You did read the title correctly: General Practitioner {How to Give Yours the Boot}.
Now before we dig in today, let me make this very clear.
In no way, shape or form am I saying that you need to give your general practitioner the boot. There is a lot of context in this post and behind these words, so please read through its entirety.
Own Your Own Health

At its core, this is a post for empowering you to own your own health.
We are constantly telling women to stand up for their female rights; to take charge of their private healthcare and feminine parts.
But what about standing up for our healthcare from a general standpoint? What about standing up for what happens with our guts, skin, brain, or even our feet?
Because it all matters.
Anyways, the reason I’m writing this today is because of the experiences I have had; my last thread broken recently.
To give context for this entire post, I made a video to help set the stage.
General Practitioner {How to Give Yours the Boot}
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Let’s dissect the video so that you can take what I learned and run with it for your own life, if and when applicable.
Western vs. Alternative
First, I hope I made it clear from the video that this is not Western vs. Alternative.
In fact, my IVF story that I share at the end of the video is Western vs. Western.
It boils down to one’s own security in their position, in my honest opinion.
Instead of competition, I try to play nice in the sandbox with providers who are excellent at something. They don’t have to be a jill (or jack) of all trades, and when they act as if they are is when I feel turned off.
What is a General Practitioner?
A general practitioner is a medical doctor who is trained to provide primary healthcare to patients of either sex and any age.
In other words, they are sort of the jill of all trades (see below).
They treat common conditions and do routine checkups. When needed, they can refer you to a specialized doctor.
In the past, it was common to always have a general practitioner. These days, it’s not as common to use the same general practitioner year after year. In fact, many don’t even have a general practitioner, opting to see one when (common) illness strikes only.
Time is of the essence for the general practitioner. In fact, the one I just described in the video even told me that some of her patients tell her they like going to a more alternative care setting because they get more time.
This is true, undeniable, and it comes down to money. The more the door swings open and then shuts closed, the more money is made.
Integrated Health
While I realize that the concept of Integrated Health and holistic care are still woo-woo concepts to many, I’m living proof that they are not.
In fact, I truly believe they saved my life.
Integrative medicine usually follows along some line of this statement,
Our patient-centered practice addresses the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental influences that can affect a person’s health.
Why other doctors and/or people in general want to push so hard against it is beyond me.
Signs of a Bad Doctor

In every single profession there are a few bad eggs. And, in fact, what you deem “bad” traits in a doctor someone else might not. What’s important is that you are confident that when something doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not for you.
With that said, here are some signs to watch for:
- Questions your choices
- Makes you feel anything negative (shame, doubt, insecure, etc.)
- Doesn’t listen
- Tosses out snide remarks
- Forces anything (self or product)
- Assumes something, anything, incorrectly
- Unprofessional in any way, shape or form
Furthermore, here are some pros/cons from The Beginner’s Guide to Digestive Health Testing that might also be useful here.

You Owe a Medical Provider Nothing
If you get just one thing out of this post, please let it be this:
You owe a medical provider nothing.
And I know that it’s easier said than done.
When I first started “firing” providers, I felt so much guilt. But then I came to understand:
- They are so busy, they don’t need me.
- If I’m not happy with the work of any other service provider, do I still let them stay? No. So why would I when it comes to my health?
- I can’t get better (or get what I need) if stress looms in the room each time I go in for a visit.
- They can also fire me! Yes, this actually happened to me once when we lived in California.
Even though I like to send letters letting them know why I’m not returning, you absolutely do not have to. Because again, you owe a medical provider nothing.
So, how exactly do you give your medical provider the boot?
Well, you just do. Make sure if they have medical records you need, that you get those to take with you. And make sure you have a backup plan, in case you need monthly medication(s) or anything else on an ongoing basis.
If the ducks are lined up, then just leave.
You owe it to you.
This is your health, your life.
BTW – If you need more help on this part, I have a ton more information in Week 2 of Gut Healing for Beginners. Don’t miss your chance to start changing your life today.
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I had something similar happen to me! It was the first time in my life that I really needed help and my hormones were off, I was having chronic pd, I was losing weight rapidly and didn’t know why,and I had anxiety/depression for the first time in my life. I was going to a naturopathic endocrinologist but needed to see my gp also for other tests. She was offended I was going to another doctor, especially a holistic one. She basically yelled at me in front of my mom, told me my other doctor was lying about my progesterone levels even though it was on the screen in front of her and told me I was crazy and needed medication. At the time I was going through so much that I couldn’t handle anything and I got those horrible cry’s where you can’t stop. My mom told her off but I had to flee to the car. The ironic part was I decided never to return but she actually fired me. She sent a letter saying she wouldn’t see me. I already had all this shame for being sick but I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong. In hindsight I think her ego was offended I saw another doctor. And I never felt heard by her. She wasn’t taking my problems seriously. Thank you for this video. That was 5 years ago and thankfully through holistic medicine and blogs like yours my health is 💯 and I will never allow someone to treat me that bad again. Got my power back.