Healing from Crohn’s and Colitis is the Gutsy story feature today.

I reached out to Abby because I wanted to know more about her, and then I asked if she wanted to tell her own Gutsy story here.

Meet Abby Lindblade

Let’s set the stage to start.

It’s freshman year of college and out of nowhere you get a really bad stomach bug.

Mom and Dad aren’t there to take care of you anymore so what do you do now?

Like any college student you go to the store buy some medicine and Gatorade and let it pass because it was probably just the gross cafeteria food you eat three times a day.

Or so that’s what I thought when this happened to me during my first semester in college. The only problem was that this stomach “bug” wouldn’t just pass, it would get worse.

(SKH Side Note: The EXACT same thing happened to me, my freshman year of college.)

Healing from Crohn's and Colitis agutsygirl.com

I eventually went to numerous doctors and had every test done known to man. Yet the doctors still couldn’t figure out what this “bug” was.

It was a stomach flu turned to e-coli. And finally with the results of a colonoscopy, I was diagnosed with indeterminate Crohn’s/Colitis.

I had never heard of this disease in my life and had no family history of it whatsoever. At 18 years old hearing this news was a complete shock. There were times I would break down and wonder why me?

Healing from Crohn’s and Colitis

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I became very health conscious about what I ate, and read every book I could about naturally healing.

Unfortunately, I was not conscious enough and college life got the best of me again. Soon I was having feelings of this “bug” again.

Fall break came, and I was now in a full blown flare up. I was in so much pain that I spent Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) curled up on the couch all day long.

My parents took care of me throughout the holidays but it finally came to a point they no longer knew what to do. They drove me to the hospital where I spent two weeks recovering.

I was reluctantly put on Humira after the hospital trip. Since then I have been adamant about finding what works with my body to heal naturally, and that’s when I ran into A Gutsy Girl’s blog online.

Finding this was like an answer to prayer because it was exactly what I had been searching for.

The 21 Days

Sarah’s blog and the Gutsy Girl’s Bible opened my eyes to so much information about living a healthy lifestyle with Crohn’s/Colitis.

At first I intended to follow the 21 day gut healing just so I could have a good colonoscopy result (which I did!). But now I plan to follow this lifestyle of naturally healing my gut so I can find what works best for me and my body.

I am currently adding back in foods. And I can now eat one of my favorite foods, the egg, with no problems!

This disease is not a weakness but a strength that can be used as an inspiration.  

Sarah is truly a “Gutsy Girl.” I hope to inspire others one day just as much as she has by healing myself with good food and strong faith.

Healing from Crohn's and Colitis agutsygirl.com

p.s. Ready to tell your own story? Contact me!


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  1. This makes my day!! Thanks so much Sarah. You have shown me that having this disease doesn’t mean it’s the end of a normal life but the beginning of a new journey with endless possibilities.

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