Ever wondered, “What are some good home remedies to relieve bloating?”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you most likely have. Perhaps you have even thought about it today.
Stomach bloating is one of those symptoms that most of us in the Gutsy community struggle with.
And let me tell you, I know that bloated feeling all too well.
Not only does it make you feel gross, but it is also incredibly painful!
When my digestion was at its worst I looked pregnant almost every time I ate and had INTENSE pain after every meal.
Since my bloating was caused by my gut flora, I had to find temporary ways to relieve the bloat while I was sorting out my digestion.
Here are some my best methods for getting rid of that bloat as well as some tricks for how to prevent it in the first place. The good news is that with proper gut healing, you won’t have to struggle with it forever.
Think of this as a temporary fix to an issue that will one day be resolved.
When your gut health is at 100%, your bloated belly will be no more.
If you want more context on the below, I have recorded a podcast episode all about this topic that you can listen to now.
Episode 90: Show notes
Episode 90 on the ‘A Gutsy Girl’ podcast: Home Remedies to Relieve Bloating . 12 home remedies to relieve your bloating at home today.
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In this Episode we cover:
- 12 Home Remedies for Your Bloated Stomach
- How to prevent bloating?
Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
- Break Down
- Activated Charcoal
- Probiotics + probiotic food list
- Lose the weight + bloat with our 21-day Quick Gut Detox [lifetime access, immediate results]
- Email: podcast@agutsygirl.com
Episode Images
More about our Podcast
A Gutsy Girl is the podcast that teaches, preaches, and celebrates healing the gut and living a happier, healthier life. If you’re interested in being a guest on the show or have a topic you’d love to hear discussed, please reach out to us at podcast@agutsygirl.com
More episodes you might enjoy:
Home Remedies to Relieve Bloating
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12 Home Remedies for Your Bloated Stomach
- Peppermint tea: Peppermint is known for its soothing properties that can help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking a cup of peppermint tea after a meal may aid in relieving bloating.
- Ginger: Ginger has been used traditionally to aid digestion and reduce bloating. You can try drinking ginger tea or adding freshly grated ginger to hot water or meals. I like to use pure ginger root in most of my dinner meals to help promote digestive regularity after a big meal.
- Fennel seeds: Fennel seeds contain compounds that can help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing bloating and gas. Chew on a teaspoon of fennel seeds or steep them in hot water to make a tea.
- Caraway seeds: Caraway seeds have been used for centuries to ease digestive discomfort, including bloating. You can chew on a teaspoon of caraway seeds or add them to your meals.
- Warm water and lemon: Squeezing fresh lemon juice into a glass of warm water and drinking it in the morning may help stimulate digestion and relieve bloating.
- Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea has calming properties that can help relax the stomach muscles and alleviate bloating. Enjoy a cup of chamomile tea after meals. In fact, most herbal teas can help with bloat reduction.
- Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal is believed to absorb excess gas in the digestive system, potentially reducing bloating. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before using it, as it may interfere with certain medications or medical conditions.
- Gentle exercise: Engaging in light physical activity, such as walking, can help stimulate digestion and reduce bloating. You can get some natural gas relief just by moving, which can hopefully push some of that gas buildup out.
- Probiotic supplements: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can support a healthy gut. Consuming foods rich in natural probiotics, like yogurt or fermented vegetables, or taking a probiotic supplement, may help regulate digestion and reduce bloating. (If you have SIBO this could potentially exacerbate symptoms, so keep track of how you feel after taking.)
- Heating pads or hot balloon packs: This is one of my go-to items whenever the bloating just gets incredibly uncomfortable. Heat can help to relax your intestinal muscles, which can result in some of that trapped gas being released. It also helps decrease some of the abdominal pain.
- Hot baths with Epsom salt: This is one of my all time favorites for really bad bloating. Epsom salt is great for helping to relax muscles as well as the heat from the bath. You can even add in some essential oils for some added stress relief benefits.
- Digestive yoga: This is actually something I have been practicing for a very long time; also a game-changer for my bloating. I have a couple of favorite YouTube videos that walk you through things such as abdominal massages and different gas releasing poses such as child’s pose and other stretches. And, in fact, I also made a YouTube video with my 5 favorite stretches for bloating that I’ll include as well.
Preventing Bloating
While bloating is often due to an underlying digestive issues, there are some at-home simple remedies for preventing this bloating from taking place in the first place.
We don’t always want to be dealing with the uncomfortable symptoms when we can actually prevent them. Or at least help.

