People are always wondering how to clean your stomach and intestines naturally.
And let me tell you, the unspoken real question is,
How can I do a fancy detox of sorts to achieve clear, pure, and perfect digestive health?
Spoiler alert: There isn’t such a thing. You can’t do a detox, take a pill, or use an intestinal vacuum cleaner to have your digestive tract go from filled to the brim to perfectly clear.
I know, we all want to see this…..

But that’s just not how it’s ever going to look.
So let’s dig deeper and chat about some of these ideas and theories around cleaning the stomach and intestines naturally.
How to Clean Your Stomach and Intestines Naturally
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What really is colon cleansing?
Technically, every bowel movement you have is a colon “cleanse”.
The colon is a cleansing organ.
It cleanses your body of all the waste it can’t digest or absorb.
After the nutrients from food are absorbed in the small intestine, what’s left of consumed food is fed to the microbiome of bacteria in the colon and concentrated by the removal of water and electrolytes into compact stool for elimination.
This process is quite literally the cleansing of solid waste from the body.
According to a gastroenterologist, the term “colon cleanse” might be associated with colonoscopy prep. Preparation for a colonoscopy moves any stool out of the colon typically through the use of laxatives.
I can attest to the what the gastroenterologist stated because, believe me, if you’ve never had a colonoscopy, all waste products must filter through prior to the procedure.
In fact, a clean colon is required. And it’s zero fun!
More mainstream understandings of colon cleansers involve enemas, juice cleanses, detox teas, fasting, and a plethora of other suggestions you’re likely to find on the cover of a women’s health magazine.
Let’s break down a few of these cleanses into what they actually do, and more importantly… what they don’t do.
p.s. Make note, and this is HUGE…..if you are not having regular bowel movements then your risk of colon cancer is higher. You don’t have to be a fan of some fancy colon detox to understand this simple fact that we NEED to be clearing through the colon on a daily basis.
I no longer write about this topic from a theoretical standpoint, but from a place of desperation to help people understand that Colon Cancer is real.
Coffee Enema
A coffee enema is when a tube inserted into the rectum is used to flush a mixture of caffeinated coffee and water through the colon.
There is no scientific evidence that a coffee enema offers benefits for those brave enough to try.
However, many people do report successfully using coffee enemas for constipation.
One study found that coffee enemas could potentially be used as an alternative way to prep for colonoscopies without a traditional prep solution. (source)
All things considered, I much prefer my coffee from a mug.
Enema Stories
By the way, while I have never done a coffee enema, I feel like I lived off enemas in my early days of illness.
While this isn’t a pleasant story, it’s reality.
I used a basic, over-the-counter, enema. These enemas come in a box, complete with the bottle to squeeze up your bum.
I’d guess that 95% of enema stories go like this (because I know from experience):
- Can’t go to the bathroom; constipation at its finest.
- Purchase enema kit because it will be the magic cure.
- Get enema kit home while stomach is bloated and miserable.
- Place enema in the bum.
- Lay on the bathroom floor in pain and agony while it brews; almost immediately you have to go to the bathroom so badly.
- But you can’t go until “time is up.” You are remembering: must. clear. this. all. out.
- Time is up, and you can go to the bathroom.
- Explosive diarrhea comes next.
- For a moment in time, you feel relief.
But guess what?!
Without any change(s) and/or understanding why the constipation was there to begin with, you will, without-a-doubt be back on that bathroom floor in no time and on a regular basis.
That the real and raw true story.
Benefits of a Juice Cleanse
On a juice cleanse, you’re typically only drinking juices or smoothies for anywhere between 3 days to a week.
With juice cleanses, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly why they are beneficial.
Their effects could be contributed to juice’s high concentration of nutrients (namely vitamin C), the break in digestion your system is given, or being in a fasted state (i.e. empty stomach) for an extended period of time.
One study found that after an 8-day juice cleanse, participants had an increase in phascolarctobacterim, a bacteria at “very high levels, is protective against inflammatory issues like inflammatory bowel disease.”
