There is a direct correlation between gut inflammation and weight gain… let’s address it today.
Excess Weight?
You do NOT have to be bloated and miserable, with no energy, and on the constant weight-gain train!
But if you are, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone.
When I was 18 (yes, what is typically the “prime” for not having to worry about gas, bloating and maintaining a healthy weight), I weighed over 20 pounds more than I do today (spoiler alert: I’m no spring chicken – I’m 41).
This was me then…

This is me today….

At the time, I didn’t know I was sick. I didn’t know what a healthy gut was. And I certainly had no idea what low-grade inflammation was.
I was just…..sick, with poor gut health, chronic inflammation, and “no matter what I did” could not achieve bloat or weight loss.
If you want to read (or listen to) my full story, you can HERE.
Fast Forward
The good news is that, fast forward to today, and I’m exactly where I need to be.
And what’s better is that I never have to focus on weight management. I don’t engage in exhaustive physical activity. And I certainly do not monitor every morsel of food intake on the daily.
I simply eat freely and live my life because I learned the art of healing the gut, balancing my gut microbiome, and discovered the important role of lowering levels of inflammation had on it all.
And that’s EXACTLY what I teach thousands of women worldwide to do as well — YOU included.
Bloating and weight loss by focusing on optimizing gut health.
Gut Inflammation and Weight Gain
Click HERE to save this article on gut inflammation and weight gain for later.

Let’s first start with the basics of this conversation.
What is Gut Inflammation?
Typically when we discuss inflammation of the gut, we are referring to IBD (inflammatory bowel disease).
The 2 most common type of inflammatory bowel disease include:
- Crohn’s disease
- Ulcerative Colitis
IBD causes chronic inflammation (inflammation = pain and swelling) in the digestive tract.
But it’s important to note that you can have inflammation and not IBD.
General inflammation includes things like:
- an immune system response to an irritant
- redness
- swelling
- heat
- pain
- loss of function
- hormonal imbalances
- weight gain
- abdominal belly pain
- diarrhea and/or constipation (can alternate)
- gas and bloating
- and even weight loss
And on podcast episode (#22 HERE) I recorded with Dr. Tyler Jean, here are the 9 cardinal signs of inflammation and inflammatory markers he mentions:
- high blood sugar (hyperglycemia)
- chronic stress
- sleep deprivation
- alcohol
- inflammatory foods
- gut dysbiosis
- obesity
- gingivitis
- nutrient deficiencies
According to the Cleveland Clinic,
Inflammation occurs when inflammatory cells travel to the place of an injury or foreign body like bacteria. If inflammatory cells stay too long, it may lead to chronic inflammation.
It’s the chronic inflammation that becomes a problem leading to inflammatory conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis, fatty liver disease, and the one you have most likely have heard about, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease).
Weight and Inflammation

Weight gain causes the immune system to react to produce low-grade inflammation, while inflammation causes hormonal imbalances that promote weight gain.
This includes both insulin resistance and leptin resistance, which can raise blood sugar levels and promote fat storage.
Recent studies have shown that weight gain and inflammation are in a constant cycle with one another, each one furthering the other.
And this is a critical point of conversation, not to be missed, if you are concerned with gut inflammation and weight gain……a vicious cycle that doesn’t resolve on its own UNLESS you address it.
So, then, the question becomes —
How do we stop the cycle? And how can we target inflammation so that we can quell the inflammatory response?
Because believe me when I say this loud and clear — once inflammation reduces, so will the body weight.
And, if given the chance to heal, your body will arrive at the weight it desires to be at. This is not me making it up; it’s a fact, and it’s known as the Set Point Theory.
Hi, I’m Sarah Kay Hoffman (aka A Gutsy Girl)
I was chronically ill for over a decade – bloated, gaining weight, sick, and miserable, studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and did an in-depth course on Gut Health there + a functional course through the ADAPT program with Chris Kresser.
And then I healed for good, and knew I wanted to help thousands of women worldwide do the same. After my process worked for hundreds of women in 2012-2014, I decided to make this my signature method for helping women get the answers they have been so desperately seeking.
My goal is always to ensure YOU don’t have to endure a decade spending the same thousands of dollars on doctors and other specialists who only offer the basic advice, ‘by-the-book’ rules which never worked!
Here are 6 ways to start reducing inflammation today.
6 Ways to Start Reducing Inflammation
Click HERE to save these 6 ways to start reducing inflammation.