1. Digestive Enzymes
This is in the number one spot intentionally.
Here’s the deal with bloating as it relates to food: so often it’s not about the food itself. Instead, it’s about the underlying cause for why that food is making you bloat.
And one of the very first things that people do not understand is that food must be BROKEN DOWN properly in order for it to not cause digestive issues.
A high-quality digestive enzyme will absolutely help! I never skip a beat with digestive enzymes, and I have zero bloat.
2. Bone broth
I will forever rave about bone broth and for good reason, too.
Bone broth is incredibly soothing to the digestive tract and can help promote healing of the entire GI tract.
I have started adding a cup of warm bone broth to my night routine and I have already noticed some reduced gas pains when I wake up in the morning.
It is 100% something worth trying.
[Grab 13 high-protein broth ideas.]
3. Digestive bitters or ACV
You can use either digestive bitters or some diluted apple cider vinegar before eating to help jumpstart your digestion.
This helps to support your natural stomach acid and stimulate the release of enzymes and bile to break down nutrients.
4. Experiment with fiber
Some people find fiber to help their bloating by promoting more regular bowel movements.
If you are looking for some extra fiber consider adding nuts, seeds, apples, avocados, and whole grains into your diet.
Keep in mind, though, that too much fiber (too quickly and without enough water), is also likely to bloat you.
5. Minimizing distractions
I know this may be frustrating to hear, but the environment in which you eat in can truly change the way your body responds to it.
Try putting down your phone or other distractions while eating and see if this makes any difference.
6. Avoiding trigger foods or known food intolerance foods
Some foods can contribute to bloating in susceptible individuals.
Common culprits include beans, lentils, cabbage, onions, carbonated drinks, and artificial sweeteners + sugar alcohols.
Identify any foods that seem to worsen your bloating and try to avoid them. Again, you could also try experimenting with digestive enzymes for common problem foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, and beans.
7. Avoid fizzy drinks
I know soda is a must in some people’s diets, but it can cause extreme bloat and gas. I tend to avoid most carbonated drinks to prevent stomach upset, such as sparkling water, sodas, and all sorts of fizzy teas.
8. Cut back on the caffeine
I have a whole post on the impact of coffee on the gut which you can find HERE.
Most caffeine products are highly irritating to the digestive process and can cause spasms and inflammation. This can lead to the dreaded bloated tummy.
9. Cut out the straws
I am a huge straw lover, but it actually can cause you to inhale too much air vs. just regular drinking from a cup.
Try opting out of the straw and see if you notice any change.
Which Foods Are Causing My Bloat?
This is a misconception that most people have all wrong.
In a healthy individual, your gut really should not be reacting to any foods. Of course, dairy products and gluten are common exceptions, but most foods should be well-tolerated.
The issue is not the food itself but rather the health of the digestive system.
Temporarily it may help to keep track of your symptoms after eating and pinpoint if any specific foods are causing that excessive gas. Before I got my digestion under control, I kept a VERY detailed journal identifying reactions and symptoms after eating.
This helped me to better understand which foods I was reacting to.
Since digestive conditions can cause food intolerances, you may also consider getting tested for those.
THIS article has more information about food intolerances and the different ways you can get tested.
Making small dietary changes can certainly help temporarily, but becoming too restrictive over a long period of time can be harmful to your gut.
That is why it is important to prioritize your digestive health.
Things such as a low-fodmap diet or elimination diet can be a good place to start but remember this is a BAND-AID solution.
What Conditions Cause Bloating?
Bloating is often due to some sort of dysbiosis in the gut, or imbalance in the gut flora. Since bacteria and yeasts feed on carbs to create gases in our bodies, they are often the cause of excessive gas production.
In order to get this imbalance under control, you often need to work with some sort of practitioner who specializes in gut health conditions.
Common dysbiosis issues include:
- SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
- SIFO (small intestinal fungal overgrowth)
- parasitic infection
- mold exposure
These problems can take a long time to heal, but healing is entirely possible if done correctly.
Chronic inflammation is also another cause of bloating, which can be caused by a whole host of problems.
To tackle inflammation, consider checking out some of my favorite supplements HERE.
I hope you enjoyed today’s information on all things bloating.

If you liked this post on home remedies to relieve bloating, you might also enjoy:
Comment down below if any of these methods have worked for you as well as your favorite home remedy for bloating.

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