How can we heal instead of just deal?
This is the question I’m asking the guest on today’s podcast episode.
It’s a question that today’s guest has lived through, and now is sharing all. Rachel Scheer came on the show for another one of those, “how I healed this” episodes you love!
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How Can We Heal Instead of Just Deal {Episode 50 with Rachel Scheer}
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- Viome Microbiome Test
- Courtney King {story of finding true health}
- Circle of Healing via Emotional Healing
- What I Really Think About Workouts and Gut Healing
- Gut Health vs Gut Healing
- SIBO vs IBS {and a SIBO Q&A with Dr. Nirala Jacobi}
- Your Guide to Emulsifiers in Food
- Top 15 Low-FODMAP High-Fiber Foods
- Minimalist Approach to Gut Healing Supplements
- Follow Rachel on Instagram HERE and HERE
- See Rachel’s website HERE
I had all this trauma that I had no idea was manifesting.
Rachel Scheer
Don’t Miss These Thoughts
- Who is Rachel Scheer?
- How did Rachel get sick and how did she know she was sick?
- “It’s important to pay attention to the fruits in our lives……but then the fruits can become rotten.” What does this mean?
- Rachel almost had her large intestine removed. She talks about that, why, and why she ended up not having it removed.
- What did Rachel’s personal healing journey look like?
- What does Rachel think are the things missing with many approaches to gut health?
- We laugh about the idea surrounding the question, “Is Walden Farms healthy?” But why?
- As Rachel has continued healing then becoming a nutritionist and helping others heal, what does she find are the most effective healing methods?
- Are there any critical tests Rachel believes people should consider?
- What is Rachel’s best piece of advice for healing vs. just dealing?
- Rachel’s 3 convictions around gut health and gut healing.
Supplements + Action?
During the episode, Rachel states,
…..too many supplements, but not enough action.
I fully echo this. And as we wrap up for today, I want to remind you that those exact sentiments are the reason why I created Gut Healing for Beginners.
The entire e-course is about action.
I’m helping to take the exact steps you need to get started. I’m not giving you a huge list of supplements to go out and buy because that’s not what is going to get you started healing.
There is so. much. more to it, and once you go through the course, you’ll see exactly what I mean. Click HERE to learn all about Gut Healing for Beginners. (Remember, you can always use PODCAST at checkout to save 20%.)
More from A Gutsy Girl
Want to learn even more about the gut and ways to heal it?
Learn all the secrets via my signature book, A Gutsy Girl’s Bible: a 21-day approach to healing the gut. Grab your copy on Amazon HERE.
- Welcome to A Gutsy Girl Podcast
- Hang out on Instagram
- BFF’s on YouTube
- Free resource: The Master Gutsy Spreadsheet
- Rated-G Email Club
Wrap Up
Time to wrap this up. As always, a huge goal for this show is to connect with even more people. Feel free to send an email to our team at We want to hear questions, comments, show ideas, etc.
Did you enjoy this episode? Please drop a comment below or leave a review on Apple Podcasts.
Rachel Scheer’s Bio
Rachel Scheer is a Functional Medicine Nutritionist who received her degree from Baylor University in Nutrition Science and Dietetics and became certified in functional medicine through the Kalish Institute.
Rachel’s journey as a nutritionist began in bodybuilding and athletic performance, however, a couple years into her practice she began to suffer from severe gastrointestinal dysfunction (IBS.)
After many false diagnoses, spending thousands of dollars on doctor visits and tests, and one doctor even suggesting the removal of her entire large intestine, Rachel decided to take her health into her own hands by taking a gut-centric approach to her healing.
By learning how to “heal, instead of just deal” Rachel was able to avoid having her entire large intestine removed, come off the dozens of medications she was put on over the years and regain full-function of her gut.
Rachel has a virtual private-practice with a team of Registered Dietitians where she now specializes in addressing the root cause of chronic health conditions like Irritable bowel syndrome, autoimmunity, and weight-loss resistance.
Rachel is passionate not just about healing and gut health, but also creating a life of abundance where she believes you truly can have it all.
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