Different types of exercise for your healing journey might be just what you need to focus on.
On today’s podcast episode, episode number 12, I’m sitting down with my good friend Bethany Davis to talk about fitness when you have a chronic illness.
This is a question I’m frequently asked,
….but can I still workout?
Today Bethany and I are going to talk more about different types of exercise while you’re on your healing journey.
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Episode 12: Different Types of Exercise {for your Healing Journey}
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Resources Mentioned
- What I Really Think About Workouts and Gut Healing
- A beginner’s workout from Bethany (no equipment needed)
- Bethany’s Instagram
- Be Fit Davis Website
- Bethany’s YouTube
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Don’t Miss These Thoughts
- My constipation hack using a Lacrosse ball
- Types of exercises to avoid with chronic illness
- The role hydration plays
- Simple workout types
- Breathing techniques and why they are so important
- “There are so many forms of exercise, find one you love.”
- To eat or not to eat before workouts
- Something Bethany thinks people get wrong in the fitness industry.
More from A Gutsy Girl
1. Welcome to A Gutsy Girl Podcast
2. Hang out on Instagram
3. BFF’s on YouTube
4. Free resource: The Master Gutsy Spreadsheet
5. Rated-G Email Club
Btw – don’t forget to grab a copy of your 90-day healing journey journal (there is also a PDF e-version you can download today HERE).
People Walking
In the episode, Bethany and I mention walking a lot.
I cannot emphasize enough how choosing a simple daily walk is incredibly healing. If you have followed along for long enough, you know that walking is pretty much the one and only thing I did while healing.
And every. single. time I tried to tell myself, “Okay, I’m all better. Time to workout hard again” before I truly was better, a relapse showed up.
Walking is so powerful on many levels that it deserves its own post.
For today, though, just walk. Choose it whenever possible. Even if you walk slowly, you’re still moving forward.
And such is the healing journey.

Wrap Up
Time to wrap this up. As always, a huge goal for this show is to connect with even more people. Feel free to send an email to our team at podcast@agutsygirl.com. We want to hear questions, comments, show ideas, etc.
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