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I am on day 19 of my 30-days strict AIP, so I thought I’d pop in today to share with you how I’m doing on the autoimmune protocol and doctor’s appointment check-in that happened yesterday.

Autoimmune Protocol and Doctor’s Appointment Check-In

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Autoimmune Protocol with A Gutsy Girl

Autoimmune Protocol

It is serving me very well, and if you recall, the main reason I was doing it was not because of symptomatic gut issues, but instead because of lingering skin issues.

I am learning that, while I have been feeling phenomenal doing AIP and the skin issues seem to be healing, the real underlying cause for the skin issues are due to hormones (remember, I destroyed my hormones).

So even though AIP as a stand alone might assist in healing, it has been (and will continue to be) other things I’m doing that are making the real difference.

Once I really get a grip on the skin issue, I’m planning to write a post to share everything I did to heal it.

Eating AIP has not been a challenge for me in the least bit.

I make meals like this and this.

My cravings for all the chocolate and peanut butter and cakey-carby are completely in check because of the AIP bread recipe I perfected.

Autoimmune Protocol & Doctor's Appointment Check-In AIP bread recipe

Other Things I Eat

I don’t eat “breakfast foods” for breakfast and “dinner foods” for dinner.

I just eat according to cravings, hunger levels and what I can feel my body needs at any given moment.

Here is a list of my favorite AIP-approved foods that I tend to eat most currently. (Click HERE to save this list for later.)

AIP Food List #aip #guthealing

I have “cheated” two times only.

One time I had 2 ounces of Vodka; the other time 4 ounces of wine.

I discussed alcohol at length with my doctor, and for me, the jury is still out, but more than likely I will need to stick with 2 ounces or less per week for quite some time still.

Sad. I know.

My intentions are to finish these 30 days, and then decide how I’ll move forward.

Doctor’s Appointment Check-In

I’ll just give it to you straight from his notes, my plan for moving forward and finding even more healing on this journey:

  • Repeat the SIBO test. We want to make sure it’s gone.
  • Continue LDN.
  • Repeat a different stool test. Full disclosure: I am going to deny this one because at this time I don’t think it’s necessary.
  • When done with the test, focus on rebuilding an even healthier gut with probiotics and prebiotics.
  • Continue with the HCl, adding in a little apple cider vinegar as well. We are trying to decrease the number of HCl I take with meals and hoping the ACV will help.
  • Add in some liver support and additional GI support. These are both via supplements and we are doing them for the skin issues in particular.
  • Advanced adrenal support.
  • My plan and tactics for managing stress, including meditation.

Note: these are just some of the main new things. I still have several things I do and take daily to support the healing process. 

Most of the things we are focusing on now are directed towards my skin, “adrenal fatigue” and managing/helping all the current stress I presently feel/have.

My doctor commented several times that when it comes to understanding how to heal core issues and/or how to not have a relapse, I get it, and I am focusing in all the right areas.

Where he supports me 100% is directing me to the appropriate supplements and giving me ideas and confirmation for things I need to do in my life to help myself.

After my appointment with him, things seemed to be even clearer.

I know that if I can stick to the plan and get myself re-adjusted physically and emotionally, my healing efforts will continue to be strong as ever.


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  1. I love hearing about your gut/digestion updates post-SIBO protocol. I am on the same train right now and find it very helpful and interesting! I’m really glad you’re feeing better and seeing improvements with AIP

    Please continue to share Sarah!

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