Take a peek inside my Bullet Journal, and steal the 6 things I learned from keeping one.
A couple years back I shared how to keep a Gut Healing Bullet Journal.
I no longer need a journal just for that, but what I learned is that after practicing bullet journaling these past couple of years, I’ll never go back to the standard yearly planner again.
The Bullet Journal is the best option for a Type A creative who has a lot going on, and definitely doesn’t want to fit into any box.
If that is you, too, or if you just want to know how I organize mine for daily success, then this article on the best bullet journal is for you.
Updated in 2025 to add:
If you like this post and the bullet journal meets gut healing concepts, you’ll love the 90-day gut healing journal I released in late 2020, Healing Blooms From Within.
After spending over a decade figuring out the best way to track and food and lifestyle for gut health and gut healing, I published my very own bullet journal meets gut health journal for you.

6 Things I Have Learned About Keeping a Bullet Journal
Click HERE to save these things for later.

After the initial Gut Healing Bullet Journal, I started using THIS Bullet Journal.
I have used it for so long that my 2019 Bullet Journal is now the 4th one I am filling.
Since starting the journey of using a daily planner like this vs. a traditional one, I have learned so much.
1] Perfection is the enemy
And such is my life lesson.
Seriously, it does not have to be perfect.
I used to white things out.
I don’t anymore.
2] Less symbols in the “Key” is more
The more symbols you create, the more you have to remember and it’s just confusing.
There are symbols you’ll use 90% of the time.
Focus on those; forget the rest.
3] Keeping a gratitude one-liner per day is critical
I have done this almost the entire time.
I think it’s so valuable that I added one for each of the kids to the 2019 Bullet Journal.
4] Separate things if needed
My “Habits Tracker” used to include all supplements and medications.
This is now separate in the 2019 Bullet Journal because I realized that those are not habits I’m trying to create.
They are things I currently do with the hopes of doing less of in the future.
5] Symbols and color coding
These are two different things.
One way I keep track of everything and everyone is by color coding.
For example, work things are in one color, personal in another, and then kids in another.
It makes everything much easier when choosing who/what needs the most attention on any given day.
6] Only do what makes sense
You will find the coolest ways for Bullet Journaling all over the Internet.
But use them as inspiration; not rules. There are no rules here.
The Bullet Journal you operate off of has to make 100% sense for you.
I have so many pages that only make sense for me; you should have the same.
Bullet Journal
Click HERE to save this article on the best bullet journal for later.

