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It’s Tuesday, November 19, 2024. And I have an A Gutsy Girl update to share.

It’s almost 2025 and I decided to make things even messier for a while so I can finally get back to some sort of ground 1.

It’s all messy: The hair. The bed. The words. The heart. Life.

William Leal

At the beginning of this year, 2024, I put A Gutsy Girl up for sale.

And then in August, I decided that was not the best decision for her. You can read about all of that messiness via The One Feels Personal.

Enter: Major Introspection

But none of these decisions have come without some MAJOR introspection. 

I’ve had to look at everything I was doing (and am doing) and ask,

Does this still make sense?

For years now I’ve felt like I’m simply a rat running on a treadmill – going nowhere.

Spinning my wheels and yet not feeling like the needle is moving.

I realize this might come as a shock to some, but showing up – tirelessly and endlessly – for women around the world (for over a decade already) is both life-giving and also a lot of work.

And if you want the truth, some days I feel like I’m talking to the open air. 

You know, my hundreds of hours spent researching to help those who need is most are simply not landing.

On any given day, I have spent hours creating free consumable information and resources for:

And I sprinkle in Facebook, Threads, and YouTube as well (yeah, yeah – I know she needs an update).

But Times are Changing

Instagram is no longer really for creators.

While the information I now provide is 100 x’s better than what it was years ago, rarely anyone are getting the posts. (Thanks to the algorithms, and the fact that I don’t – and won’t ever – pay to play.)

And now that anyone can simply go to ChatGPT and ask a question, even perusing the information I’ve spent a LIFETIME putting together on this website seems null and void. 

(Note: it’s not. The information I am providing is both from a research and lived experience standpoint.)

So I Had to Ask Myself

How can I continue on without running myself to the ground? 

Is there a way to create a better balance of giving and receiving?

And the answer that I kept hearing loudly was this: just minimize in order to maximize value for those who truly desire the action-oriented help.


In June of 2014, someone said something to me that I am constantly reminding myself of (maybe now more so than ever):

Like everything else in life, the more you take away the better it becomes.

And with that, here’s what you can expect moving forward (starting today!):

  1. Far less of the ‘Gram. Am I leaving for good? No, but I’m likely to post on the feed 1 time per week (max 3). I simply can’t move your needle for healing enough there, and that’s given that you even see the post. Besides, is just me or does Instagram feel like a downer most days? Either too much of the same, too “cutesy” and/or negative. Elevating my life and inspiring you to do the same means less of that.
  2. This website currently has far too many pop ups and unnecessary placements in posts. Besides the ads I can’t control, I’m going to be removing them. This part is super messy, and I hope you’ll give me the grace while I work to get it all cleaned up. [Updated in 2025: I cut all pop-up ads on the website, making it 1,000 x’s better!]
  3. Speaking of the website via the Blog, I have made note that there are currently 1,193 published articles that you can consume. That’s a lot! Therefore, I don’t need to constantly create new information. If you want to find a topic, any topic, the chances that I’ve already written on it are high. My time and energy is better spent on number 2 from above – cleaning up and making the current information even better. Besides, all of my best information with actionable help + the personal touches are now available inside my courses.
  4. And to that extent….I have moved all of my courses over to a new platform. This new platform will allow me greater and deeper interactions for those inside the courses. If you’re already enrolled in one of my courses on the existing platform, I will be emailing you with instructions on how to access the NEW (if you’re nervous you’ll miss my email, simply contact me HERE today and let me know you want to get transferred ASAP). This one, too, shall be messy.
  5. We are no longer offering the Master Gutsy Resource Spreadsheet for free. Why? Because I have spent hundreds, perhaps even a thousand, of hours working on this master resource. It’s been over a decade in the making, and it offers incredible value. I have been hard at work, behind the scenes these last few weeks updating it and adding even more! That said, you can still get it for whatever price you want to pay HERE.
  6. There is an all-in-one shop for my books, instant downloadable PDF’s, and working with me 1-on-1.
  7. Even my podcast episodes can now be found in one place with the added capability of searching for what you want to learn about (again, same platform as the courses!).
  8. The newsletters have also gotten an upgrade, and I have moved them away from my old platform to this new one (where the courses are). Honestly? This one is likely to be my biggest pain point because I’m simply going to delete years of work through the old email provide and just start fresh! If you want to receive this information, you can subscribe to the one that fits your needs:

I just wanted to say thank you! Your emails have really helped me out this year and I may be finally getting to the root cause of so many of my health issues. After receiving one of your emails earlier this year, I was tested for SIBO again and diagnosed for the third time. I believe this was in March. And I purchased your Gut Healing: Elevated Program (which I am still working to fully complete it).

I just really want to truly thank you for all the work you do. It is greatly appreciated and I sincerely enjoy reading your emails – and your journal is so helpful as well! 

Sorry this is long, but I really want you to know your work is meaningful and I greatly appreciate you!

Rosanna B.

Kickoff to 2025

While this is all going to feel very messy for awhile, probably mostly for me, I still want to celebrate the shift.

And I want to celebrate the IDEA that LESS can be MORE.

Giving where I’m valued. Providing where it counts.

Thank You

Some of you reading this have been here since my beginning days – 2012 (yes, that long!).

And some of you are brand new.

But it doesn’t matter.

I owe all of you a thank you.

I KNOW how frustrating the journey can be. And I realize that sometimes it all becomes far too overwhelming.

These steps I’m taking to clean everything up is so that A Gutsy Girl remains a place for clarity – not confusion.

Shall we go back to some simpler methods?

What will happen when A Gutsy Girl offers less noise for you on your journey?

How can stepping inside a few action-oriented places and spaces elevate your own journey?

Let’s find out. ᯓᡣ𐭩



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