What are some physical symptoms of solar plexus chakra opening?
And why is this important?
The solar plexus has to do with digestion, so I wanted to explore it with you today!
This week I began Week 12: “Inner” Pharmacy via the Chopra Ayurvedic Health Certification Program through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
And the reason I loved this section so much is because we dug deep into the seven chakras – something I’ve been desiring to learn more about for a very long time.
I always knew “surface level” of the seven chakras, but never to the detail with which I explored it this week.
Significance of the Chakras

Roger Gabriel explained during class that a Chakra is like a Vortex.
The sanskrit word Chakra itself means “wheel.”
And this is because we can visualize Chakras as spinning energy centers (or wheels) within the body.
Gabriel also stated that the Chakras are often symbolized by the Lotus flower element.
I was curious about this connection: wheels and Lotus flower. So I did some digging regarding the shared spiritual and symbolic meanings of motion, growth, and transformation.
Here’s how they intertwine:
1. Dynamic Energy of the Wheel and Growth of the Lotus
- The Chakra as a “wheel” reflects continuous energy flow, spinning and maintaining balance in the body. Similarly, the lotus grows dynamically, emerging from muddy water to bloom in pristine beauty, symbolizing spiritual awakening and growth.
2. Chakras as Centers of Transformation
- Each Chakra represents a specific energy level and area of human development. The lotus flower, often with petals corresponding to the energy vibration of that Chakra, symbolizes the potential to rise from lower states (like the mud it grows in) to achieve enlightenment or higher consciousness.
3. The Lotus as a Symbol of Opening
- Just as a wheel turns, a lotus flower opens its petals, layer by layer, reflecting the unfolding of inner awareness and energy as the Chakras are activated and balanced.
4. Vibrational Significance
- The number of petals on each lotus corresponds to the vibrational frequency of each Chakra. For example:
- The Root Chakra (Muladhara) is symbolized by a lotus with 4 petals.
- The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is represented by a lotus with a thousand petals, signifying ultimate spiritual enlightenment and universal connection.
5. Cultural and Spiritual Context
- Both the wheel and the lotus are deeply rooted in Eastern spiritual traditions, representing cycles, balance, purity, and transcendence.
Finally, Chakras are part of the subtle body, and a powerful tool for understanding both the physical body and emotional.
p.s. Also interesting to note that Gabriel mentioned,
Karma is stored in the Chakras.
What are the Seven Chakras?
Now, before I dive into the chakra that is highly focused on digestion, I want to at least give an overview of all seven chakras (the main ones), since they are all vital.
1] Muladhara: Root Chakra (First Chakra)
- Located at the base of the spine
- Indicates: sense of safety and security; feeling grounded
- Color: red
- Mantra: Lam
2] Svadhisthana: Sacral Chakra
- Located between the pubic bone and navel
- Indicates: creativity and sexuality + reproduction
- Color: orange
- Mantra: Vam
3] Manipura Chakra: Solar Plexus
- Located around the navel (belly button) and up to the breastbone
- Indicates: personal power, self confidence, self-esteem, digestion, manifesting intentions and desires
- Color: Yellow
- Mantra: Ram
4] Anahata: Heart Chakra
- Located in the center of the chest
- Indicates: love and compassion
- Color: Green
- Mantra: Yam
5] Vishuddha Chakra: Throat Chakra
- Located in the throat area
- Indicates: speak your truth and be authentic; maintain healthy boundaries
- Color: Blue
- Mantra: Ham
6] Ajna Chakra
- Located at the brow level of forehead; the space between the eyes
- Indicates: insight and intuition, also known as “The Third Eye Chakra”
- Color: Indigo
- Mantra: Sham
7] Sahasrara Chakra
- Located at the crown of the head
- Indicates: pure consciousness – connection to true self
- Color: White or Violet
- Mantra: Om
But of the utmost interest and focus for today is the solar plexus and symptoms of a blocked solar plexus chakra + symptoms for opening of the solar plexus chakra.
All about the Solar Plexus Area
The third chakra is the solar plexus.
The basics of it are described above:
But here are more things to know about the Solar Plexus:
- It’s yellow because it symbolized vitality, energy and optimism
- The fire element is for the Solar Plexus Chakra location. The element of fire represents transformation, strength, and ability to burn away negativity
- Its symbol is a ten-petaled lotus with a downward–pointing triangle in the center, which represents the transformative power of fire
- It governs your ability to take control of your life and make decisions
- Provides the energy to set and achieve intentions and persevere through challenges
The Solar Plexus and Digestion
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And here is the part you’ve been waiting for — digestion as it relates to this Chakra:
- The physical associations (digestive organs) include:
- stomach (breaks down food)
- pancreas (produces enzymes for digestion and regulates blood sugar)
- liver (detoxifies and metabolizes nutrients)
- small intestine (where nutrient absorption occurs)
- This is the Chakra that directly links to the digestive organs
- The Solar Plexus controls physical digestion and metaphorical digestion of experiences and emotions – i.e. just as it processes foods, the Solar Plexus helps “digest” life experiences, emotional distress, and challenges
Symptoms of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
via the Chopra Ayurvedic Health Certification Program through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

