As if my passion for food and true wellness could explode anymore. Somehow, at Natural Products Expo West, it did.

Passion for Food and True Wellness Greens Nature Natural Products Expo West

Prior to the show, I wrote about my intentions for attending the show and what I was looking for.

I believe I found all that and more.

From Thursday –  Saturday, I:

  • listened to Dr. Alex Richardson (Changing Diets, Changing Minds: The Importance of Nutrition for Behavior, Learning and Mood)
  • learned more about the Science Supporting Organic Benefits (from The Organic Center)
  • had a Vegan dinner
  • met Rohan Marley (full post on this coming soon)
  • heard stories about the people and farmers which supply Nutiva ingredients from all over the world….and all the passion the company has for them
  • met Ryland Engelhart
  • had breakfast with my friend Elliot, the Gluten Intolerance Group and NASCAR driver (who has Celiac), Parker Klingerman
  • ran into 2 lovely women from the hometown in Minnesota
  • learned about a clothing company that totally rocked my socks off (full post on this coming soon)
  • watched a trailer for “Kiss the Ground
  • ate far too many things that were not grain free, but still completely avoided dairy and gluten
  • found some new products and things for Samarah, and in the process became even more interested in the true wellness aspect for baby (not just mama)
  • met Wayne Gorsek, who told me how awesome peanuts are and then shared THIS article with me
  • hugged some of my favorites that I only see at events like this (Celiac and the Beast, The Blender Girl, Bookieboo, Fit and Awesome, Jules Gluten Free, Kiran with 100 Days of Real Food….and more)
  • met Teens Turning Green, Erin Schrode and her sweet mother Judi

SKH with Ryland Englehart Cafe Gratitude

Passion for Food and True Wellness

Click HERE to save this post for later.

I might not know everything there is about organics and living as green and unprocessed as possible, but I do know, without a doubt, that it’s the only thing I’ve ever truly believed in.

I made a vow to myself in September, 2013 that I would not talk about the foods on my blog any longer that are making people fat, sick and miserable (Fat, Sick & Miserable. No more Junk ‘Round Here). My convictions could not be any stronger. I am overwhelmed and tired of the “healthy lifestyle” message that is, quite honestly, making us miserable.

Fact 1: I used to be really “healthy” when I used 20 packets of Splenda in my coffee, which was already filled with fat-free, sugar-free flavored creamers. And by “healthy,” of course, I simply mean I told people I was healthy, I was thin so I appeared healthy and my fat-free-sugar-free-no-calories-ever deemed me as such. And by “appeared healthy,” of course I mean my 95% of the time my Colitis was in flare mode.

Fact 2: The Internet is flooded with these “healthy lifestyle” experts.

Nutiva Natural Products Expo West

I will spend my whole life devoted to the causes which so many of the people and brands I met with also devote their lives to.

Because it’s important. Because it’s so important.

p.s. While I’m on this semi-rant, tomorrow I dive more when I share My Medical Records.

Erin Turning Green + John Nutiva


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  1. love “the rant”!!! People think I’m crazy and rigid when I tell them I won’t partake in certain food items…I call it being focused and conscious about how I nurture and cherish my body…cause it’s the only one I will ever have!! I ask them why they care so little about their bodies….

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