What do you think a Gluten Free Ginger Chocolate Crumb Cake might taste like? Today you’re going to find out!

During the past two weeks, I have been asked,

Can you recommend a great gluten-free cookbook?


Where do you get your recipes?

The answer to the former: No. I have several, but none I can truly recommend because they are either too complicated (think 20+ ingredients) or they use gluten-free ingredients I’m not a fan of advocating.

And to the latter: I make them up. Many times I am inspired by something I see or am motivated by an intense craving of my own. I figure out what I want and then how to concoct that food, but with all the appropriate substitutions.

The day I made the gluten-free breakfast loaf sort of looked like this….I was really craving chocolate. I had leftover pumpkin. I also wanted something “chocolate-cakey,” but with very low sugar. Oh, and I wanted to tie it altogether with a gut-friendly element.

Not high maintenance at all, right?!

The above scenario is one that happens weekly.

I didn’t know what I’d call it at the time, but piece-by-piece, the ingredients came together and myGluten Free Ginger Chocolate Crumb Cake came alive.

Gluten Free Ginger Chocolate Crumb Cake

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Gluten Free Ginger Chocolate Crumb Cake
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 1-2
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Melt chocolate, coconut oil and pumpkin half-way in a pan on the stove.
  3. Add ginger and cinnamon to the melted mixture, and finish blending until all parts mixed.
  4. Place melted mixture and all other ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  5. Beat on low for about 30 seconds.
  6. Place mixture in a small, personal-sized oven-safe dish.
  7. Bake for about 28-30 minutes.


The “hub” of your ingredients. Do you know which one of these is the most “gut friendly?” Correct. The ginger. Here are some more of its benefits.

Ginger is also on the fall foods list.

Perfectly packed and ready to bake.

Please know that something this rich pairs very nicely with wine. Ever had Cupcake Wine? How about the Red Velvet?

If so, how much do you love it?!

Fact: this winery is right over the hill from where we live.




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  1. totally with you on that! i never follow recipes for that reason. 5 different flours? sheesh. You had me at wine here.

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