When there is Solar Plexus Chakra imbalance or Solar Plexus Chakra blockages, symptoms might look like:
- Poor gut health
- Inflammation
- Nutrient absorption issues
- Striving for personal power
- Lack of trust
- Sensitive to criticism
- Illness like: arthritis, ulcers, colon and intestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive system disorders, anorexia and bulimia, liver disorders and hepatitis
An underactive Solar Plexus can look like: weak digestion, bloating, fatigue and lack of appetite.
This causes: fear, low self-esteem, and lack of purpose.
And an overactive Solar Plexus can look like: acid reflux, ulcers, overeating, excessive hunger.
This causes: stress, overexertion, and control issues tendencies.
Physical Symptoms of Solar Plexus Chakra Opening
via the Chopra Ayurvedic Health Certification Program through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

And here are some physical symptoms of the Solar Plexus Chakra opening:
- Healthy digestion and balanced metabolism
- Minimal challenges with the ego
- Power to create or destroy
- Power to command and organize things
- Natural radiance
- Clear expressions
- Light of 10,000 suns
And obviously, we want to be open.
So if you’re feeling stuck, how can you balance this Chakra for overall physical health, emotional health, and hopefully even addressing the digestive issues?
Here are 6 ideas:
1] Practice yoga poses like the boat pose, warrior poses, and twists
2] Start meditating and visualizing (an idea: visual a glowing yellow sun and sunny days beaming at your Solar Plexus, radiating warmth and power)
3] Say positive affirmations for both countering low-self-esteem and ridding negative energy regarding digestive problems (ideas: “I am confident and powerful.” “There is no stomach pain, and I am healed.” “I digest my food and life experiences with ease.”)
4] Crystals to help: Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Tiger’s Eye
5] Do breathwork
6] Essential oils to diffuse: Lemon, Bergamot, Ginger, Black Pepper
The Chakra System
Maybe it’s just me, and if that’s the case, it’s okay. But the Chakra system is so fascinating!
I’m currently in this phase of the Chopra Ayurvedic Health Certification Program through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I’m reflecting on words I wrote before the program even began,
I’m going back to school because I need to understand more about Ayurveda for balance.
You see, we have been so programmed to think that the way to get rid of bloat, weight, and have all our gut problems disappear is simply the diagnosis and diet.
And you know what? This program has solidified all of that and then some.
Not only that, but I’ve been able to take everything I’m learning and apply it to my daily life.
At the completion of the course, I’ll do a full review.
For now, if you, too, have been looking for this inner wisdom, JOIN!
The Full Ayurvedic Series
This article is part of my full Ayurvedic series.
In addition to the hundreds of articles and thousands of hours I’ve spent in the last decade devoted to all things gut health and gut healing, I am working on becoming a certified Ayurvedic practitioner, so that I am able to give my clients the best, most comprehensive guidance for healing – 100% on an personalized level.
If you’re interested in working 1-on-1 with me, you can sign up HERE today.
Here are all the previous articles on Ayurveda you can binge-read now:
- What is Ayurveda – [The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide]
- Ayurveda for Balance
- Ayurvedic Food List
- Food as Medicine Diet
- Mindful Movement Exercises
- Yoga vs Meditation
- Emotions Worksheet
- Printable Self Care Activities
- No More Fight or Flight Digestion (Is How We Eat as Important as What We Eat?)
- Kitchari Cleanse Recipe [One Pot Kitchari]
I have also put together an ‘Ayurveda in Gut Healing’ Pinterest board where you will find a ton of resources.
🤰 bloating be gone! weight loss through optimal gut health for women
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