1. Identify your food sensitivities
This is one step that is extremely helpful in lowering inflammation across the body. By removing foods your body struggles to digest, you can help prevent inflammatory responses.
There are a couple ways to properly identify your food sensitivities, including a blood test, digestive breath testing, and the elimination diet (more on all of this below with my tools).
2. Remove inflammatory foods
I will say this time and time again, but the inflammatory foods have got to go.
If you want to truly commit to this, you can try an elimination diet, which can help both lower inflammation and pinpoint specific triggers.
If not, try removing these specific foods /groups and seeing how your body reacts:
- gluten
- dairy
- alcohol
- added sugars
- fried foods
- any and all processed foods; artificial sweeteners and ingredients
so you’re ready to start?!
I’ve already done the work. And after I did the work, I put together this toolkit to help get you results. Get instant access to the entire Master Gut Healing Resources today.
You cannot, and I will repeat it again, CANNOT outrun a poor diet.
Unhealthy foods absolutely, positively correlate to immune response and gut bacteria.
And the types of bacteria (good bacteria or unwanted bacteria) that are found in the gut will make or break the physical manifestations.
3. Add in soothing herbs and supplements
Some herbs have natural properties that help to prevent inflammation in the gut.
These are also great for any type of digestive problems.
Some of my favorites include:
- Peppermint
- Marshmallow root
- Slippery elm
- L-glutamine
- Ginger
- Fennel
- Dandelion
- Omega-3’s
- Tummy Soothe = gut-immune system, IgG’s for reducing systemic inflammation

Looking for the ULTIMATE digest bundle to help with gas and bloating?
Look no further than our Ultimate Digest Bundle.
Use code ‘AGUTSYGIRL’ at checkout to save 15%.
4. Reduce stress and practice stress-reducing techniques
Many are SHOCKED when I tell them that reducing inflammation and getting rid of unwanted pounds is about far more than the foods you choose or don’t choose to eat.
And so many of these hacks are free.
Reducing stress levels is one of them.
I’ve talked about stress at massive length on both this website and in all of the books, courses, etc. I’ve produced, but if you want to scratch the surface of the conversation, check out Why Stress May be Your Worst Enemy.
5. Get regular exercise, but not too much
When I was at the height of gut inflammation and weight gain, I was working out all the time.
Yes, you read that correctly.
I never skipped a day of working out and as the weight crept up, I’d workout even more and harder.
And if you want the reasoning behind it, read What I Really Think About Workouts and Gut Healing.
For those of you who hate working out this is good news. And for those of you who love it, know that it won’t always be this way.
However, no matter which camp of working out you’re in, know that movement – gentle and regular – is non-negotiable. Exercise and healthy movement is essential for both body composition and the flourishing of beneficial bacteria.
Sticking to a regular exercise program also can strengthen your digestive system. For example, studies have suggested that taking a 15-to 20-minute walk after a meal can aid in digestion. (source)
6. Get more sleep
You can sleep when you’re dead, but without adequate sleep you might find yourself there faster.

If you want to see a significant difference in both how you feel, what your appetite levels are like, and the amount of inflammation that’s occurring — SLEEP more, not less.
I did a study on this once and HERE is what I discovered.
The National Sleep Foundation says that adults (26 – 64 years) need 7-9 hours of sleep.
I believe that those with a compromised immune system or leaky gut syndrome could likely need more like 8-9 hours of sleep for full healing to occur.
There is a huge discrepancy between 7-9 hours for most people, depending on your own, unique situation and other lifestyle factors.
But the bottom line is that getting enough sleep is crucial.
Tools to Help Identify Inflammation
Here are 5 tools to consider for identifying inflammation throughout your body:
1. C-Reactive Protein Test
One test that I discovered you can purchase on your own is Labcorp OnDemand’s Inflammation (hs-CRP) Test.
Here are 5 primary reasons to consider this test:
- You’ve been experiencing the above symptoms.
- You have already been diagnosed with an inflammatory condition.
- Trying to monitor CRP levels. Studies show that there is a positive correlation between high CRP levels and the probability of having a heart attack. If you are experiencing unexplained fatigue, frequent infection, ongoing muscle or joint aches and pain, or any GI symptoms, this test may provide insight about your health.
- Concerned about cardiac disease. An hs-CRP test can be an excellent first step in determining if you need to seek medical advice or additional testing for a suspected chronic disease associated with inflammation or if you are at an increased risk for heart disease.
- Simply trying to reduce risk. Studies show you can effectively lower your CRP (when levels indicate increased cardiovascular risk) with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Note: Another benefit of this test from Labcorp OnDemand is that it is an hs-CRP test which stands for high-sensitivity C-reactive protein test.
This testing is more sensitive than a standard C-reactive protein test.
That means the high sensitivity CRP test can find smaller increases in C-reactive protein than a standard test can.
2. Food Journal
By keeping a food journal, you will get the best, most comprehensive peek into your personal food intolerances and any medical conditions you are dealing with.
HERE is exactly how to food journal to identify food intolerances.
And here is EXACTLY how to journal for gut healing:
- Get my gut healing journaling SYSTEM that I created JUST for the gut healers!
- Flip to page 9 where you’ll find the full journaling key so you know exactly what to record and the symbols to help you do it with ease.
- Read the next several sample pages for exactly how to use the journal.
- And then, flip to page 30 and get started TODAY!
While the full journal is filled with so many other things (supplements + medication trackers, a year of tracking your gut health, gut healthy food list, doctor’s visit logs and notes, journaling prompts, + more) – what you NEED to start on the right track are the 4 steps from above.
It took me over a decade of approaching journaling for gut healing in all the WRONG ways to finally be able to create this for you.
If you want to see what that process was like (+ peek into HOW I was doing it wrong!), I’ve broken it down HERE.
3. FoodMarble AIRE 2 Device
Using this device is simple and spits back immediate results.
It works as such:
- Log your meals in the FoodMarble app
- Take breath tests throughout the day
- Log how your symptoms vary
With this feedback, you can gauge your own fermentation levels and see how food plays a role (or not) in your symptoms and inflammation (+ it will help you determine your own anti-inflammatory foods based on breath).
FoodMarble didn’t stop there, more recently they added methane, which is vital for those who want to monitor SIBO/IMO, as well as constipation.
The coolest thing about this device is, that you can test your response to your regular diet or even track how you are responding to any supplement you might be taking, as often as you need.
Each of us has a unique response to diet and supplements, so what works for one, might not work for the next.
You’ll save 15% off the FoodMarble device and/or FODMAP program at checkout by entering in code GUTSYG at checkout HERE.

