What is the best food sensitivity test for weight loss?
I have already made it very clear that we can achieve weight loss through optimal gut health.
Losing weight will NOT solve your problems, but healing your gut changes everything.
The more weight I lost on any given insane diet, the unhappier I truly felt.
When I lost weight naturally because my gut healed, my life vastly improved.
And here’s the thing (from THIS list of 19 foundational beliefs around weight loss through optimal gut health for females):
You can’t outrun a bad diet, BUT if your gut is healthy you’ll be able to consume all foods, freely.
There should be no reason you can’t indulge from time-to-time. We are not made to be that sensitive.
BUT the question for today is — WHAT IF you ARE that sensitive and seemingly sensitive to all. the. foods?!
Let’s weed through the conversation.
Food Sensitivities
A food intolerance and hypersensitivity are basically the same thing.
“Food intolerance, also known as non-IgE mediated food hypersensitivity or non-allergic food hypersensitivity, refers to difficulty in digesting certain foods.”
A food intolerance and hypersensitivity will not trigger an allergic reaction.
However, it can cause a whole host of unpleasant symptoms such as abdominal pain, gas, bloating, headaches, and heartburn.
A food intolerance occurs when the digestive system fails to break down certain foods. It often can be due to a lack of pancreatic enzymes or certain developments over time, such as a lactose intolerance.
It also is often linked with increased iGg proteins, which can trigger an overactive immune response. This can cause inflammation and discomfort, especially in the gut region.
Food intolerances are extremely commonly, and it is where the majority of the Gutsy community falls. And while it’s not life-threatening, it’s frustrating because a food intolerance has a delayed response.
Trigger foods can take anywhere from hours to days to show up after eating specific foods.
Thus, people tend to spin their wheels for years trying to figure out what’s wrong.
Some even go their entire lives without pinpointing which specific foods are giving them issues.
The Food Sensitivity + Weight Connection

Here are 11 common symptoms of a food sensitivity:
- headaches
- trouble concentrating
- anxiety
- depression
- bloating
- gas
- constipation
- diarrhea
- unwanted symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion
- aching joints and joint pain
- skin rashes and itchy skin
And even though “weight gain” is not directly listed, many of the reactions can indirectly lead to it.
For example:
When you’re too tired to do anything, much less exercise, this can lead to weight gain.
And when you’re so bloated and gassy, the abdominal distention can feel like weight gain. Remember: bloat and weight are not the same things.
Finally, and probably most important, the chronic inflammation that food sensitivities produce can disrupt the body’s ability to process nutrients.
Chronic Inflammation + Weight Gain
Food intolerances caused by IgG (immunoglobulin g) antibodies can lead to a state of low-grade inflammation in obese people that interferes with weight loss. (source)
Weight gain causes the immune system to react to produce low-grade inflammation, while inflammation causes hormonal imbalances that promote weight gain.
This includes both insulin resistance and leptin resistance, which can raise blood sugar levels and promote fat storage.
Recent studies have shown that weight gain and inflammation are in a constant cycle with one another, each one furthering the other.
And this is a critical point of conversation, not to be missed, if you are concerned with gut inflammation and weight gain……a vicious cycle that doesn’t resolve on its own UNLESS you address it.
You can learn all about Gut Inflammation and Weight Gain HERE.

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Tummy Soothe fosters a healthy inflammatory response in the GI tract and supports the intestinal barrier to help fight off antigens, boost digestive function and create a protective barrier within the digestive tract.
Food Sensitivity Test for Weight Loss
Click HERE to save this article on the best food sensitivity test for weight loss for later.

Like everything else I teach and preach, we have to work backwards in order to move forwards.
So you have to understand the foundational element in this conversation —

Which Food(s) am I Intolerant / Sensitive To?
And once you understand that, you can address it.
Here are the top 9 broad ways for understanding if you’re dealing with a food sensitivity to consider:
Elimination Diet
This approach involves systematically eliminating potential trigger foods from your diet for a period of time and then reintroducing them to observe any symptoms. It is considered the gold standard for identifying food sensitivities and is often recommended as a first-line approach.
This might be my favorite first step one can take because it doesn’t require any financial investment by way of food intolerance tests.
The ultimate goal of the elimination diet is to figure out any food triggers by way of removing foods and then later reintroducing them, one at a time.
Simultaneously, you’ll watch for symptoms that show a reaction.
The process takes a slow-and-go approach.
Reactions could be eczema, general rashes and acne, bloating, diarrhea, joint pain, etc. Really, anytime your body is presenting signals that something is not right, the chances that it’s food related are fairly high.
If you want me to give you my 21-day Quick Gut Detox diet that removes the most reactive foods, then join HERE today.
Reduce bloat and normalize weight by getting out of the start-and-stop “gut healing” cycle. In just 21 short days, you’ll be light years ahead of where you’re at today.

