on low for about 5 hours (about 2-3 hours in, add a little more water)
  4. Drain water, and let the apples cool
  5. Place apples in a blender
  6. Puree the apples for just a second (Note: literally for just a second; I did it too long and they got too smooth -> unless you like it that way or are giving them to a baby)
  7. Add your “flavoring” as you wish (I used just a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, and coconut sugar)

And one more bonus for all of you who are in this sugar-laden coma: this will be very easy on your digestive system. I mean, unless you have SIBO, which is a whole other thing….

Now, time to try an even easier way to homemade applesauce (+ also easier to digest). Grab that recipe HERE.


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  1. Homemade applesauce is THE best! Whole apples are tough for me, too, but I love them too much to not eat a few a week 🙂 I’ve never thought about using my crock-pot to make applesauce… yum!

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