How Sara finally got answers is part of the ‘Your Gutsy Stories‘ series.

AGG Note

Before Sara shares her story today, I want to quickly note that I’m hoping to share a ton more of ‘Your Gutsy Stories.’

I believe these are so important for the A Gutsy Girl community to read and hear because there is nothing better than being able to connect on a deeper level with other women going through the same things.

I welcome your own stories to the website 24/7, and if you’re interested in sharing, please CONTACT ME. Because I think these stories are vital for the overall health and vibrancy of the community, when you share, I’ll offer 25% off any of my courses as a thank you.

How Sara Finally Got SIBO Answers

Click HERE to save this article on how Sara finally got SIBO answers for later.

How Sara Finally Got SIBO Answers with A Gutsy Girl

I have always been a girl who loves food – I mean HECK I come from an italian family – eating good food is in my BLOOD! 

How Sara Finally Got SIBO Answers gut healing

But I always remember, even as a kid, suffering from stomach issues. 

It would be something as simple as a stomach ache in the middle of the night, constipation, and even diarrhea (TMI but it is the truth). 

I noticed it got really bad when I was 12. 

Ice cream has always been my weakness, and I started noticing that every time I ate it, I was up with excruciating pain all night. 

My mom took me to our pediatrician to try and get some answers. 

The pediatrician definitely felt something was off, so they sent me to our downtown hospital to be tested for lactose intolerance. 

If you have ever done this test, I can tell you it is GROSS! 

Problem was prior to the test I had to pass a hydrogen breath test

Unfortunately, after three times, they said that my HO2 levels (oxygen going out of my body) was way too high and we would not be able to go through with the lactose testing. 

When my mom tried to ask what that means, they just said,

She probably just has some bacteria, nothing to worry about…..

Now Enter into my Twenties

For many years up until my twenties, I just “dealt” with the stomach cramping if there was any. 

How Sara Finally Got SIBO Answers bloating

I didn’t seem to notice a difference, and came to the conclusion that this is just how life is supposed to be

Once I graduated college and started in the real world, I did start to notice the stomach issues returning. 

I went to multiple different specialists, got an endoscopy, colonoscopy, test after test after test…..

Throughout all of this, each person ended with telling me that I just had IBS. 

But I couldn’t settle with this answer, especially as I began to notice extreme bloating (almost looking pregnant at times) and unable to enjoy food anymore. 

It didn’t matter if I ate the healthiest, leanest meal, or the juiciest burger. 

I truly hit an all time low with being self-conscious and unhappy with myself and my health.

Then came Sarah, my stomach angel <3

I finally decided that I needed to hear from someone who would actually listen to me and how I feel. 

Hence where Sarah, my natural medicine doctor, came into play (Don’t worry, this Sarah – A Gutsy Girl – will be coming soon!!). 

Dr. Sarah finally listened and heard me when I told her how I was feeling. 

She didn’t just listen, but asked questions that I would have never thought about before. 

We did go through a few different tests, including a full blood panel, saliva test, and then the stool test. 

Thankfully, I FINALLY got answers!  This is when I was diagnosed with SIBO. 

I remember looking at her and having this sigh of relief by having answers now. 

It felt SO good to hear that I knew something more was wrong with me and that I was RIGHT. 

But even with the articles and information my doctor gave me, I feel like I still didn’t truly know what SIBO was.  

How Sara Finally Got SIBO Answers

Now Comes in SKH, A Gutsy Girl <3

I had a friend at work tell me about this girl she followed on instagram called “A Gutsy Girl.” 

She said based on what I shared with her, it may be worth checking her out. 

So I did. 

And GIRL I was on her website, listening to her podcast, ALL of the things. 

It was so nice to see the amazing community she has provided for people who suffer from SIBO, and sharing stories of others who have suffered just like I did/do.  

It has been amazing to follow her story and utilize the concepts she has shared. 

Without Sarah, I wouldn’t have been able to: 

  • Really get more in tune with my diet and what I am eating 
  • Understand what the HECK SIBO really is
  • Be in love with food again, and understand that it is a journey, not a sprint to the finish line when it comes to gut health
  • Learn how to TRULY journal what I am eating (and yes, something I still struggle to this day on consistently following)

And all in all, just being proud that I found answers, and know that I am in control with each step in my gut health/weight loss journey.

AGG Wrap Up Note

Sara will be joining the Quick Gut Detox in the next step of her exploration.

And I can’t wait to see how she grows and heals through the process.

Welcome, Sara 🙂 (Whew, that was a lot of Sara’s in one article!)

If you liked this article on how Sara finally got SIBO answers, you might also enjoy:

  1. How Heather Filipowicz is 13 Pounds Lighter
  2. Best Supplements for SIBO (based off experience + research)
  3. SIBO vs IBS {and a SIBO Q&A with Dr. Nirala Jacobi}



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