Not only will you get my 21-day plan, BUT you’ll also have access to the best and most comprehensive food diary for tracking food as it relates to your gut.
Through the Quick Gut Detox, you’ll begin seeing signs of food intolerance almost immediately – once you remove and/or reintroduce foods.
Furthermore, and best of all, you might notice a reduction in your chronic symptoms disappear on a daily basis.
IgG Antibody Testing
This type of blood test measures IgG antibodies produced in response to specific food antigens.
The test aims to identify delayed food sensitivities.
However, the scientific validity and clinical utility of IgG testing for food sensitivities are still a topic of debate among experts, stating limited evidence.
Here are some reasons the IgG testing for food sensitivities are still debatable:
- IgG vs. IgE (immunoglobulin e) Response: IgG antibodies are part of the body’s immune response, but they are typically associated with long-term immunity rather than immediate allergic reactions. In contrast, IgE antibodies are involved in allergic responses and can trigger immediate symptoms like hives, difficulty breathing, or anaphylaxis. IgG tests focus on IgG antibodies, which may not necessarily correlate with clinical symptoms or indicate a true food sensitivity or intolerance.
- False Positives and Overdiagnosis: IgG testing has been criticized for producing a high rate of false-positive results, suggesting sensitivities to multiple foods that may not be clinically relevant. This can lead to unnecessary dietary restrictions and potentially nutrient deficiencies. The concept of IgG-mediated food sensitivity is still controversial, and many experts believe that elimination diets based solely on IgG testing may not be effective or necessary.
- Individual Variability: People can have a presence of IgG antibodies to various foods without experiencing any symptoms. IgG levels can also fluctuate over time, making it challenging to interpret their significance accurately. Additionally, there is a lack of consensus on which specific levels of IgG antibodies are clinically meaningful or indicative of a food sensitivity.
The ALCAT (Antigen Leukocyte Cellular Antibody Test) measures cellular reactions to various food antigens.
It identifies potential food intolerances by measuring changes in white blood cells in response to different foods.
But again, its effectiveness and clinical relevance have been questioned by some experts with similar concerns to the IgG Antibody Testing method.
Comprehensive Stool Analysis
This test assesses the gut microbiome, digestive function, and markers of inflammation.
It can identify imbalances in the gut that may contribute to food sensitivities and irritable bowel syndrome physical symptoms.
According to Doctor’s Data (I did a stool test through them),
The Comprehensive Stool Analysis (CSA) is an invaluable non-invasive diagnostic assessment that permits practitioners to objectively evaluate the status of beneficial and imbalanced commensal bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, yeast/fungus by culture, PCR, and other gold standard methods. Precise identification of pathogenic species and susceptibility testing greatly facilitates selection of the most appropriate pharmaceutical or natural treatment agents.
FoodMarble Device + App
There is another way that people are getting answers at home for discovering problematic foods.
This is via the FoodMarble device + app.
According to their website, the FoodMarble is,
The next era of digestive breath testing based on validated clinical technology.
FoodMarble wants to help those suffering from chronic gut issues including IBS, IBD, chronic constipation, and SIBO/IMO.
They initially created a device to help people find the foods that best suit their unique digestion. This is achieved by tracking how their hydrogen levels change in response to the food they ate.
You can also get a FODMAP intolerance kit that can help you figure out your tolerance to some of the most common FODMAP sugars (lactose – dairy products, fructose, inulin and sorbitol).
The device pairs with a handy app that records all your data so over time, you can see the trends.
FoodMarble didn’t stop there, more recently they added methane, which is vital for those who want to monitor SIBO/IMO, as well as constipation. The coolest thing about this device is, that you can test your response to your regular diet or even track how you are responding to any supplement you might be taking, as often as you need.
Each of us has a unique response to diet and supplements, so what works for one, might not work for the next.
Everlywell Food Sensitivity Test
One of the most commonly used at-home food sensitivity tests is through Everlywell.
We make lab tests easy with 30+ at-home kits — from fertility to food sensitivity tests — ordered by you. Our tests offer simple sample collection, free shipping, and physician-reviewed results and insights sent to your device in just days.
Out of almost 1,700 reviews on their website, they have maintained an almost perfect 5-star rating.
