It is a fad for many, but not for me, so I put together 10 tips to lead your gluten free healthy lifestyle.

Confucius said,

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Mine began on June 20, 2010. I’ve committed to the gluten-free healthy lifestyle ever since (well, except for that one time we went to Italy).

This was not a fad-diet decision for me, nor was it a decision I came to overnight.

My story began years ago. The last straw was an esophagus continuously inflamed, and a body that screamed, “Please make a drastic change.” That change I made, and I have never looked back.

Gluten free is the buzz these days. From celebrities adopting it to doctors finally diagnosing Celiac, rarely a day goes by when a new article isn’t posted, product invented or news segment broadcasted.

Before going 100% gluten free, figure out which one of these categories you fall into.

If you are ready to take the plunge, here are 10 tips to lead your gluten-free healthy lifestyle.

10 Tips to Lead Your Gluten Free Healthy Lifestyle

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10 Tips to Lead Your Gluten Free Healthy Lifestyle #glutenfree #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #celiac #guthealth

  1. Remember: Just because something says “wheat free,” does not make it “gluten free” automatically.
  2. Choose naturally gluten-free foods when at all possible like (unprocessed) meats, fresh fish, fruits, vegetables.
  3. Don’t focus on all the things you can’t have. Focus on what you can. Then, take all of those and have fun getting creative with new recipes! (I have become obsessed!) Make it a gluten free game.
  4. Read all labels and ingredients. Gluten comes in many forms. If you aren’t sure, skip it. (Here is a list of 124 Wheat and Gluten Sources and Alternate Names.)
  5. Going out to eat? Call ahead to the restaurant or check out their online menu (many now have gluten-free options and/or menus).
  6. Find a support group. There are many people online and offline who are going through exactly what you are. These support groups are great for both the psychological aspect of it and for discovering new recipes and gluten-free products. (By the way, my friend Erica has an awesome blog you should follow, Celiac and the Beast.)
  7. Research. Spend some time acquiring as much knowledge as possible. I have read several books and studied up every moment I get the chance. There is much to learn.
  8. If you have Celiac, you must be extra careful. You will even want to check personal care items (toothpaste, shampoo, etc.) and other non-food items (detergent).
  9. If you are eating mostly whole foods, you should be getting many of the nutrients you need. If you have Celiac or are extremely intolerant, chances are that you have been lacking vital nutrients, due to malabsorption. Add to your diet a great multi-vitamin to help even more. (I take a host of supplements.)
  10. Healthy attitude for a healthy lifestyle. Gluten free is not the end of the world. Know that it will be a challenge in the beginning, but keep a positive attitude.

10 Tips to Lead Your Gluten Free Healthy Lifestyle list #glutenfree #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #celiac #guthealth

Living Gluten Free

I have come to adore this lifestyle, and whatever your reason for being gluten free is, I hope you will, too.

Need a large compilation of gluten-free recipes and resources? Check out my gluten-free Pinterest board.

Ready to heal your gut? Go on my FREE 21-Day Gut Healing Inspiration Journey HERE.


10 Tips to Lead Your Gluten-Free Healthy Lifestyle #glutenfree #healthyliving #celiac #guthealth

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  1. I just celebrated a year of Gluten Free, on October 10th. For me, it was a conscious decision, and there was no second guessing, cheating, or looking back! (Maybe if a doctor had told me to do it I wouldn’t have been so willing!) But the rewards have far outweighed the costs! Mealtimes can still be tricky (in our family of 4) and occasionally I’m left to fend for myself (hee!) but I don’t think it has caused any major disruption to our lifestyle. Restaurant-ing seems to be the trickiest aspect, but I’ve definitely never starved! Thanks for the great post! Definitely some excellent advice!

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