While the research on juice cleanses is still developing, there is solid research on the benefits of fiber in the gastrointestinal tract.
In fact, HERE is an entire podcast episode with Dr. B, author of Fiber Fueled, on fiber.
Fiber is like a rough sponge moving through the colon.
It absorbs and removes build-up in the intestines.
However, and this is very important: Most of the fiber has been completely removed in juices.
Read about the differences between smoothies and juices HERE.
So, before jumping into days of a juice cleanse, an effective way towards a natural colon cleanse might just be trying to increase your overall daily fiber.
Detox Teas
Most “detox teas” and herbal teas contain diuretic herbs that make you lose water weight, feel slimmer, and possibly even contribute to short-term weight loss (at least until you naturally gain the water weight back).
These teas may help with elimination initially, but if you’re not properly hydrating, then the dehydration they could cause may increase constipation in the long run.
True detox teas contain laxative herbs that contain compounds to support detoxification pathways in the body.
Some ingredients to look for are dandelion root, turmeric, hibiscus, echinacea, milk thistle, and licorice.
Note: While it’s not a “detox tea,” the Matula Tea has been proven to provide results for those with H. Pylori. In fact, I have an entire post on, “What is Matula Tea” HERE.
Colon Broom
ColonBroom is a product you may have seen pop up in your feeds and/or Internet searches around, “how to relieve constipation.”
They claim:
Brings happiness to the gut of 13,000+ users
I have never tried the product, but would love to do a full review on it, if you’re interested?
Click HERE for more information on them.
Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon hydrotherapy is similar to a coffee enema, except it uses water.
It’s also similar in that fact that there is no scientific research on its efficacy.
Both hydrotherapy and coffee enemas can be risky in potentially causing tears in the colon, infection if not done with proper sanitation, and can cause electrolyte imbalances. (source)
Want more colonics information? You’ll find more information on them and their popularity via Colonics and Colon Hydrotherapy Safety.
Colon Cleanse at Home
Your digestive system is smart, and while there are health benefits to keeping it in prime shape you will never – and I repeat: You will never have intestines that are fully clear, forever, no matter what.
It’s not possible because even the air we breathe 24/7 can add to the “junk” in the intestinal trunk!
The best way to detox the gut and aim for better digestion is to support your body’s natural detoxification pathways as often as possible, preferably on a daily basis.
Here’s a toolbox of truly natural ways (meaning they support processes and pathways in the body rather than introducing new ones as enemas do) and the best things for cleanse the colon.
6 Ways to Naturally Cleanse the Colon

- Eat More Fiber Take advantage of fiber’s rough sponge abilities, eating more fiber-rich foods. HERE is more on the difference between Soluble and Insoluble Fiber and creating good bacteria through a healthy diet.
- Support Detoxification with Antioxidants Eat more colorful foods, fresh fruits, dark chocolate, and aim to get at least 2-3 servings of a cruciferous vegetable in your diet every day. A healthy colon thrives off good, “clean” eats and fewer harmful substances.
- Move and Sweat Daily Physical activity is a natural way for detoxification.
- Increase Your Intestinal Motility: Motility is the intestines’ natural way of moving to clean themselves and move food through them. A healthy gut requires that food is not moving too slow (or too fast!). Read more HERE for 12 ways to increase motility.
- Stay Hydrated: There is a reason I carry around my 32-oz Stanley everywhere I go these days; to get enough water in daily. We constantly overlook proper hydration through plenty of water for any and every problem and illness. Bonus Tip: Constipation Lemonade for the win, complete with lemon juice many (including me) swear by.
- Limit Processed Foods One of the very best ways (and FREE!) to optimal colon health is by simply limiting processed foods. Processed foods can contribute to irregular bowel movements and general poor overall health.
And if you need help + hand-holding to get started on your gut healing journey, your best option is to join Gut Healing: ELEVATED.
If you want to change your life you have to start somewhere.
Do you have any experiences with any of the above? Let’s chat in the comments!
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- Gut Health Test {free and paid}
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