Keeping all of the above in mind, here is a snippet of how I laid my 2019 Bullet Journal out.
1] The very first page (which isn’t even numbered) is titled: 2019 Intention
Underneath it are my guiding visions and intentions.
Things like, “I read the Bible daily and journal it.”
And, “Brand new fitness goal: What’s the least I can do?”
I put this page here for my daily reminder and clear guiding intentions.
Page 5
I am doing something new this year called, “Year in Pixels.”
The idea came from HERE.
My colors and emotions are somewhat different. Nonetheless, it’s there.
[Note: In my gut healing journaling system, this was the inspiration for “A year of gut health in pixels.”]
Page 6/7
This starts my monthly/daily planner.
I set aside 1 page for 2 days so I have ample room for everything going on.
I have condensed it down to using just 3 different colors for coding.
Red is work. Blue is personal. Green is anything that has to do with the kids.
Page 23
This page is devoted to what’s currently happening in January.
This is just a fun area with things I’m loving, eating, thinking, going, reading, celebrating, visioning, reflecting and doing/tasking for each month.
Page 24
This is the January Gut Health Tracker.
You can copy this for your own use, too, changing it up for any health journey you might be on.
I keep track of all medications and supplements here.
I also make any and all significant notes at the bottom.
Page 25
This is the actual habits tracker.
These are habits you are trying to create and/or want to make sure you are doing daily.
I have everything from my Bible and Personal Journaling on here to the monthly healthy habit (January = 1 cup of hot water plus lemon daily) and fasting + seed cycling.
Pages 26-27
Here you’ll find my fitness log (I mostly keep this so I know if I’ve gone to the gym X amount a times per month for insurance purposes), and page 27 is where I keep track of my daily blog post titles.
Pages 28 – 31
This is where my Gratitude one liners live.
There is a page for me personally, one for Samarah, one for Isaiah, and one for Amiya.
Where is Ryan’s? I lump him with me – so many of my own one-liners are Ryan.
Page 32
This page is the previous month business recap and current month goals.
I keep track of numbers, some financials, and everything I’m trying to achieve moving forward.
For the next several pages….
It’s this same stuff over-and-over, but for February, March, and April.
Page 111
The page is dedicated to “Notes for Next BUJO.”
In other words, as I keep this Bullet Journal, I make notes of what I am loving or not loving so I know what to keep or ditch for the next BUJO.
I recommend this for you, too.
Page 112 starts a series of “goal” pages
This is the first Bullet Journal where I have done this.
For each major goal, I have dedicated an entire page.
Each goal is assigned various things like dates, tasks, and even the “Why” so I can be reminded of why it’s an important goal to achieve.
At the bottom is a timeline for progress.
This first goal is to publish my brand new e-book, Reasonable SIBO.
[Note, I did this, too! You can get it HERE.]
The goal pages go to page 118 (5 main goals; 1 page for the healthy monthly challenges)
And then there is a gap for quite a few pages (just to leave space for extra things as they come up).
Page 162 stars the final series of pages, which are my lists
I have quite a few because they are fun for me to keep (and helpful).
It starts with the Master Task Lists for each month (through April, 2019).
Page 166 is a list of all interesting gut facts
Then other things like morning and evening routines, master daily task list, master 2019 tasks, and 2019 goals.
Page 172 is the house declutter challenge
I am happy to report that during the past month, 95% of the move boxes have been unpacked and put away.
But that doesn’t mean everything is decluttered and completely settled.
Now, Ryan and I are planning to work on that.
We have it all mapped out.
Then there’s lists….
Like investments to make, education to complete, movies to watch, and content marketing inspiration.
Page 177 is my Bristol Stool Scale
Yes, all you Gutsy women need this one.
I still have yet to draw it out, but there is a page for it.
I’ll create a calendar to keep track of it, too, on this page.
Super helpful! There is a beautiful, yes beautiful, Bristol Stool Scale + explanation in the 90-day gut healing journal.
Pages 178 – 179 are just inspirational

Some Misc.
Then there are pages for my favorite Bible verses, business + gut hashtags, Expo West 2019 plan, general wish list, book list, and travel bucket list.
Pages 186 – 187 are more inspiration
Inspiring quotes and blog post ideas (these all came from you!)
Round it out
The Bullet Journal is rounded out with a page for my 40 Before 40 list and all other miscellaneous notes and things I might want to jot down.
And there you have it.
That’s exactly how I “do it all.”
Let’s be clear, I do NOT do it all, and if I miss things in the BUJO, I no longer sweat about it.
The 2019 Bullet Journal is there as my guide; nothing more, nothing less.
But it is 100% my creation – what works for me, and how I work best planning my days and setting/achieving goals.
If you want more Gut Healing Bullet Journal and/or Bullet Journal in general inspiration, check out my Pinterest Board dedicated to it.
Do you keep a Bullet Journal? Tell me about it.
If you have it live somewhere online, link to yours in the comments below so I can see it.
I love seeing what other people do, too.
If you liked this post, you might also enjoy:
- Health Journaling {mindset shifts for healing}
- 8 Steps to Creating the Best Food Journal
- 34 Gut Health and Healing Habits {to Track in Your Bullet Journal}
🤰 bloating be gone! weight loss through optimal gut health for women
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🫶🏻 founder gutbyome.com
One of my favorite inspirational quotes “Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.’”
Oh my gosh…..SO good! Adding now 🙂 Thank you!
Thank you for this break down. I feel so silly not understanding before. I’ve never heard of a bullet journal until you ???? I use a 2019 planner but your inspiration has inspired me to transform it. My word for 2019 “Growth”
Life. Changing. You’ll love it!