4. Viome Gut Microbiome Test
There is no better way to test your unique microbiome than by using the Viome Microbiome test.
With this test, you’ll get a personalized this of which whole foods are good / not great for your personal gut microbiome.
Through this technology, here are some of the things you will learn:
- If your microbiome is not able to process nutrients in various foods
- How your microbes digest the amount of protein you are eating.
- If some of those healthy antioxidants you’re eating aren’t really benefiting you.
- If you’re eating too much iron and promoting the growth of unwanted bacteria.
I have taken this test, and you can see my personal Viome results.
Currently, there are three different testing options to choose from:
- Gut Intelligence™ Test
- Gut Microbiome Test (stool)
- Full Body Intelligence™ Test
- Gut Microbiome + Human Cells + Oral Microbiome (stool + blood + saliva)
5. Food Sensitivity Testing
While I don’t think food sensitivity testing is a GOLD standard, I do think it can provide helpful insight into both which foods might be good (not good) for you right now and also help you understand if you might be dealing with intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut).
Everlywell makes lab tests easy with 30+ at-home kits — from fertility to food sensitivity tests — ordered by you.
Their tests offer simple sample collection, free shipping, and physician-reviewed results and insights sent to your device in just days.
Out of almost 1,700 reviews on their website, they have maintained an almost perfect 5-star rating.
And, in fact, the good news is that they have tests which extend far beyond the food sensitivity test.
Here are some examples of tests they offer for women’s health:
- Breast Milk DHA Test
- Women’s Health Test
- Ovarian Reserve Test
- Postmenopause Test
- Women’s Fertility Test
- Perimenopause Test
- Energy + Weight
- Thyroid Test
- Metabolism Test
- Vitamin D and Inflammation Test
- Vitamin D Test
If you’re looking to do a Food Sensitivity Test, here is what the process for this one looks like:
- Once you order, the test materials are delivered to your doorstep.
- Enter the barcode included with your kit at
- Complete a simple finger prick collection and return with prepaid shipping.
- An independent board-certified physician will review your results.
- Once verified, you’ll receive your results on our secure platform within just days.
Each food will be rated on a Class scale of 0-3: Class 0 (low reactivity) to Class 3 (high reactivity). This is a great place to start if you want to dig into your body’s relationship with food.
You will also get:
- Tailored suggestions about what to do next
- Help prioritizing your trial elimination diet
- Personalized information and education
You can grab any of the EverlyWell tests today and save 20% at checkout by using coupon code AGUTSYGIRL.
While I am fully aware that there is a complex relationship between inflammation and weight gain and addressing them is not easy, it IS achievable.
I am living proof!
And this is why I made it my mission to help you reduce both in order to live your best and healthiest, most vibrant, life yet.
Always remember that!

If you liked this post on gut inflammation and weight gain, you might also enjoy:
- How to Lose Weight with SIBO
- Most Nutrient Absorption Occurs in the Small Intestine
- Plant-Based Foods
Disclosure: All opinions started here are 100% my own. I appreciate your support, as this compensation helps with expenses to keep this website up and running, and for me to continue sharing all that I can with you. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
🤰 bloating be gone! weight loss through optimal gut health for women
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