I have gone 6+ months without having a Colitis flare up. And then it happened; the Colitis-face showed again. Do you want to see “real life?” These pictures demonstrate a real life.

Colitis Flare Up Bloated Gut Healing www.sarahkayhoffman.com

I don’t pretend that “I have no idea why or how this happened.” When you have Colitis you tend to be very in tune with your body because it’s constantly talking to you. If you have Colitis, but still believe that flare ups happen “for no reason,” consider re-considering that thought.

Colitis Flare Up

It was Friday, September 16th when it all began. Since my brother was in California visiting we went out to eat. The food was absolutely amazing, and it was what I thought was gluten free. At 7 am the next morning I knew that it absolutely was not. I was extremely tired, sore, bloated and (the dead giveaway) got a crack in the corner of my left lip.

From there it spiraled out of control. A week ago from today I flew to Los Angeles, was off a normal eating schedule, ate more processed foods, alcohol, acidic and spicy things (gluten free of course), felt stress from several angles (not necessarily even negative stress) and overall was out of my element.

I spent the entire week in a big ball of bloat, confusion, and discomfort. I reached the peak on Saturday, but thankfully that was the day I traveled back home to the Bay Area.

Yesterday I took a huge step back. It was my first full day back from traveling and back to my (not so much) reality. It was a very hard and trying day for me because mentally I knew the challenges ahead for the next 1-2 weeks minimum. Physically, I was miserable. I barely made it through church, had no desire for coffee, ate only my homemade chicken broth, homemade vegetable broth, slow cooked chicken, water and extra lean turkey. My body was in a ton of pain, neck hurt, had a headache from the devil and consequently slept all day long. But all of that is the beginning of getting better –  it always is. When a massive Colitis flare up attacks, I attack it back.

It has always worked for me. This time will be no different.

Here’s the thing, the most positive thing I can say today (because let’s face it – I need to arm myself and surround myself with only positivity)….the fact that I know I will get better in the blink of an eye via food and sans-medication is amazing. It’s a natural miracle that I thank God every day to have on my side.

You might be thinking, “She has Colitis, so why is she always bloated? I thought Colitis was the opposite of bloat?” And you would be correct, many forms of Colitis respond in that very way. I have the form of Colitis known as Proctitis. What is Proctitis? I’ll explain tomorrow.

For today? Just trying to get by….and looking forward to having this pass because –

This too shall pass.

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  1. Sarah..Thank you so much for writing about this…it’s an adventure isn’t it!! I LOVE your postive outlook though..sometimes that’s all we have to get us through!! Hope you are feeling bettter!!!

    1. You are welcome, Erin! Yes, definitely an adventure. You MUST have a positive outlook. Negativity with it won’t go very far….I’m definitely on the upswing already. And that’s a smile:)

  2. Sarah- Thanks for sharing your experience with a flare-up. It’s not something often people want to talk about, but like you said, it’s something to share so that someone else might say – “wow, me too” and not feel alone.

    1. You are welcome! I decided that there was no reason to “hide” from talking about it anymore. I get most embarrassed by that belly, but it’s all a part of it. And by the way, the other reason I decided to talk about it now is because the 75% of my other posts are all the “solution” and the positive ways I combat it! Thanks for the support, Annelies!

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