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Today I’m sharing a day of eats with you because I keep on getting the question, “Can you share in a blog post what you eat in a typical day and what supplements you take?” 

I have nothing to hide, and I enjoy being real and honest about what I do (and don’t) eat; what I do (and don’t) take (for supplements).

The last time I did one of these was in April of 2017.

It was called Thriving Gut Eats.

A Day of Eats

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A Day of Eats with A Gutsy Girl

Sunday: typical weekend day

Here is what I ate this past Sunday.

It’s pretty true to the randomness that happens on the weekends.

  • coffee, Aroy-D, Monk Fruit 
  • sausage link
  • 3-egg omelet with ham, onion, peppers + breakfast potatoes
  • grapes
  • crunchy, raw almond butter
  • mixture: pumpkin, Nutiva Organic Chocolate Protein Powder, Elmhurst Unsweetened Milked Walnuts
  • flaxseeds + pumpkin seeds
  • bottle of Kombucha 
  • chicken salad with dressing, sesame seeds, shredded carrots, and shredded beets from French Meadow Bakery (this was at the airport, since I was leaving for New York)
  • Quest Bar (<– they contain dairy and Stevia, but Ryan and I have been on a kick with them lately)

Monday: gone from home, typical day when I’m traveling for work

  • coffee, nasty creamer 
  • hotel omelet with turkey sausage
  • Cuban Cashew Bowl (under “Grains”) – when I travel here, I eat this bowl every single day, if not twice a day (lunch and dinner)
  • Quest Bar
  • grilled chicken with BBQ, sautéed mixed vegetables with red sauce
A Day of Eats cuban cashew bowl

I realize this doesn’t look like I ate much, but lunch and dinner were ginormous.

In fact, when I’m at home, I tend to eat more often throughout the day.

When I travel, I do more meal spacing.

SIBO doesn't have to control your life Reasonable SIBO


SIBO does not have to control your life. Get my guide, and start healing with all the insider-info today.

A normal weekday at home

This is currently what I’m eating most days.

  • coffee (you can see How I Drink My Coffee most days of the week)
  • greens of some sort + 2-3 Turkey Meatloaf Muffins
  • grapes or a banana
  • green beans, seeds – wherever I’m at with seed cycling, turkey/chicken/sausage (some sort of protein) with olive oil and a vinegar of sorts
  • Quest Bar or Paleo Bar
  • Almond Butter, Coconut Butter, Peanut Butter or other nut butter
  • Pork Rinds, Veggie Straws, or Simple Mills Crackers and several chugs of either Elmhurst Milked Almonds or Elmhurst Milked Cashews (this carton is mine so yes, I drink straight from it – no shame!)
  • Thrive Market Angel Hair or Kelp Noodles OR a regular rice, some sort of protein, some sort of veggie, and olive or coconut oil

Sometimes I have something sweet after dinner; nut butter, a few bites of ice cream, etc. 

On average, I also practice Intermittent Fasting approximately 5 nights per week.

A Normal Day of Supplements

And finally, here are the supplements I am currently taking.

Please keep in mind that these can change at any given moment and that they are so minimal right now because I am feeling so well.

I recommend several supplements beyond these for many people; I just don’t need them right now, and when it comes to supplements I believe that less is more (when you’re doing well).

Each of these supplements can be found via RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS.

  • (am) Adrenal Glandular 
  • (am) Primal Blueprint, Primal Probiotics
  • (am) Vitamin A (I take the liquid drops version – for skin health – via a Liz Wolfe recommendation)
  • (throughout the day, depending on what I’m eating) HCl
  • (throughout the day, depending on what I’m eating) digestive enzymes
  • (once every 2-ish weeks, for good measure) Intestinal Movement Formula 
10 Gut and Hormone Supplements Adrenal Glandular

Listen to Your Body

And that’s it, Y’all. 

The biggest area I still need improvement in is with the amount of water I consume daily. 

Water is critical for digestion; it’s critical for the entire body. 

Beyond that, I do not analyze every last thing I eat or don’t eat. I go with the flow. I LISTEN to my body. What does it need? What does it not need? 

At the very first sign that something might be off, I pull back a little. 

In the meantime, while I’m eating all the things and feeling so well, I am 100% focused on getting lifestyle right and in order.

Sleep (but you’d never know how much I sleep with the “tired eyes” look I have 24/7), workouts (or lack thereof), relationships, finding more calm, continuing the quest for other other non-endocrine disruptive products, etc.

I hope this post has helped you see that:

  1. If you work really hard on healing your gut, you might find yourself able to enjoy all the things again one day, but also that
  2. Oftentimes you can’t diet harder, and 
  3. There is no right or wrong answer for exactly how to heal the gut. Bio-individuality reigns.


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  1. I super appreciate this post!! Just started the gut repair phase post- herbal SIBO treatment and you are also giving me hope that this could all be a thing of the past… a well-managed thing of the past, but still!

  2. Hi there! I was just diagnosed with SIBO, while doing some digging I came across your blog! I already have been diagnosed with celiacs and now microscopic colitis. While some of my symptoms were clearing up, I was still struggling with bloating, diarrhea, and a complete inability to lose any weight (even while exercising 7 days a week and cutting calories back drastically). My question is this, they have prescribed me rifaximin – but I see other people saying they only had positive outcomes with rifaximin and metronidazole in conjunction. Any helpful thoughts? Thank you!! 🙂

    1. Hi Katie – Two things that might help: 1. I’ve never taken metronidazole. Do you have hydrogen or methane-dominant SIBO? I have taken Rifaximin alone and then also Rifaximin/Neomycin. Never metronidazole. And I’m thriving. And 2. While you’re trying to heal, tread lightly with working out 7 days a week and cutting calories. It could be affecting your healing. Thinking of you, wishing for the best. xox

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