I am easily annoyed. There, I said it. But we must learn to eliminate annoyances.
If something’s driving you crazy, deal with it. Noticing and resolving daily annoyances, messes and downers helps free up energy and increases your pleasure in living.
Eliminate Annoyances
The quote above for day 77 of 101 days of blogging is better advice and thoughts than I will ever be able to give you.
Because again, I am easily annoyed. <- The only person to ever really truly feel these effects would be Ryan. (Sorry, Ry!)
So let’s talk about something that definitely does not annoy me: the weekly release!
This past week was bizarre, awful, beautiful and everything in between.
Awful? Maybe not awful, but you’ll hear more about that tomorrow for Motivation Monday!
Yesterday was the first day of fall.
It reminded me of the 100% real mini-pumpkin picture I got while in Minnesota, staying at my parents.
Real = yes, there is dirt on them.

And speaking of fall and Minnesota, I got my new fall hair color.
I have gone to the same person in my small hometown since I can remember. I don’t think I’ll ever switch.
Ladies, I know you understand this phenomenon….when you find an amazing stylist, you’ll stick with her/him forever.
That’s just how it is.

Food, drinks, cooking and baking fun….
Today I cooked and baked all day long.
I am in my element in the kitchen.
My mother cannot believe it. My husband is grateful!
I wish I could go to a culinary school to take this up to a whole new level.
I wonder if there are any holistic ones? Do you know?
I will also put the Ginger-Chocolate Gluten-Free Crumble Cake (shown below) in the weekly Rated-G newsletter.
By the way, the picture of the book (far right, top row) is a book about making drinks at home.
My brother is a bachelor who just bought a house. This was his only cookbook. I laughed. But man….I LOVE him like none other!

While in Minnesota, I spent time rolling on the Lacrosse ball.
As soon as I returned home to California, the gym was back on. In full effect.

I spent some time at Barnes and Noble yesterday, and I chose the first #Gutsy Virtual Digestive Book Club book.
Beginning October 1, 2012, we will dive into No Guts, No Glory by Steven Lamm, M.D. (<– yes, I realize that was not on the list, but when I saw this one, I thought it would be a great one to kick off with.)
There were 2 tweets that made my week….

Tosca Reno: Eat Clean Diet

And finally, I came to the realization this past week, upon re-launching this site, that something was just not right with the “homepage.”
I absolutely adore this new Minimum theme and everything about it.
But what I can’t stand is ME.

There is nothing wrong with my picture.
But what’s wrong with the whole thing is that currently it looks like the SKH show.
IF you know me really well, you know that my blog and personality is so far from that.
A Gutsy Girl is for YOU. It is for MY CLIENTS. It is for all women and all dress sizes.
This visual is changing. I have an idea, and I’m hoping I can implement it this week! Stay tuned….
Question: Ever thought about doing your OWN weekly release?! It’s so great to reflect on the awesome, and even the not-so-awesome. Link up below if you want to join!
And for now?! Back to cooking. I’m making a Wild Rice and Pomegranate dinner tonight. I’ve been excited all day!
🤰 bloating be gone! weight loss through optimal gut health for women
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🫶🏻 founder gutbyome.com
Love your new hair! Sometimes a change up like that is all you need to tackle something new! (:
Hey Danielle! Thank you so much….enjoy your upcoming week!
Love your hair! So pretty 🙂 That’s super cool that Tosca tweeted you!
Thanks, Brittany! I was so excited she tried my recipe:)