With the holidizzle season right around the corner, you will, without-a-doubt, be like me: eating, eating and eating some more. It might be an odd combination, but today I’m talking about Brazil Nuts and Red Wine benefits.
Brazil Nuts and Red Wine Benefits
Brazil Nuts
While growing up, my parents always had several jars of peanuts, nuts and mixed nuts in the cupboard. To this day, every time I go home, it’s guaranteed that with our drinks we’ll also dig into these jars.
There was always one nut, though, that no one ate back then and still won’t eat: the Brazil Nut (or as my mother calls them, Filberts).
I avoided them for most of my life because I automatically thought they were “gross.”

And then one day I decided to try them. I have never looked back.
Nuts are a common holiday staple. The Brazil Nut does not come sans-calories, but along with those calories you will reap some of the following Brazil Nut benefits:
- produces active Thyroid hormone
- high levels of selenium
- great source of Vitamin-E and the B-complex group ((thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) and folates))
- good levels of minerals such as copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc
- reduced acne
My favorite part of this nut is the high amount of magnesium (125% DV per serving). Magnesium is killer for the digestive system. (Come back tomorrow and I’ll have more info on magnesium!)
I prefer Brazil Nuts plain and raw. You might like them with some salt.
Either way, it’s probably a good thing my mom and dad don’t like them so I can take care of them at Christmas.
Red Wine
It’s true that Red wine has health benefits. By now you’ve read somewhere one of the following: Red wine has antioxidants, Red wine provides protection to your heart and can fight the onset of various cancers.
But for the digestive system? I’m fairly certain there aren’t many compelling reasons to drink it.
Just look at it, though….you won’t be able to resist a glass or five.
You know, not everything in life has to make sense.
Sometimes just living life provides the most relief for the digestive system.
This I can promise you.
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🫶🏻 founder gutbyome.com
I had some brazil nuts yesterday as a snack. I mixed them with some dried cranberries and ate by the handful.
Next, I’ll have to have a glass of wine.
Love it! They make a great appetizer with the Mini Babybel cheese, too!