Their Food Sensitivity Comprehensive Test measures your immune system’s IgG antibody reactivity to 204 foods.
Each food will be rated on a Class scale of 0-3: Class 0 (normal reactivity) to Class 3 (high reactivity).
A higher than normal IgG reactivity level can mean that there’s a possibility that food can be giving you symptoms—making that food an ideal candidate to include in your list to initially remove in a two-part elimination diet.
These are not food allergy tests, nor can it determine lactose intolerance or coeliac disease.
HOWEVER, you can understand the differences between food sensitivity, food allergy, and Celiac with THESE three tests available through them.
NOTE: Learn more about the differences between Food Allergy and Food Intolerance HERE.
Viome Gut Microbiome Test
The Viome Gut Microbiome Test is a testing kit which aims to help you discover the precise food and supplements for your body in order to restore microbiome health.
This is both a stool and blood test.
Currently, there are three different testing options to choose from:
- Gut Intelligence™ Test
- Gut Microbiome Test (stool)
- Full Body Intelligence™ Test
- Gut Microbiome + Human Cells + Oral Microbiome (stool + blood + saliva)
I, in fact, have done the Health Intelligence Test (no longer available, as they have upgraded!), providing both a blood sample via skin prick test and stool sample.
From this test, as it relates to different types of food, here are my personal superfoods:
- anchovies
- artichoke
- broccoli
- egg yolk (chicken or duck)
- garlic
- green tea
- Jerusalem artichoke
- lamb
- raspberry
- salmon (wild-caught)
- sauerkraut
- sunflower seeds
I also received a breakdown of:
- overall gut health
- cellular and energy efficiency
- immune system health
- inflammation response
- biological age
Who hasn’t heard of Labcorp, right?
I am learning about them in a whole new way, though, and felt it necessary to share this option here as well.
While a majority of their tests are in-person collection vs. at home, they do still offer some at home plus the ability to purchase online.
Take for instance:
- Women’s Health Test
- Colorectal Cancer At-Home Test
- Fatigue Test
- Celiac Disease Antibody Test
- And yes, even a Food Allergy Test
The A Gutsy Girl team has specifically taken the C-Reactive Protein Test [learn about it HERE] + the Fatigue Test [learn about it HERE].
To be CLEAR, we have not done the Food Allergy Test, but I wanted to include it as they are very reputable and do offer one.
Lumen Device
This is the first portable device that tracks real time metabolic rate and creates personalized meal plans.
All you have to do is take one single breath and exhale into the Lumen.
It gives you a lumen score, which can help guide your eating recommendations for the rest of the day.
These real-time insights give you information about YOUR body right in THAT particular moment.
Sound too good to be true? Well it’s actually scientifically backed.
The Lumen device tracks the carbon dioxide concentration in your breath and uses this data point to determine if your body primarily uses fats or carbs as its fuel source. By discovering which your body prefers, you can switch over your macronutrient consumption to more accurately fit what YOUR body craves. This is referred to as your respiratory exchange ratio, and it forms the foundation for your metabolic health. It compares the amount of oxygen to the amount of carbon dioxide in your breathe and uses this information to connect the dots about your digestion and metabolism.
Lumen does encourage healthy weight loss by teaching you not only how to optimize metabolism, but also how to eat for your body.
If you know how your own body burns macronutrients, you are more likely to optimize this fuel and burn more calories.
Code GUTSYGIRL at checkout HERE will also save you 10% off this device.
Food Sensitivity Testing Wrap Up
If you are having a hard time losing weight and you have many food intolerance symptoms, definitely consider exploring testing.
The good news is that it’s easier than ever to get started identifying suspect foods if you are experiencing physical symptoms.
Once you are certain as to what’s going on, work with your healthcare provider for the best next steps.
Even if you feel you’re getting accurate results, you’ll want to ensure your best efforts at healing are in conjunction with a professional.
If you liked this post on the best food sensitivity test for weight loss, you might also enjoy:
- How to Reintroduce Foods After Food Elimination Diets
- IgE vs IgG Allergy
- 7-Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan
Disclosure: All opinions started here are 100% my own. I appreciate your support, as this compensation helps with expenses to keep this website up and running, and for me to continue sharing all that I can with you. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.
🤰 bloating be gone! weight loss through optimal gut health for women
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🫶🏻 founder gutbyome.com
Thanks Sarah! I just ordered the Full Body Intelligence test!
Yay! Can’t wait to see what you learn 🙂