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This week’s show is dedicated to the Bean Protocol.

Bean Protocol? What the heck is that?

The chances that you have heard about the Bean Protocol are actually high.

However, I had not heard about it until just several months back while listening to one of PaleOmg‘s podcast episodes.

It sounded interesting and compelling, albeit very different from the Paleo-ish life we’ve all been told is “the only way.” If you know, you know!

And on the show, Juli (PaleOmg) mentioned Unique Hammond as the person helping her through the protocol (and also seeing through to some incredible results).

Because I was experiencing the power of beans in my own life (that had nothing to do with this protocol), I thought it might be fun to invite Unique on the show to discuss more about it.

So here we are, ready to give you the goods!

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Bean Protocol [Episode 15 with Unique Hammond]

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Bean Protocol {Episode 15 with Unique Hammond} #beans #beanprotocol

Resources Mentioned

  1. (Unique’s website)
  2. The Bean Protocol ™
  3. How to Digest Beans
  4. How to Cook Beans from Scratch
  5. Unique Hammond on Instagram
  6. Breaking the Vicious Cycle
  7. Plant Power {Episode 13 with Dr. B}
  8. Soluble vs Insoluble Fiber
  9. One Pot Kitchari Recipe
  10. Your Tastebuds Are A**holes: How I Trained Mine and Healed Crohn’s
Break Down #digestiveenzyme #bloating

Eat the beans. Break them down. It’s that simple.

Don’t Miss These Thoughts

  1. Unique’s story
  2. How Unique healed and went from 16 bowel movements a day down to a healthy amount
  3. “Crohn’s is the ultimate leaky gut.” – Unique
  4. What exactly is the Bean Diet?
  5. Beans have the most soluble fiber of any food. – Unique
  6. What’s bile have to do with it all?
  7. A “typical” day of eating for Unique
  8. “I have a gut that can handle anything now.” – Unique
  9. Healing vs. lifestyle protocol
  10. Unique’s 3 convictions around gut health and gut healing
Bean Protocol {Episode 15 with Unique Hammond} #beans #crohns

More from A Gutsy Girl

1. Welcome to A Gutsy Girl Podcast
2. Hang out on Instagram
3. BFF’s on YouTube
4. Resource: The Master Gutsy Spreadsheet
5. Rated-G Email Club

Btw – don’t forget to grab a copy of your 90-day healing journey journal (there is also a PDF e-version you can download today HERE).

Karen Hurd

Unique mentions Karen Hurd few times.

Karen is Unique’s mentor, and is a former biochemist for the military.

Today she has extensive education under her belt, but she was prompted into studying after her (then) 18-month-old daughter was poisoned with an organophosphate (household pesticide).

Though the prognosis was fatal, Karen chose to employ the alternative method of nutrition, administering a plan for healing using the knowledge she had gained through her research.

In doing so, her daughter healed. And, you guessed it, beans were part of the equation.

You will find more about Karen Hurd HERE.

Wrap Up

Time to wrap this up. As always, a huge goal for this show is to connect with even more people. Feel free to send an email to our team at We want to hear questions, comments, show ideas, etc.

Did you enjoy this episode? Please drop a comment below or leave a review on Apple Podcasts.


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