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Tomorrow I turn 35 which means that 1,095 days have already gone by since I had this idea to do 105 in 1,095 days. Before moving forward, I thought it would be fun to do a 105 in 1,095 review.

105 in 1,095 Review

105 Things in 1,095 Days - My 33rd Birthday Update Balloons 105 in 1,095 review

In case you’re new around here, on my 32nd birthday, I created a list of 105 things I wanted to do by the time I was 35 (3 years or 1,095 days).

The full list can be found HERE.

Yesterday I updated it.

Did I complete all 105? Not even close.

But was I shocked by how many things I did do? Yes. Absolutely yes, especially some of the big things.

Here are my top 7 things I crossed off from the list:

  1. Number 3: Finalize Samarah’s adoption (It’s crazy to think that just three years ago she wasn’t even adopted yet.) 
  2. 7: Adopt baby/child #2 (Isaiah)
  3. Number 14: Begin writing a book (That would be Gravel Roads)
  4. 33: Get baptized (again) 
  5. 59. Be in our forever home (or have a plan for it) (We are not in it, but the plans are set to move in this upcoming fall or early winter, 2018!)
  6. 74: Make a vision board 
  7. Number 4 from the bonus list: Samarah’s Gotcha Day video (we made not one, but 3 of them!)

And these are the top 9 things I wish I could have crossed off from that list:

  1. Number 4: Go to Vietnam
  2. 11: Do 7 unassisted pull-ups (that said, I guess I didn’t even try)
  3. Number 27: Read the Bible (ugh)
  4. 38: Take an official food photography class (nope, still haven’t done this….a couple random ones online, but nothing in-person)
  5. Number 58: See Miranda Lambert in concert  
  6. 67: Go on a mission trip
  7. Number 77: Begin concept and implementation of: “You Got Smoothied” or “You Got Real Food-ed” (surprising people with random drops of goodies, real food style vs. the standard chemical, additive and preservative-laden junk) (this one wouldn’t have been hard, I just forgot about it)
  8. 87: Write The Gutsy Girl’s Bible: an approach to healing the gut, 3.0 (It’s ALMOST done, and will release during my 35th year!)
  9. Number 89: Have my Social Media Content class become an online program in addition to an ongoing on-campus class (However, I eventually want to put the content together in an e-book for anyone to consume since I spent like a hundred hours building it out!)


The most unexpected thing that was not on the list was to finalize baby #3’s adoption.

When I created that list, all I wrote was, “(begin the process of) adopting baby/child #3.” 

Meet Amiya Kaylee Hoffman signing papers SKH judge hand

It still seems unreal to me that during the past 1,095 days we finalized 3 adoptions! 

I am so glad I made the 105 in 1,095 list because I would return to it from time-to-time to see what I had accomplished, and to be reminded of things I wanted to cross off next. 

What I learned, looking back, is twofold:

  1. 105 things, whether they are small or not-so-small, are hard to accomplish in 1,095 days. When I made the list, I thought (for most of them anyway) “Easy peasy squeezy. I have three whole years to get these done.” But three years goes by in the blink of an eye, and even though it seems like such a long time, in order to accomplish 105 specific things, you’d have to be very planned and intentional almost daily.
  2. The best things cannot be planned out. They totally just happen, sometimes (usually) when least expected. But that said….

My new list is almost complete, and I’m going to share it with you tomorrow for my birthday!


Previous 101-Day Change Series Posts

  1. Beginnings are Scary
  2. Change Pain Point
  3. Making Sense of Change
  4. Gratitude Journal
  5. Love Your Baby Girl
  6. Little Things Add Up
  7. House and Home
  8. Sunday Reflections
  9. Two
  10. Chocolate Shake
  11. 3-Ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Shake
  12. Chaos is a Temporary State
  13. Thirsty Thursday
  14. Month One
  15. The Nudge to Connect
  16. 11 Favorites from 11 Years in California
  17. One Box at a Time
  18. Good Enough is Enough
  19. There is No Dishwasher
  20. WWDW Number 8
  21. Move Initiated
  22. Sharing My Journey
  23. Back with the Tribe
  24. Small Town Grocery Shopping Part One
  25. January 2018 Catch Up Over Bone Broth
  26. Patsy Clairmont is My Spirit Animal
  27. Let There Be Light
  28. Forgot About Rae
  29. Smiles
  30. Coconut Oil Makeup Remover How To
  31. 9 Ways to Embrace Winter
  32. Escaping People
  33. Coming Home

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