This bloat free meal plan works!
And I know because I used to be miserably bloated + I’ve helped thousands of women reduce their bloating.
What is Bloating?
A bloat-free meal plan is simply a meal plan that helps reduce your bloating.
So maybe the better question to start with is, “What is bloating?”
There are many different ways people might describe digestive issues as they relate to the bloat they feel.
Here are some common symptoms of digestive system bloating:
- belly feels a level of tightness (gas production overload)
- constant “full” feeling
- cramping that might accompany the tightness and fullness
- inability to get comfortable in your own clothes
- pressure and build-up of gas feeling like “gremlins pushing your stomach outwards”
- rumbling stomach or gurgling noises
- “pregnant” feeling and swelling
- severe abdominal pain through gut distention

And these belly bloat symptoms are not just your body’s way of saying something is off, but they affect quality of life.
If you’ve ever experienced any of the above, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.
But I’m not here to tell you how you feel – IBS sufferers already know. You feel it on a daily basis.
What Causes Bloating?
In order to figure out the right bloating meal plan for you, you’ll need to identify why you’re experiencing the unwanted bloat to begin with.
Here are 18 (Common) Causes of Bloating:
- Overgrowths, Infections and Gut Bacteria Imbalances / Dysbiosis – Like SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and/or anything that might fall under irritable bowel syndrome
- Overeating and Eating Too Quickly – Consuming large meals and/or consuming them too quickly
- No Rest and Digest – Not letting large (or even small) meals digest (hint: you need at a minimum 90 minutes in between feedings)
- Carbonated Drinks – Soda, sparkling water, and beer
- Workouts – Too much (aka too high of intensity for you) physical activity and/or for too long (Note: inactivity can also cause bloating because it slows motility)
- High-Fiber Foods – Beans, lentils, broccoli, cabbage, onions, and Brussels sprouts (Note: this is typically if you are dealing with #1: overgrowths, infections, and gut imbalances)
- Dairy – Lactose intolerance to milk, cheese, or yogurt
- Artificial Sweeteners – Sorbitol, mannitol, or xylitol and other sugar alcohols in sugar-free products
- Fatty Foods – Fried foods, heavy cream, or rich sauces
- FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols) – Fermentable carbs found in apples, pears, garlic, wheat, etc. (Note: again, common with #1)
- Legumes – Beans, peas, and chickpeas due to indigestible sugars
- Processed Foods – High sodium content causing water retention and/or ingredients that your body is unable to break down
- Chewing Gum – Excess air swallowed increases bloating
- Alcohol – Especially beer and sugary cocktails
- Gluten – If you have a gluten sensitivity or have been diagnosed with Celiac disease
- Stress – Too much stress in your day-to-day life, unresolved
- Not Enough Water – Inadequate intake of pure water
- Hormonal Imbalances – This could everything from PCOS to menopause, and even the natural hormonal fluctuations during the monthly cycle
Note: on the food front from above, THIS digestive enzyme will work wonders in supporting your bloat-free meal plan!

Also remember that constipation and bloating are not the same, though they can occur simultaneously.
If you are constipated, then these trapped stools can lead to bloating. Like a vicious cycle.
What is a Bloat Free Meal Plan?
Click HERE to save the bloat free meal plan for later.
Now, because that list (above) is so huge (literally, 18 and counting — and you can see why almost everyone experiences bloating from time-to-time), there isn’t ONE SINGLE BLOAT FREE MEAL PLAN that works for 100% of people, 100% of the time.
Do NOT believe anyone out there that tells you otherwise.
For example, let’s say you have been diagnosed with SIBO, but Sally simply bloats the week before her period.
Those two meal plans would look different, at least to a degree.
But even still, I want to share a generalized bloat free meal plan plus offer steps for arriving there to help you get started today.

