One minute goal setting for your gut healing journey might seem far off, but I’m going to show you that it’s NOT.
Alright, darling – let me start this conversation off by sharing with you The January Project.
The January Project
The January Project is the idea of setting specific goals, and knowing for sure that you can….
start again, again
The first thing I’ll tell you about The January Project is that it’s not even about January.
It’s simply this idea,
We can start again, again.
It’s the idea that January 1st always has been and always will be that fresh start most desire.
Including me.
I LOVE January 1st.
And I LOVE Monday.
I LOVE the first day of every single month.
I even love my birthday so much simply because it feels “new.”
And the idea to feel inspired by a new challenge.
Perhaps this wasn’t always the case – when I was sick and miserable, but in my new era it certainly is the case.
I’ve already outlined exactly what The January Project is HERE.
So read that, and then come back.
One Minute Goal Setting (The January Project for your gut healing journey)
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But as for you, you’re looking to engage with The January Project as part of achieving big results for your gut healing journey.
And I get it.
Why and how?
Well, I stated it best with these words:
It was late in December of 2023, in the early hours (4 am to be exact!) when I wrote this:
All the excitement for life, freedom to eat as I please without feeling sick, motivation for up leveling my work and entrepreneurial endeavors and feeling excited to reach new heights and achieve both personal and professional goals has happened because….
I healed my gut.
I stopped making excuses for why things weren’t changing (hint: I WASN’T changing).
And I know, without a doubt, it’s because I did the things most won’t do.
I stopped shouting to the world that I was “following the diet and supplement outline but could not heal.”
This was me STUCK.
For a decade+.
And just like that BAM. Healed.
Because I did the things most won’t do — returned to the foundations instead of arguing with myself and others about “‘how they were not ‘the thing.’”
THEY were.
So, if you’re ready to join The January Project, I’m ready to help you finish Step 1: set the intention.
And we’re going to do it by identifying what those are for YOU.
One-Minute Goals
First, get out a single sheet of paper or notebook and grab a pen.
Next, set your timer for just one minute.
Why one minute?
Because I want this uber-short time constraint to enable you to get the most pressing things (and only those things) from your brain to paper.
You see, I believe that at our core we already know the things that are most pressing. The longer we have to “figure them out,” the more meaningless they typically are.
Your gut intuitions are the most powerful tools you possess.
When you’re ready, you’re going to write down the first things that come to your mind when you consider:
WHAT is the desired outcome? WHO are you desiring to be? HOW are you hoping your life looks? WHAT is the goal?
Do that, and then come back.
The Most Important Thing
Okay, now review the list.
You will see a pattern.
What it is?
What seems to be the most important thing – the most important “theme” on your list?
Or, maybe you want to ask yourself after looking at the list,
What am I most excited about?
Start there; they are, without a doubt, the right things to focus on first.
Next, spend the next several minutes writing more on this ONE goal, hope, dream, and desire. You can do this on another single page in your notebook.
Turn it into a 250-word goal (give or take).
Okay, are you feeling more excitement about it?
You should.
Because this is YOUR goal, and it’s the easiest way to start this process.
Set the Deadline
The January Project encourages you to set a deadline (it’s step 2 in my 3-part process).
The beauty of The January Project is that you get to start new and begin fresh on the 1st day of every single month.
If you want your deadline to be 60, 90 or 120-days, that’s fine.
But one week is too short, and my ideal is a month since the idea of the January 1st “resolution” goes back to January 1863 when Mark Twain wrote:
“Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink, and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever. We shall also reflect pleasantly upon how we did the same old thing last year about this time.”
Unmotivated people won’t have a deadline because there is no urgency to achieve the goal.
But YOU are not that.
And this is a good thing because if you truly desire to heal your gut and heal your life, then there is, without a doubt, a level of motivation and desire that must be present.
And now, your only next step is to act. It’s not just the best way, but it’s also the only way to move forward.
In December of 2023, I wrote on Threads,
Action creates consistency.
Consistency creates results.
Results create growth.

You will never see your full potential for healing until you act.
This is something I know for sure.
Read the words again.
It starts with action.
While I love dreaming up something new, and coming up with the plan, I also know that we do not get to the growth part without taking action.
All the plans, ideas, and blueprints of our lives fail without action.
And if you want the truth, this is actually one of my greatest character downfalls.
I’ve made a lot of great plans. And I have a ton of great ideas.
But my actions never followed suit and thus the growth I was desiring from said plans failed.
This, my friend, is a significant mistake – inaction.
By the way, the actions you need to do for your goal are not easy. But repetitions matter; they create consistency. It’s in this consistency where you begin seeing the results, at which point the actions become easier.
Ideas for The January Project for Your Gut Healing Journey
Now, let me give you some ideas to take and run with.
Before I do so, let me share three secrets:
- The first secret is that it does not need to be massive in order to be effective (but it can be).
- The second secret is that it has to be something that’s actually going to move the needle.
- And the third secret is that it should be something you’ve never done before (or at least never seen through to completion).
Here is a list with a number of goals you might want to set:
- Quit one negative behavior (or wrong behavior) that’s not conducive for your healing efforts.
- Spend a little time every single day writing out all the things you have (and have not done) on your journey.
- Walk, don’t run, each day for 30 minutes.
- Cut alcohol or other self-soothing (+ harmful) substances (Dry January, Sober October, etc.).
- Give up sugar.
- Work on your mindset – read, write, and learn everything you can about mindset; where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow.
- Get 8 hours a sleep each night.
- Say “no” to outsides tasks, people, and activities that are not in alignment with your healing efforts. Good results might require this, even if you don’t want to admit it.

This list is a place to start for you.
Remember, you need to have clear goal – this is the gold standard for taking action.
Finally, Might I Suggest
The key lessons to The January Project are already built within my signature course, Gut Healing: ELEVATED.
Some of the most powerful tools for helping see YOU to the other side of whatever gut-healing goal you’re setting can be found in this course.
While my course is giving you EVERY practical TOOL you’ll need, I will say say this….
It’s not about the journal (because you’re going to receive a physical copy of Ahara Dinacharya), and my process for helping you understand YOUR gut and YOUR journey better.
Or about the massive reduction you can see with bloating and constipation during the first three days alone.
You aren’t going to join me on January 1st for Gut Healing: ELEVATED because you’re about to receive both videos and downloadable documents galore to help you understand everything regarding gut health and gut healing.
No — It’s not even about the various books and how to make your gut-healing vision board or have access to over 100 recipes while healing that will make or break your decision to join Gut Healing: ELEVATED.
You know what it is?
It’s that YOU are tired of putting the pieces together.
YOU are busy and have a lot on your plate, BUT you cannot simply afford to feel the bloat, constipation, gassiness, weight gain, fatigue and misery any longer.
You have already tried to take pieces from here, there, and everywhere, but it’s not working.
I have your solution for the beginning of a new task to healing your gut that are going to give you the most important results you’ve been desiring.
Whether or not you join Gut Healing: ELEVATED, definitely consider The January Project.
Your life CAN and WILL change.

If you liked this post, you might also enjoy:
- 12 Months of Whole Healing
- Gut Bloat Detox (A Gutsy Girl’s system to banish bloat!)
- New Year Goal Setting Worksheet (for Gut Healing)
🤰 bloating be gone! weight loss through optimal gut health for women
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