I want to show you how to set up your own supplement tracker template today to assist on your healing journey.
Tracking is Critical
I’m no stranger to tracking everything from dietary supplements to food items, activity level and lifestyle pieces.
I have been doing this since my teens. Yes, actually and truly. Back then I did not have a balanced diet nor did I care about supplement and medication trackers.
But truthfully? The fact that I was tracking back then all of “that” stuff would actually benefit me in the end because I had proof of the dysfunction and how it was wreaking havoc on my health.
And then in 2007, I started the process of making it more official – creating my own food journal templates to help uncover what was going on with my gut. Again, at the time it was more to attempt hitting some random “goal weight” for my wedding.
Nonetheless, I learned so much about myself and my body.
In fact, I detailed this in the 8 steps to creating the best food journal.
I swear by tracking because there is no better way to help yourself understand you.
Furthermore, when you track you are also able to help your healthcare provider help you in the most optimal way.
Benefits of Tracking Supplements

Here are 3 main benefits of tracking supplements (+ medications, food, lifestyle, and more):
- Personal fact sheets. When you make and use your own supplement tracker template, you have fact sheets based on no one or anything except for you. This is your journey, your body, and you need this.
- Easy to share with healthcare providers. No more guestimating when you enter your doctor’s office. Because you have been tracking, the information will be all right there, one place and easy for s/he to review.
- Side effects. Just because a supplement has worked for everyone else, doesn’t mean it will be for you. And when you keep track of what you’re taking, what time you’re taking it, and how much you’re taking, you can then (also) track any side effects (good, bad, or indifferent).
Supplement Tracker Template
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Okay, so how do you go about creating this?
Honestly, there are so many different ways.
In fact, if you have my own Supplement Trackers you know that I have 5 methods for tracking the most important things to you.
While I have 5 different templates that you could choose to use from, here are the various parts available on each one so you can get a feel for how you might want to structure your own.
Supplement Tracker Template 1
At the top of the sheet write down your personal information:
- First name + last name
- Primary physician, location and phone number
- Pharmacy name, location and phone number
Then, make 6 columns with a ton of rows.
My 6 columns say exactly this:
- Supplement
- Start Date
- End Date
- Description (Pill, Liquid, Spray)
- Dose
- Instructions
Record as such.
Supplement Tracker Template 2
At the top of the sheet it simply says, “Daily Supplement Tracker.”
Next to that, in the upper right corner is a box for “Special Notes.” You can write whatever you want here, but for example, “after this month, I’ll be low on my zinc supplement. be sure to reorder.”
Then, this is a simple grid-style tracker broken down by month.
I have the year listed and then all months. Because I make my trackers editable, you can print 12 of these, and then circle whatever month you’re. on.
Below that, you list out each day of the month and in the rows, all your various supplements.
You’ll put an “X” in the date corresponding to the supplement for when you took it.
At the bottom of this one, I leave plenty of space for miscellaneous notes.
Supplement Tracker Template 3
This is a 4-Week Supplement and Medication Tracker, labeled as such at the top.
Because this is by month only, you’ll want to record the month and year in the upper right.
Then, the way this one breaks down is through the following columns at the top:
- Supplement/Medication
- Dose
- Day of the week
In the rows, I have them broken down on the far left by morning, noon, and evening.
And then, you record as such with ample space.
Again, there is a place at the bottom of the page for special notes. The more notes you take, the more information you’ll have!
Supplement Tracker Template 4
Perhaps the type of tracker you’re looking for on your wellness journey is simply to understand symptoms as they correlate and connect to the supplements and medications you’re taking.
So for this one, you just make a chart with approximately 7-9 columns.
The first column should be labeled “Symptoms.”
Next to that, you start listing out your various medications and supplements. For example, the next column might be “probiotic.” And then next, “greens powder,” etc.
Underneath “Symptoms” you’ll mark various ones you are experiencing: bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, immune system, etc.”
And then under the specific supplement and/or medication, note any of those symptoms.
Supplement Tracker Template 5
The last printable tracker template I like to use is broken down by month, item, dosage, time, and day.
With this one, you are able to really track the exact supplement, how much you’re taking, time of day you’re taking it, and the days you’ve taken it.
This one will sync up nicely for medical professionals you might be working with.
And More Tracking for Optimal Health + Healing
As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I have tracked everything for decades now.
And therefore, my main food and lifestyle journaling system includes tracking all other elements like:
- Nutrition tracker + food intake (but never the number of calories!)
- Exercise activities
- Water intake
- Sleep
- Bowel movements
- Mood
- Overall rating for the day
- A bullet-style journaling sheet
- Habits tracker for creating your own healthy lifestyle routines
- Checklist for what constitutes your own, personal “healthy diet”
- ….and so much more
Your Turn! Create Your Own Information System
You should have all the information you need for making your own supplement tracker template.
If you’d rather skip the creation part, you can get all 5 of my templates in PDF format for just $5.
Once you purchase them, you can also CONTACT US and we will send you the editable Canva accessible template document so you can adjust and play with it however you feel necessary for your personal use.
Remember, these are supplement and medication trackers, not a weekly meal planner.
But if you want that, I have a 21-day meal plan all laid out for you in the Quick Gut Detox.
Let me know if you have questions! Happy to help you however I can.
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