The good news is that when you start with this step, you will better understand the rest.
So you’re going to go back up to the list of 18 common causes of bloating, and see if you can identify which one(s) pertain to you.
Some of them might be very clear, while others you might not know.
If you can keep a food diary like the gut healing journaling SYSTEM I have created (specifically for this), you will have a far better chance of getting rid of the bloating and on to the root causes ASAP.
Mark my word.
Our food journal is like nothing else on the market.
One of the most effective ways to get rid of bloating ASAP is to do a 3-day reset.
This does not mean you can’t and won’t eat. In fact, doing that will only hurt you in the long run.
What it means is that you will FEEL better, and you will also come to know your body better.
Besides, I offer this for FREE. And in my 3-day reset you will receive, complimentary, the “Yes To” + “No To” PDF’s from A Gutsy Girl’s Bible: a 21-day approach to healing the gut.
With the above information and knowledge specifically for you, you’ll be able to devise the best bloat free meal plan.
Here are some common ingredients that almost anyone can include on a meal plan for less bloat in the digestive tract:
- lean proteins (chicken breast, turkey, fish)
- lemon juice
- coconut milk
- chamomile tea and other herbal teas
- healthy fats
- strategic leafy greens like: arugula, collard greens, kale, spring mix, swiss chard
- herbs and spices like black pepper, ginger, thyme, rosemary, and oregano
- low-FODMAP foods like: quinoa, kiwi, green beans, chia seeds, canned chickpeas, brown rice, flaxseeds, polenta, carrots, oranges
And of course, plenty of water.
What you might want to know that could help you even more than the above several items is this >>>
Okay, but what foods should I AVOID when I’m super bloated?
Here are the ones I personally avoided and you might want to as well:
- Dairy products, including greek yogurt
- Anything with more than 5 ingredients
- Cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy)
- Gluten and gluten-containing products (like a cup of oats, bread, pasta, etc.)
- Corn and corn products
- Eggs
- Most legumes and beans (sometimes, when they are canned legumes and lentils, they can be okay – see above)
- All alcohol, packaged juices, energy drinks, and sodas
- Foods containing molds (you’ll have this list via the ‘No To’ list if you joined the 3-day reset from above)
- Nightshades (again, this list is in the 3-day reset)
- Soy products (p.s. stop eating the plant-based, soy-alternative products!)
- Sugar
*** Many people ask me about sweet potatoes. They are highly debatable. Most will tolerate them, but if not, then HERE are reasons why you might not be able to digest sweet potatoes.
Note: SOME OF THESE ARE TEMPORARY. Do not avoid SOME of these foods forever, just because (like the veggies, eggs, legumes, beans). They are great for the overall health of the gut microbiome and help create good bacteria in the gut.
The longer you take out entire food groups, the more likely it is that new problems with arise.
If, by taking out the foods from above (and feeling better) then adding them back in (and feeling worse again), that’s your sign to seek professional medical advice.
4 meal ideas: bloat free
1] Boosted Green Smoothie

A Gut Health Smoothie to enjoy in the morning or for an on-the-go snack.
Can’t do FODMAPs? Only use 1/8th cup of avocado and 1/3 of the banana.
2] Lemon + Dill-Broiled Salmon
Salmon is one of my favorite dinner options.
Besides, leftover grilled salmon – or baked – can be perfect for lunch the next day.

3] Baked Garlic Chicken Drummies

These are for the whole family! One batch of these won’t last long.
If you can’t have FODMAPs, then skip the garlic powder and garlic. You can substitute with another fresh herb rub like rosemary, thyme and/or oregano.
4] autoimmune Paleo Bread

21-day quick gut detox
In the 21-Day Quick Gut Detox there is a full meal plan with different foods waiting for you to help with reducing bloat, weight loss and having better bowel movements.
It is the fastest way to achieve those goals without the overwhelm.
You can let the testimonials speak for themselves!
And the BEST part of it is that, based on all the things you learned from above, you have the chance inside the course to ASK ME ANYTHING!
I will help you troubleshoot.
Happy bloat-free eating + living!
🤰 bloating be gone! weight loss through optimal gut health for women
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